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In men it usually applies to the head, in women it is also sometimes applied to the chest.

Example: Chris tried to buy a hat but the shop had nothing to fit his melonious cranium.

@melonology:= The study of melons and people named Mel.

Example: I study melonology at Yale. I got my degree in cantaloupe and minored in Mel Gibson.

@melt:= A person who clothing style mixes and matches. Usually dressed in thrift clothing.

Example: That girl in the Coke delivery shirt and jeans is a melt.

@meltdown:= When the boiling point of your anger is reached, or when you are frazzled and ready to explode.

Example: Lady Lorex had a meltdown when she discovered that Rick, the gardener,

had cut down her favourite rose bush.

@member of the moronic temple:= Used to tell or ask if person is stupid.

Example: You got hit by a car? You must be a member of the moronic temple.

@memberfication:= I.D.- from my three year old son Jack

Example: Excuse me m'am, but I need to see your memberfication.

@membratastic:= An out of the ordinary mambrane, or a membrane that excels.

Example: Ordinarily I wouldn't trust it. But this membrane is membratastic

@meme pool:= A large collection of ideas, or link to ideas (memes) in one big storage space.

Example: Whoever came up with that Wazzup? saying really shouldn't have released it into the memepool. It's spread like crazy.

@meme:= Shortened form of mimeme, derived from gene.

An idea or concept that resides and travels to and from various people's brains.

Can be used to describe an idea or information as if parasitic.

Word obtained from Richard Dawkin's The Selfish Gene.

Example: 1. The God meme is a very widespread meme which resides in the consciousness of many people.

2. Computers and writing media can be used as large meme repositories, and can aid the spread and reproduction of memes.

@memetics:= The study of backgounds, history, vocabulary, ideas, memes. Memeticly (adv). Memtic (adj).

Example: You are just like him, I swear, you must be memetically identical.

OR If I had a better understanding of his memetic code, I could tell you why he likes that.

@memnull:= Zero memory; stupid, moron, idiot.

Example: He's always making stupid mistakes because he's a memnull.

@memory illusion:= Used in two senses:

1. Those all-too-frequent moments when you can't remember whether you did something or

just thought about doing it;

2. those other all-too-frequent and embarrassing moments when you have absolutely

clear and vivid memories of events or conversations that never happened at all.

Example: Mark Twain's famous statement

I remember everything whether it happened or not

tells us that he understood the important role memory illusions play in everyday life.

@menapuke:= I'm gonna puke. Said if there's not enough time to say anything else.

Example: Bryon: Lauryn, you look kinda sick. Are you ok?

Lauryn: Menapuke!

@Mendydo:= A person who is highly productive and makes the workplace fun.

Example: Why can't Joseph be more like Mendydo?

@Menglish:= A language spoken solely with the intent of communicating between two people--characterized by no

regard to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, or other bothersome rules. See Manglophone.

Example: If U ken compredays this then U already no what Menglish iz.

@meninano:= To not know what is going on around you.

Example: Are we going to the mall today?...Meninano, are we?

@MENSA candidate:= Sarcasm-laced term used to describe someone who would never in a million years

be considered for membership by MENSA (the high I.Q. society).

Always delivered with heavy sarcasm and contempt.

Example: What? You thought that playing catch with a steak knife would be a good idea?

You got a punctured lung, did you? Yeah, you're definitely a MENSA candidate.

@mental goalie:= The part of your brain that keeps you from saying out loud the evil or stupid

thoughts that are sometimes your first response to questions or situations.

Example: Thank God for my mental goalie. Otherwise, when she told me she was pregnant, I'd have blurted out,

Oh, who's the father?

@mental laxative:= the inability to keep your thoughts (mainly negative) in your head, having no couth

Example: When he told his girlfriend she looked fat in her dress, he was suffering from mental laxative

@mental lounger:= One who is too lazy to think through an issue.

Example: His opinion comes from a brain lying in a mental lounger mode for too long.

@mentalpause:= The mid-life tendency to have one's thoughts temporarily clouded or one's information

recall blocked in mid-sentence. Akin to a senior moment.

Example: Uncle Eric was recounting the highlights of a trip into the Amazon Jungle when he hesitated for a moment, searching for an important detail. Then, as the mentalpause slowly lifted, he astounded us with the conclusion of his exciting adventure.

@mentaltude:= An attitude shared by the general public that is almost wholly

the result of media-generated propaganda, with no basis in reality.

Example: Over time, we have adopted a mentaltude in regards to tolerance of or sympathy for perversion.

@mentattitude:= Someone who does not have the right mental attitude about something

Example: James did not have the right mentattitude when he went for his tax audit.

@mentee:= person instructed by a mentor

Example: The teacher looked at the faces of his mentees.

@menthaesthesia:= Loss of feeling in scalp, due to overindulgence in mint shampoo.

Example: Yerks! That's not cool and refreshing. That's cranial menthaesthesia.

@mentifex:= Mindmaker. From the Latin, mens, mentis (mind) and facere (to make).

Example: The programmer was working on a mentifex-class artificial intelligence.

@meowleluia chorus:= A game in which you sing the word meow to classical or religious tunes, solo or in groups.

Example: The meowleluia chorus began when we sang meows to Amazing Grace

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006