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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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It can, by extension, be applied liberally to other instances of forced nostalgia.

Example: They're having another gathering of retronauts on VH1 again!

@retronym:= A modified name given to an item when a newer form of the item forces a name change to differentiate between the old and new.

Example: Acoustic guitar is a retronym for what used to be known simply as a guitar.

@retrophist, retrophisticated:= Someone whose morals and way of life are taken from a period in history.

Example: Reading Wilde retrophisticated me into a fop. I am a retrophist in the style of Wilde.

@retrosexual, reterosexual:= A person, of either sex, who is convinced that sex was better in the good old days, even if she hadn't actually been born back then.

Example: Every time I see that picture of Marilyn Monroe with her skirt blowing above her thighs in _The Seven-Year Itch_,

I start feeling retrosexual.

@reuter:= To disclose a secret; to break news (pejorative); from Reuters, the news agency.

Example: As soon as Bill learned about the affair, he reutered it to everyone.

@rev:= A person with a dark tan.

Example: Yo, check out that rev over there.

@revendicative:= Combination of vindictive, revenge, sadistic, merciless.

Example: Possibly one of the most classical examples of the revendicative mind set would be Shylock, demanding his pound of flesh for an unpaid debt.

@review the tape:= A way to preface something when you are about to overanalyse something.

Example: Okay, let's review the tape from last night. He called me to ask me out, but then he was 20 minutes late to pick me up. He paid for dinner, but he seemed kinda distant. Do you think he likes me or just wants to get me in bed?

@revoltment:= This is a combination of the phrase revolting development. That's exactly what it means.

Example: What a revoltment this is! I wanted to be able to drive across the country, but now that my engine blew up, I will have to take the train.

@REW:= You're on the phone. Long enough to make your ear uncomfortable. So you switch ears. But next thing you know, the person on the other end of the conversation starts up a juicy story or whatnot. So you switch back to your favorite ear. Thus is born, REW: right ear worthy.

Example: Betty: .....so then, he told me he's pregnant! Larry: Shreak! That is sooo REW!

@rexahesperus:= A chaotic situation that causes mild panic and disarray.

Example: Traffic in the mall parking lot the day after Thanksgiving was a rexahesperus.

@rey-rey:= Slang. To gossip about someone or talk about someone behind one's back.

Example: Them a rey-rey 'bout mi or Me naw rey-rey 'bout them.

@Reyes:= To take away by force

Example: Damn it! That guy just reyesed my parking spot!

@Reynold's Canoe:= Relating to the mystique of the film Deliverance, hickish vehicle,

hicks in a vehicle (including flatbed).

Example: Mark: Did you see Bob's Reynold's Canoe? John: Did that car come with a pitchfork?

@Reynolds' Rules:= Burt Reynolds' Poker Contingency Rules: the aces, one-eyed jacks, and suicide kings are wild

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