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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. To leave immediately after hearing a pock request, without bearing the speaker any ill will.

Example: (Your friend Bill is yakking while you're trying to finish your taxes.) You: Um, Bill? ...Pock. (Bill nods and walks out without feeling offended.)

@pocket billiards:= subtle rearrangement of male parts in a public place

Example: i was sitting awkwardly, in considerable discomfort. a quick game of pocket billiards soon solved the problem

@pocket dragon:= A cigarette lighter

Example: Hey, bud, I just bought some smokes. You got that pocket dragon?

@Pocket Rocket:= Often used to describe a tini little Japanese car or motorcycle that goes really really fast.

Example: You'll never afford a 'Vette, but for $15 grand you can get a nice pocket rocket.

@Pod:= A small nondescript car. So much so no one can tell or care the make and model.

Example: Q: What are you driveing these days? A: Ehh, a Pod.

@podex equis est:= What you say to someone who is being incredibly condescending or arrogant about her supposedly superior intelligence. Literally, You are a horse's ass.

Example: Well, Mr. Buckley, in the words of Horace, or was it Yoggi Berra?: podex equis est.

@podie:= The individual pads on the bottom of a non-human mammal's foot.

Example: Sled dogs wear booties to prevent the snow and ice from making their podies crack.

@podoge:= A place where they have dogs/

Example: I went to the podoge place, and it was so cool.

@poetndidntknowitness:= The annoying compulsion to rhyme without reason, which should be a crime in any season.

Example: Dan's poetndidntknowitness made me stare and wish I was not there.

@pogey bait:= U.S.M.C., World War I. Candy.

Example: Eat too much of that pogey bait and you are going to rot your teeth.

@Pogged:= To be over-full after eating.

Example: I was pogged after that meal.

@poindexter:= Nerd--from the Poindexter character in the nerd movies.

Example: Don't be jumping around like that--you look like a poindexter.

@poing:= An exclamation used upon seeing something particularly appealing and shiny, as in nice jewelry or new video games. Coined by Kiki of Sluggy Freelance.

Example: Poing! (upon having spotted an elusive PS2)

@poing:= The verb form, to poing. The action assumed upon seeing said shiny new thing. (See also the exclamation poing)

Example: Ever since FF9 came out, she's been poinging around like you wouldn't believe!

@point of no rebel:= the age at which cutting edge actors, rock musicians, film directors etc. begin to play establishment concerts, support wars, accept knighthoods. etc.

Example: By playing the Jubilee concert, Ray Davies had certainly reached The Point Of No Rebel. (Also Paul McCartney, Joe Cocker, Brian Wilson, and Steve Winwood).

@pointful:= Something that has an intelligent point to it, worth doing.

Example: Now that's a pointful idea.

@pointy-haired one:= Any person whose evilness is exceeded by only her density and disregard for the feelings of others.

Example: My boss is a pointy-haired one.

@pointy:= Variation of sharp--to be well-attired or groomed.

Example: My three-year-old son always looks pointy right after a haircut.

@poison pie:= Something revolting.

Example: That meal was poison pie.

@poiter:= Someone who hangs around but just won't go away, no matter how hard you try and get rid of them.

Example: Tried to get rid of Chris, but he just wouldn't leave. Jerk's a poiter.

@pokeable:= Attractive.

Example: Yeah, she's eminently pokeable.

@poked:= Defective or damaged in some way so as to make it inoperable

Example: Jeez, mate, I've blown the head-gasket on the Holden. It's poked.

@Pokemon Sweater:= Any sweater that is extremely bright colored and very ugly.

Example: My god! She's capturing Pokemon and making them into sweaters!

@pokevoking:= The act of provoking someone to anger through the use of excessive finger poking. Usually results in the pokevoker being smacked.

Example: Billy! Sit still and stop pokevoking your sister or she's gonna smack you and you'll deserve it.

@polar:= Way beyond cool.

Example: That was like, SO polar.

@polarimorph:= Noun -- an object that has moved from one (physical or mathematical) state to another and cannot return.

Example: The polarimorph emerged gracefully from the MD5 hash algorithm.

@polibot:= Political commentator who stays strictly party line, who never has a creative thought.

Example: I figure the shell script to generate that polibot's newspaper columns would run 50, maybe 60 lines max.

@policit:= A mode of behaviour occurring on the behalf of a retailer when dealing with a particularly bad consumer; disgust is being thinly veiled by overly contrived politeness. The seller is quite obviously making it clear that she is barely containing heself from going at said customer with an axe.

Example: No, I didn't misunderstand. We just don't sell sport books or give discounts for no reason, the bookseller said policitly.

@politeician:= A politician who specializes in speaking words everyone wants to hear.

Example: Clinton is a hella good politeician.

@politically sound:= A variation on political correctness, identified by writer Matthew Parris, who said that those on the right, like him, had their own version of PC.

Thus, people who were being PS would say Aids even when its use was incorrect,

they would say country pursuits instead of blood sports, and would always say chairman instead of chair

or chairperson.


Example: Whatever else she may be, conservative or liberal, this pseudodictionary editor will be politically sound.

@Politrick:= Political trick. First used in the song NO! by Soulfly.

Example: The local building codes say I have to heat a breezeway if I put one in.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006