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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I got myself into a tastie situation last night when I locked myself in the broom cupboard.

That's a tasty burger. (_Pulp Fiction_)

@tater-tot-olicious:= Amazing beyond sexy and sensuous in every sense but the bedroom sense.

Example: You look tater-tot-olicious.

@tatsahfoo:= The sofa or couch--derived from the word chesterfield.

Example: Rogi, stop jumping on the tatsahfoo.

@Taupeville:= A neighborhood that requires buildings to be all neutral colors, usually beige and taupe. Generic, non-descript, lacking in personality and boring.

Example: We're much too eclectic to live in Taupeville.

@taxibout-rounder:= A car driver who doesn't understand the rules of roundabouts. Usually to be found driving a taxi for some reason.

Example: Hello?!? You're supposed to give way you taxibout-rounder.

@taximaximus:= The point at which the tax level of an item becomes too high.

Example: Gas tax is reaching its taximaximus.

@Tay:= Term for a con or exceptional con-artist.

Example: 1.Hey Jim, wanna pull a Tay on that old, rich lady who lives down the street?

2.Damn girl, you're one hell of a Tay, you just conned that guy out of his life savings!

@tchotchkeria:= A place that sells tchotchkes. From Yiddish tchotchke, meaning useless little object (knicknack), and

Spanish taqueria, meaning a restaurant that specializes in tacos and other Mexican fast food.

Usually found in quaint towns, usually patronized almost exclusively by middle-class females of all ages,

usually exuding a stench of potpourri all the way out to the sidewalk.

Variations: New Age tchotchkeria, a place which sells candles, incense, statues of goddesses, meditation cushions, etc.;

and upscale tchotchekeria, where you can buy Waterford crystal collectibles, Lladro figurines, and the like. The towns of New England are simply rife with tchotchkerias.

Example: 1. I bought a clarity crystal at that New Age tchotchkeria in Harvard Square.

2. My mother wanted a lead crystal dinner bell, so I referred her to an upscale tchotchkeria in the Chestnut Hill Mall.

@tchuber:= Used to say too bad, but in a funny form.

Example: Tchuber for you.

@TDW:= TurboDataWeasel. Someone who can't help breaking down and ingesting all the facts of a relatively mundane conversation.

Example: My friend is driving to Canada this week

Wwhat car? What engine? etc.

Stop being an annoying TDW.

@tea-cup:= Derived from the insult mug, only to be used when acting like Rik from _The Young Ones_.

Example: You're a total tea-cup, aren't you, Neil?

@tea party:= English mountain biking term. To stop during a group ride and chat for ten minutes for no reason.

Meetings also turn into tea parties. Both types of tea party are intensely annoying to people who are not interested in banal conversation about offspring, holidays, and new cars.

Example: C'mon, we need to get going. Barney here has finished fixing his tyre, and there's a big black cloud over there. Break up this damn tea party.

@teachaphile:= A teacher who always flirts with or hits on the girls in the class.

Example: You: Mr. Zafitzpatabek is a teachaphile.

Friend who sits beside you: Yeah, and why does he call her doll-face anyway?

@Teacher Breath:= A foul smelling breath brought on by excessive consumption of tea or coffee. Remarkably common in high-school teachers.

Example: Don't get too near to Mr. Smith, he has terrible teacher breath.

@teahead:= Devotee of the Canadian rock band, The Tea Party.

Example: You know you're a teahead when you have replaced all other drinks in your diet with tea.

@team:= absolutely fantastic. From the band 'Team Plastique' of Brisbane, Australia

Example: You look team in that dress.

@teamworking:= Describes cooperation, even when working alone

Example: Thanks to our teamworking skills, we were able to create the illusion of productivity.

@teapot:= Slang for a friend who is confusing you.

Example: Do what, teapot?

@teasearasa:= A red-headed, sexy beauty from Canada.

Example: Check out that teasearasa over there.

@teaser:= A teaser is what looks to be a vacant space to park your car from a distance,

but when you get closer you realise it's one of those bloody compact cars.

Since they are so indeed small, they are hidden by the larger cars surrounding them,

thus creating the illusion of an empty space.

Example: There's a space! There's a space! Right there. Oh, bugger, it's just a teaser.

@tech-know-nothing:= (pronounced: techno-nothing) - no-technical people who continuously ask stupid questions or make stupid comments about technology.


@tech:= An adjective describing something that is new and technologicaly advanced.

Example: That computer controlled GPS tracker for your truck is really tech.

@techknucklehead:= Backroom unix geek not allowed to interact with clients.

Example: I'll get the techknuckleheads to work on those cgi scripts right away.

@technicolor yawn:= Vomit.

Example: I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a technicolor yawn.

@techniqueey:= 1. A technichal way of doing something. 2. Highly technical, intelligent, crafty, ALF-like and extraordinary, in a socially unacceptable manner.

Example: 1. You wrote the sentence in a techniqueey way that confuses me. 2. The burp sound that you created on the computer was so techniqueey.

@Techno-Peasant:= One who works with technologically advanced machines, and yet does not understand how they work.

This may be most accurately used to describe those who work all day on the computer, but have to call in the Sysop when their screen freezes.

Example: I may work for a software company, but as a secretary I am merely a techno-peasant.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006