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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I'll just mulitply it by the Safstrom-Phillips Non-Constant and use whatever I get.

@sag aloo:= To be very annoyed, often due to a trivial matter. (sometimes followed by Have you got one on you?)

Example: You've got egg on the telly. Sag alooooooo!

@sageual:= strange but cool

Example: that shirt is so sageual.

@sagilent:= Smart or sensible

Example: My, those are sagilent shoes you're wearing today.

@sailor!:= Used when someone speaks to you in a tone that could be mistaken for a double entantre. Usually followed with the reply Captin!

Example: Do you want me to give it to you? Sailor!

@sakath:= too good,amazing

Example: Your dressing sense is sakath.

@salad dodger:= An obese person.

Example: What does she look like? Well, she's a bit of a salad dodger.

@salad garbage:= All the vegetables other than lettuce included in a salad.

Example: This salad has carrot and celery and lots of other salad garbage.

@Salada:= See you later.

Example: Well guys, I guess I'll salada

@sall:= It's and all, as commonly slurred together.

Example: Don't worry. Sall right.

@sally:= Wimp

Example: Don't be a sally

@salt:= An insult for when someone does something stupid or dumb. Also said when someone is wrong. Can be used in many situations where someone is or should be humiliated or embarrassed by what she did. l, celax17

Example: Salt. Your fault. You simply fell off your chair, Chris. No one else had anything to do with it. It was gravity and your own stupidity that caused it. Gonna' hit someone for that, too? Typical response.

@Salt:= Persons, male or female, who happen to interfere with someone else picking-up one of the opposite sex--the object. They can, but are not limited to, being salt if they really suck, or by flat out being a dork (which results in that dorkiness reflecting on you in an unfavorable manner),

or they can be tactless and say something stupid that offends the object, or they can perhaps be a friend of a friend of a girlfriend--which could obviously be detrimental to the game in play.

Example: I don't want Chris to come with us. He is nothing but salt. OR If perhaps your buddy walks up and says anything dumb while you are talking to a lady. After she is gone you can point to him, shake your head, and say, Salt, thereby referring to his salty behavior and calling him salt.

@salt:= Shortened slang for assault. used as an explanation of disgust.

Example: When someone's ass in in your face. eg. 'ahhh! salt! point that thing somewhere else!'

@Salty:= A slang word for something heavy in weight. Used mostly in the Lancaster County area of PA.

Example: Make sure that you lift with your legs, because that box is mighty salty.

@salty:= Feeling shame from being beaten or overtaken in an embarassing manner.

Example: He felt salty after I schooled him in Quake.

@same difference:= 1. Although not identical, they are very similar. 2. Difference between the two is not much.

Example: A. It's violet, not purple! B. Oh, same difference.

@sammich:= Sandwich.

Example: I'm gonna eat me a sammich.

@sampledelic or sampledelia:= Created via use of sampling or a sampler (audio: MPC 2000). Also refers to Photoshop era that we live in, the sampledelic era. Anything that has to to with repurposing data, recontextualizing something for a completely different purpose.

Example: The composition of hip-hop music is a prime example of sampledelia

@san frantastic:= 1. What you say when you realize that San Francisco is great.

2. Something that would be considered good in San Francisco.

Example: 1. I've had so much Chinese food and seen so many gay bars, it's san frantastic!

2. That shirt is pretty san frantastic.

@sancho/a:= Spanish slang for boyfiend, girlfriend, or honey.

Example: I saw my Sancho at Lorraine's party.

@Sancho:= Referring to people who believe they are better than everyone else. From the name of a character in Orgasmo.

Example: Sancho over there has been screening guests since he got here.

He tried to turn away my best friend because her hair wasn't good enough.

@sand clock, sand timer:= Hourglass. (Alec is four.)

Example: Look at that sand clock up there.... It's not flat. How are you going to put it in the dictionary?....Can you get the sand clock down from there? Can I have a chocolate mint? Thank you. I love chocolate mints.

@sandor:= To consume food or beverages to the exclusion of others. Hog, bogart, pig-out.

Example: Alan sandored the nachos.

@sandro:= Anything short

Example: I never expected the line to be this sandro.

@sandwich girl:= A super-skinny girl who looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks. She needs a sandwich.

Example: Joe talks about how he's all about body acceptance and real women, but all he ever dates is sandwich girls.

@sangwich:= A sandwich in Mexico.

Example: There ain't enough salsa on my sangwich.

@Sanies:= Supersane people, who upon closer study, may in fact prove to be insane.

Example: Can you believe all the bloody Sanies out Christmas shopping today?

@sanks:= Thanks. Must be said with enthusiasm and drawn out in a musical and happy sounding way.

Example: Saannnks for the pony, Aunt Dorothy.

@sans:= Without.

Example: I enjoy black coffee sans sugar and cream.

@sansipent:= The relief of knowing a Bjork song so well that you can play it in your head from start to finish.

Example: Girl: (Humming final notes of Joga.)

Boy: How you doin'?

Girl: Feelin' sansipent.

@Santa Paws:= The mythical figure who brings toys to all the ugly children of the world.

Example: Oooh that guy is scoping you.

Yeah, I know he's putting me on his list for Santa Paws.

@sap:= A person who believes anything he's told.

Example: I told that guy I would give him $100,000. He believed me. What a sap.

@sappa:= Can be any part of speech. Used especially when you can't remember a specific word. (See also: crombie, nik, vah.)

Example: Cripes, left my sappa at home. I'll have to go back. Won't go anywhere without my sappa.

@sarcacism, sarcacistic:= the noun and adjective for someone who is sarcastic and critical(criticism) at the same time

Example: He was filled with sarcacism when he heard about that idea. He was sarcacistic.

@sarcasimistically:= well, it's prettty much another way of decribing how someone is saying something.

Example: Could you not speak so sarcasimistically?

@Sarcasm Mop:= Used in reference to someone using too much sarcasm--dripping it all over.

Example: Jason ranted for ten minutes on how much he *loves* ingrown toenails. Someone hand him the sarcasm mop. Please.

@sarcasmic:= Deliciously sarcastic.

Example: Beth destroyed her debate opponent with an elegant, sarcasmic wit.

@Sarcastascism:= a particularly nasty sarcastic remark.

Example: Be careful of Dana, her sarcastascisms have been known to induce fainting.

@sarcastibitch, sarcastabitch:= Person who gets in the last remark, and it's usually sarcastic.

Ryan (alpha_male76@hotmail.com) says it refers to a someone who is making a rude, hurtful, and sacastic comment.

Made popular by _The Drew Carey Show_.

Example: I shot the ball and it hit the rim. Then Brittany says, Nice shot, ya loser. So I called her a sarcastibitch.

@sarcasticate:= To make sarcastic remarks.

Example: Realscott.com is a very cool site. Well, I really shouldn't sarcasticate.

@sarcasticurse:= Putting a curse on someone by sarcastically complimenting them.

Example: My tee shot was going to make it over the pond until my opponent sarcasticursed me, It's going to make it! At that point it took a dive and went right in.

@sarcastify:= To create a sarcastic person by imposing your sarcasm on that person so much.

Example: After months of sharp (and only rarely witty) criticism from Alan, Lisa decided to fight back in kind.

Alan had finally managed to sarcastify Lisa.

@sarcaustic:= Sarcasm that is especially biting. A combination of the words sarcastic and caustic.

Example: She found his response beyond sarcastic; it was sarcaustic.

@sarcestion:= Sarcastic inquiry made without expecting an answer.

Example: I asked him a sarcestion and he actually gave me an answer.

@sarchasm:= The gulf that exists between the author and his sarcastic wit and the reader who doesn't get it. (From the Washington Post Style Invitational, 1999)

Example: There's usually a significant sarchasm between George Orwell and the high school senior assigned to read _Animal Farm_.

@sarcomedy:= Sarcasm without the viscious intent, played purely for laughs.

Example: Some thought that Grant was a real jerk,

but those of us who knew him best realized his caustic remarks

were nothing more than his attempts at sarcomedy.

@sarcoustic:= the deliberate playing of obtuse or ridiculous records or sounds in a d.j. set

Example: the birdy song- drill and bass remix?,

oh you are just being sarcoustic now.

@sarf:= (n) A freeloader. (v) To sponge or freeload.

Example: Jon's a sarf. He's always sponging off (or, sarfing from) someone.

@sarong:= What is wrong?

Example: You don't look happy today. Sarong with you?

@sasquatch:= An indescribable colour made up of all colours

Example: Let's paint the town sasquatch.

@sassitude:= an obvios combination of 'sassy' and attitude.

Example: I felt full of sassitude wearing my new snazzy boots.

@sassooning:= The action of catching fish (or underwater barbers) with clumps of hair as bait. From Sir Henry of Rawlinson's End by Vivian Stanshall.

Example: Right, I'm going sassooning.

@sassy tuna:= (n) someone who is being exceptionally flirty, jaunty, or stylish.

Example: 'Jane just patted my butt! She's one sassy tuna!'

@satch:= To do something with exceptional skill and speed.

Example: Their star player can really satch with a basketball.

@satisfictitious:= The state of false satisfaction.

Example: Her satisfictitious life led her to an obvious suicide.

@satisinpain:= 'Satisfaction in pain.' The practice of psychological masochism.

Example: He doesn't want to be cheered up. He just wants to be alone with his satisinpain for awhile.

@saturdish:= About Saturday.

Example: I'll be home saturdish.

@Saturnight:= Saturday night. Monight, Tuesnight, Wednesnight, Thursnight, Frinight, and Sunight.

Example: I'll see Fight Club with you on Saturnight.

@sausage overload:= Said to be unfavorable. Occurs on a Saturday night when you and your two cronies just add to the non-existing girl-guy party ratio.

Example: After a brief observation, Karl discreetly brings to Anthony's attention that the party is supporting a major sausage overload.

@sausage party:= A social gathering where the ratio of men to women is extremely high.

Example: Let's get outta this place. It's just one big sausage party.

@saux:= Sawks. A pair of filthy, usually very old, socks.

Example: Throw those saux away. I just bought a couple of new pairs.

@Save me, Jebus!:= From _The Simpsons_. Figurative sarcasm--to tremble in your boots.

Example: Oooh! You're gonna tell on me? I'm sooo scared. Save me, Jebus!

@sawbuck:= A ten dollar bill. [A double sawbuck is a twenty. Read Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler to see fin, sawbuck, and double sawbuck in action.]

Example: The cost to get into the club has gone up to a sawbuck now.

@sawbuck:= Ten dollar bill.

Example: Zak owes me a sawbuck.

@sawinlogs:= a much needed nap or sleep

Example: I was out til 5 a.m. and was sawinlogs til 3 this afternoon.

@sazy:= Crazy and sane, almost at the same time.

Example: You're acting sazy today. One minute you're wild, the next you're acting civilised.

@scab:= Stuck-up, snotty, disagreeable, worthless, etc.

Example: Don't act that way, you're being a scab.

@scaboobanickel:= A trophy.

Example: I got a scaboobanickel when I won the state championships.

@scadafah:= Oh, well.

Example: Scadafah it's raining again.

@scaddadle:= Go, leave.

Example: I better scaddadle. I'll talk to ya soon.

@Scallage:= The layer of grime that is found on a night club or pub floor made up of any number of different substances.

Example: My trousers are a mess, I've been sitting in scallage all night.

@scam-city:= Similar to scams many cities pull on their captive citizens; a legalized rip-off.

Example: That government place where he worked was just another scam-city.

@scambler:= Somebody who scams...

Example: Chris is really a scambler, not inviting Charlotte to Adventure Landing, but making sure that Caitlyn was going.

@scamel:= A very scandalous person. Derived from scandal.

Example: Don't touch me there, you scamel!

@scampaign:= To methodically and systematically pick up a member of the opposite sex, combining campaigning and scamming.

Example: Hey, let's start our scampaigns early tonight.

@scan-master:= Someone who is the epitome of weird.

Example: Bob is so strange. He's a total scan-master.

@scandafungitis:= Inability to follow instructions no matter how simple.

Example: She's got scandafungitis. I asked her to file the papers in alphabetical order and she arranged them chronologically.

@scandalicious:= Scandal + delicious. To describe an event or gossip that you can't wait to repeat to someone else.

Example: Did you hear? Mary got caught having sex in the copier room. Oooh, how scandalicious!

@scandalocity:= The quality of being scandalous or vile.

Example: Of a person riding in a car with really loud and bad music, She is rank with an air of scandalocity.

@scandocious:= When something is so ultra-scandalous it causes you to exclaim it in a gnarly 80s Valley Girl accent;

often used in context of theme party name or directly following the words Sooo or Oooh.

Example: The Mexican Scandocious Party began with gold tequila, orange and cinnamon body shots

and ended with rampant rounds of spin-the-bottle and streaking through the park. Oooh, scandocious.

@scanny, scans:= Geek-speak for something weird or strange. Maybe originating from the movie _Scanners_.

Example: Have you ever played Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and watched _Wizard of Oz_ at the same time?

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006