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2) If the snow is too soft on the snowman, pank it down some more to make it harder.

@panoramarse:= All-encompassingly crap.

Example: You are the most panoramarse person I know. Stay away from me.

@Panpapaphobocracy:= Worldwide rule through fear of the Pope.

Example: Maybe what we need to get world back on track is a panpapaphobocracy.

@pantabulous:= Having Pantene-fabulous hair, very glossy and shiny.

Example: That girl's hair is so pantabulous I can't tell it's a weave.

@pantload:= (noun) disparaging term for a person because they are being un-fun/rude/stupid/unpleasant.

Example: Let's go, he's being a real pantload.

@pants:= Derived from the term pull your pants up which is in turn derived from the Aussie use of arse to mean

pure luck.

Example: So this guy trips over but his racket hit the ball anyway and it went over the net in his favour.

I just looked at the tosser and yelled pants.

@pants:= friends, homies

Example: Hey, my pants, how are you?

@pants:= load of old rubbish, horrible, crap, useless

Example: eg. that website is a pile of pants eg. the weather is completely pants today

@pants:= To do useless or pointless stuff, to kill time.

Example: A: What're you doing tonight? B: Oh nothing, just pantsing around. Why, got a plan?

@pants:= To pull down someone else's pants as a joke or method of humiliating them.

Example: I was just standing there and all of a sudden Steve pantsed me and everyone got a good look.

@panzey:= A singing effect where a note is whined.

Example: The opera singer had an interesting panzey

@paper bag princess:= What you are forced to be if you have no clean clothes left. Taken from the Robert Munsch children's book of the same name.

Example: If I don't do laundry tonight I'm gonna be a paper bag princess tomorrow.

@paperwork:= to go to the bathroom.

Example: I'll be right back. I have some paperwork to take care of.

@paphib:= A wooden slide used in children's playgrounds at elementary schools on the planet Xaxium Plessiter 12

Example: Sortika was frustrated with Lujlam because he wouldn't let her use the paphib; what a shavleffer!

@pappapisshu:= From the natives of the fictional Plunder Island, loosley translated it means ouch .

Example: When you cut your hand off you should yell, Pappapisshu.

@Papster:= Meaning father, dad, etc.

Example: Oh, papster, you are the greatest father on this good, green earth.

@papyrus:= Any document produced on paper--from the reedlike material used by Egyptian scribes.

Example: Email that memo to Bob; he doesn't do papyrus.

OR seen online: Email submissions (we don't take papyrus).

@para-site:= web site that insists on wrapping its own frameset around any other sites it links to

Example: www.lionhead.co.uk

@parabelly:= The apparent pot belly usually developed by paraplegics and quadriplegics,

after a few years of wheelchair use.

Example: It's hard to look fit and trim, with this parabelly stretching my waistband.

@parackophobia:= Fear of magazine racks.

Example: The library assistant's mental health was thoroughly undermined when she developed parackophobia.

@paradoxymoron:= A figure of speech that proposes a decision with two opposite choices that contradict each other.

Example: The choice between Coke and Pepsi was an paradoxymoron.

@parageek:= The person in the office who can solve 95% of your computer problems before you have to waste time going to MIS. Parageek is to true geek as paramedic is to doctor. Or as paralegal is to lawyer.

Example: MIS would have taken weeks to upgrade our version of MS-Office. Luckily, one of the secretaries is a parageek.

@paragraphical:= Text that is comprised of long paragraphs, as opposed to bullet points or independent sentences.

Example: Because many people are lazy readers, technical writers should avoid paragraphical writeups of crucial information in favor of short one- to two-sentence blocks.

@parapapango!:= Eureka!

Example: Parapapango! I've won the lottery without even buying a ticket.

@parchezzi:= slang for being ripped off or lied to.

Example: Don't parchezzi me, mate! I know what you're up to.

@pard:= Partner.

Example: Peeking across the field, I spotted a young rebel officer and his pards.

@parenthesia:= Used to refer to the condition of an individual who has an (arguably) pathological need

to constantly explain his or her viewpoint or actions, a parenthesiast.

Example: She turned to the talkative drunk who had just creamed her car and said, Look, spare me the parenthesia

... save your excuses for the judge.

@parenthesizer:= Someone who is prone to using parentheses far too often in his or her writing, often inturrupting the main point of the sentence before its conclusion.

Example: Jeff never finishes sentences in his email...he's a parenthesizer.

@Parkay:= This verb is an invitation to take a flying leap: to be specific, to spread Squeeze Parkay liberally on your forehead,

get a running start and jump directly up someone's posterior

--or into the lake, to use the old-fashioned saying.

Example: George, that's not an offer, that's an insult. Feel free to Parkay yourself and hit 280.

@parking nazi:= Parking meter enforcement officer.

Example: Damn parking nazi gave me a ticket this morning.

@parkma:= Parking karma--the ability to find a parking space in the busiest parking lot or city street.

Example: He's got parkma. Can you believe he found a parking spot right in front of the store during the Christmas holidays?

@parlay:= To chill and relax

Example: I'm going to parlay and listen to some screw tapes.

@parmeslexia:= The profound tendency to turn the lid the wrong way when attempting to

close a container of parmesan cheese.

Example: Even though I stare directly at the lid, my parmeslexia makes me turn it the wrong way.

@parpy:= For drink or food that makes your face pucker a little bit and surprises you in a delightful way, especially alcoholic drinks. Used to compliment a bartender.

Example: Johnny leaned back and exclaimed, Whoo, that's one parpy martini, Anton.

@parson:= Lincolnshire dialect for a sign post.

Example: Wheer are we now? Ah doan't know, lad, what does yon parson say?

@Partial:= Word used to describe a small accident to show they are a little crazy.

Example: Ex- Adam- Man, your baseball team can't even hit the ball! Matt- We're undefeated, are you partial?

@Partridge:= 1. Money.

2. Expensive.

Example: 1. Yo my man is pushin mad partridge lately. he must have a job or something.

2. Ten dollars for a movie is way too partridged out for me.

@party head:= A girl that you would get head from, if you could claim you were drunk.

Example: Bob: Steve, did you talk to the new girl? Steve: Yeah, she's party head.

@parvenu:= a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth or position . An upstart

Example: The man didn't seem at ease with the other guests and seemed intimidated by the opulent surroundings . I began to suspect that he may be a parvenu .

@pas-de-jon:= A switch in the type of beverage being consumed, usually alcoholic. I.e., the drinker changes from red to white wine or from tequila shots to Jager.

Example: We shouldn't have had that last pas-de-jon. Champagne, vodka, and scotch just don't sit well together.

@pasapalabraphobia:= The nagging, usually unreasonable fear that the network is going

to require you to change your password.

Example: My pasapalabraphobia always comes on the day before I go on vacation;

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006