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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I used to see those Naders with the bumper stickers upside down...

so you could read them when they flipped over!

B: We redesigned the C5 Corvette extensively. We didn't want to make it a Nader.

@Nader:= a fat turkey or farm animal looking person.


@Nadgered:= To be tired, knackered. (Especially used in rural parts of Southern England)

Example: I've had a hard day at work and I'm totally nadgered.

@Nadmit:= No admittance.

Example: I'd go to the movie, but it's nadmit for people under 18.

@naff:= (adj) Lame, stupid, dumb, idiotic.

Example: What was he thinking? That was a naff thing to do!

@nail:= Cigarette--short version of coffin nail--slang from the '20s to '40s and later.

Example: Can I bum a nail from you? I'll go buy us a pack in a little bit.

@nail:= Hairstyle featuring an abrupt transition from longish hair on top to much shorter hair on the sides.

Example: See that kid over there? The one with the blue t-shirt and the nail?

@nake:= Wearing almost no clothing, to be sparsely clothed.

Example: Luckily my girlfriend and I were only nake when my mom walked in.

@naked:= To be embarrassed. [ED. John must have noticed how much how embarrassed looks like bare-assed.

Example: I spilled my drink on the floor in front my friends and felt pretty naked.

@nakieisha:= A queen.

Example: The nakeisha is on her way to the dance.

@Name TV:= Internet domain name that is either really great or really stupid.

Example: You own pseudodictionary.com? NameTV, baby, NameTV.

@namedrop:= v. - To casually mention the name of a high status person within a conversation, in order to gain the respect of the listener. (also namedropping, or n. - namedropper)

Example: I feel so intimidated at these Hollywood parties! Everyone I meet is namedropping all over the place!

@nameen:= short for you know what i mean?

Example: When I say jump, you say how high. nameen?

@Namestorm:= To brainstorm names for a company or product.


Example: Ok, we're going to have a serious namestorm right now.

[see wildfire]

@Namethattuneism:= Remembering a few key lines of a song, but not enough to determine the title or describe the song to anyone else

Example: Lionel: argh, if i could only remember that song

Jenny: what song?

Lionel: it goes something like: i can't see me loving nobod but you.. do do dee doo...

Jenny: sorry, no idea, sounds like a bad case of Namethattuneism

@nanatechnology:= the effect of design completion by banana gas - usually manifested as ripening, but in this case applied to slightly broken things kept in a drawer for months in the hope that they will work again when you take them out next year sometime. Batteries and floppy disks are examples of things you'd put in a drawer instead of throwing away when they don't work.

Example: *** note - this is cut 'n' pasted from my 'Healing Drawers' submission to halfbakery. jutta suggested I stick it here for posteriority. ***

Most of us who are into technology in the slightest have probably gone down the road of pretending this idea is baked.

Most of us have put broken items, flat batteries, non-working floppy discs etc. into a certain drawer we have. Where, along with all the other mixed up items, coaxial ethernet cards, pocket lasers that never get used, business cards, ancient CD-Roms and whatever else, miraculously the battery emerges many months later with a few minutes of life / the floppy is readable for long enough to rescue.

Goodness knows how this actually works - scientists currently think that it works by a kind of encoding based around the order and constituency of socks that have passed through the vortex, powered by a sort of cold fusion dissemination, using ball point pens as fuel. Or something.

Well, why not have an actual drawer with actual analytical powers, and hopefully the next step - resurrection powers. This could be achieved using nanatechnology. This is a form of technology that uses banana gas, to form catalytic actions based on the eventual outcome of the planned pattern of progress and design in an item.

Usually, this manifests itself in ripening - here, in our healing drawer however, it results in things 'getting better' in such a way that we all magically hope it would in any ordinary passive drawer.

That it does in ordinary drawers, to some extent, could be explained by the likelihood that you, or someone in your street, has had some bananas around at some point during the object's hibernation in your drawer.

@nancy neuter:= Uptight, prissy person.

Not willing to try anything new.

Example: To someone who is afraid to do something, eat something, or see something new,

you say, Don't be such a nancy neuter.

@Nanologicaltancature:= A language consisting of short, small words.

Example: James spoke in nanologicaltancature to the kids.

@nanotized:= An extreme reduction in the physical size of an object.

Example: Over the years the transistor has been nanotized.

@nape:= From Vietnam War GIs. To napalm, to use napalm, to completely obliterate something or someone. A shutout or totally wasting your opponents in a death match.

Example: The Padres lost 27-0. They got naped.

@naplash:= The violent muscle contraction that often occurs as you transition between sleep and wakefulness. Applicable to all such tics and twitches, but especially to jerks of the head after nodding off in a car or plane.

Example: I enjoy watching other people on planes suffer from naplash.

@Napnesia:= A feeling of profound disorientation after awakening from a daytime nap.

Example: After I woke up, my napnesia was so bad I couldn't remember the day of the week or if it was morning or afternoon.

@napster guilt:= buying a cd that you already have in MP3 format already because you feel like a chump for ripping off musicians

Example: I have napster-guilt so I bought the new Radiohead album anyway.

@napster snob:= One who sets Maximum simultaneous outbound transfers per user in Napster to zero, thereby not allowing anybody to download his MP3s.

Example: Jim has some great MP3s on his hard drive. Lotta good it does anyone else--he's napster snob.

@napster:= (v) 1. To abruptly cut off a song just before the end. 2. To interrupt

Example: 1. It's a song, but it's napsterred at the last second. 2. Don't napster me! I have something important to say.

@Napsterbation:= Spending hours downloading songs you don't even like, because you can

Example: In 3 hours of napsterbation, I got the complete works of the Partridge Family

@napsturbation:= Using Napster when offline, to avoid sharing files

Example: Bob wasn't online according to my hotlist, so I assumed he was napsturbating.

@napule:= A brief nap, usually in the afternoon, often including a dog or two and your sweetheart. Also, during the week when one should be working.

Example: Wanna take a napule? I need a napule. That was the best napule in a long time.

@napulous:= (adj.) Feeling like one could take a nap.

Example: Listening to a boring lecture after eating a heavy lunch left him feeling particularly napulous.

@narapoia:= That uneasy feeling that you are unintentionally following someone.

Example: I drove my usual route home and there was a car in front of me the whole way.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006