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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. A person possesing smartness in style.

Example: Katie knew Bob was a swanker when she found him watching Martha Stewart.

@swankorific:= (adj) Very interesting or cool. (Int) Exclamation used when something good happens.

Example: We got the power back on? Swankorific.

@swass:= acknowledgement of an existance or something cool

Example: person walks in to room - other people day swass

@swass:= The condition that exists when sweat collects in the butt crevice.

Example: These polyester pants are so hot I'm getting swass.

@swayve:= Urban sophisticated. From a pronunciation of suave.

Example: The trendy couple that lives downtown are very swayve.

@sweat:= 1. To like or prefer heavily. 2. To have strong interest in a person or object.

Example: 1. I sweat the new wu-tang cd. I sweat Carolyn when she wears anything.

@sweatband:= Emphasis on the current high tempature.

Example: In July, it's hotter than a sweatband in a fireman's helmet in Las Vegas.

@Sweatdrip:= A response to anything embarrasing, also used when one does not wish to answer a question. Derived from the large sweatdrops that characters in Japanese anime get on the sides of their heads.

Example: Girlfriend: Would you buy me that 100 dollar rainbow teddybear? Boyfriend: Sweatdrip.

@sweatermeat:= Breasts.

Example: That chick is packin' some serious sweatermeat.

@sweatfarm:= Used to describe heat, as in weather. Basically reinforces the idea that it's hot outside.

Example: It's really hot outside! Yeah, it's a sweatfarm.

@sweatin:= v. - 1) to give someone a hard time, to berate. 2) To be sexually attracted to someone.

Example: 1) Why you sweatin me? I told you I'd pay you back! 2) When she walked by in those tight pants, I could tell he was sweatin her!

@sweave:= To swerve and weave Wile Driving.

Example: That guy tends to sweave all over the road when he's been drinking.

@swede deal:= Exclamation used when seeing or dealing with Swedes.

Example: Adam Johnson: Hey are those swedish tourists?

Dylan Little: Swede deal.

@Swedish Nugs:= Very attractive women; abbreviation of Swedish Nuggets. (Credited to James Ruggieri.)

Example: We had a bunch of Swedish Nugs staying at our place.

@Sweeet:= Something that is beyond cool.

Example: You have been pardoned, Senator. Sweeet.

@Sweegy:= largely cool, a very good thing.

Example: Your new shoes are so sweegy!

@sweep:= latest popular enthusiasm

Example: some people get caught up in the sweep

@sweeps magillicuddy:= the person who has to sweep the store when closing.

Example: hey, look it's Sweeps Magillicuddy! You missed a spot.

@sweet as:= When you have everything under control or things are exceptionally good.

Example: Someone may say tell you, Your going to get paid this week.In response you say Sweet as.

@sweet Lovin':= Everything up to and including sex. Used in public places where talking about sex would be inappropriate.

Example: I got me some sweet lovin' last night

@sweet mullet:= Exclamation comparative to Gee whiz! or Jiminy Cricket!

Example: Sweet Mullet! That boy is gorgeous!

@Sweet:= 1.Cigarette, cigar, or any other for of tobacco product. 2. A way of asking if anyone would like to join you in a smoke.

Example: 1. I need to go buy some sweets 'cause I'm out.

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