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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2Get the widget in the moto, tank. Wha?...Werno.

@wes:= To vomit. As Wesley Crusher undoubtedly did during zero gravity training.

Example: I think I'm gonna wes!

@WestByGodVirginia:= The birth place of a very distinct race of people who have rather outspoken ways.

Example: Hi, I'm Sonny Robinson and I'm from WestByGodVirginia.

@wet burp:= Precisely that--a burp, usually small and noiseless but in which a small amount of stomach acid actually rises up the esophagous into the back of the throat, producing the the taste and aroma of vomit in one's mouth.

Example: (erp) Oh, man, I just wet-burped. Man that tastes nasty! No kidding, Chris...I can smell it from here!

@wetware:= Surgically implanted hardware.

Example: The pacemaker is my latest piece of wetware.

@wev:= Contraction of the term whatever, often used on people not worth spending three sylables on.

Example: 1st person: I was just going to pull into that parking space! 2nd person: Wev.

@wevah:= a shortening of the word whatever

Example: wevah, i'll try something else..

@wexis:= Slang for generic computer-assisted legal research or systems.

It is a combination of Westlaw and Lexis, the dominant vendors in the field.

Example: Did you run a wexis search on the statute?

@wha-huh:= To be used in place of what or huh

Example: Wha-huh? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you...

@Whacha:= contraction of what have you or what are you

Example: Whacha been up to lately? or Whacha doin'?

@whack:= When somebody thinks she has something that is cool but really, it's not.

Example: Put that Nokia 6190 down, that junk is whack. It's all about the 8890.

@whacked:= Just...not right. Meaning crazy, weird, odd, interestingly funny, etc. Also used for sick humor.

Example: That joke is really whacked.

@whacked:= surgical slang for remove

Example: We whacked his appendix last night

@whackit:= Something to whack it with.

The generalized term for anything meeting the every tool's a hammer criterion.

Example: Hey, toss me a whackit--this thing's stuck.

@whackmonkey:= A mistreated person who serves those who mistreat him, an administrative assitant, a go-fer

Example: When Carl made Klaus get him a cup of coffee after the meeting, Klaus realized that he was Carl's whackmonkey.

@whadayat (wha-da-ya-at)):= Newfuneese for What are you doing, how are you, what's going on and many other such conversation opener questions. Can be used in place of wazzup.

Example: Hey Johnny, whadayat?

@whadup:= What is up? as used by cool doods.

Example: Whadup. dood?

@Whahoobi:= Exclamation for when something good happens. Sort of like yay.

Example: You got an A+ on you paper. Whahoobi.

@whamakus:= Whoa!

Example: Whamakus! You did that?!

@whampaloo:= What adults say other then yeaaaa! whilst running around waving their hands in the air.

Example: After winning the state championship the team could be heard yelling whampaloo

halfway across the county.

@whang:= Good.

Example: That shirt is whanging.

@Whangdepootenawah:= In the Ojibwa tongue, disaster.

An affliction that strikes hard when no one expects it.

Example: Whangdepootenawah.

@whanky:= Whiney and cranky, like many people you know in the morning.

Example: She is so whanky in the morning--don't even talk to her until she's had her coffee!

@What's crackolatin':= Mix of cracking and percolatin'. What's happening? What's going on? What's new?

Example: Me: I haven't seen you in days! What's crackalating? You: Not much. Just about to go see _Tomb Raider_. That Angelina Jolie is out there.

@what's the haps:= means what is new with you, or what's happening

Example: What's the hap's?.

@What bird!:= What on earth is the matter with you?

Example: A peanut butter and mustard sandwich? What bird!

@What d'y'say?:= A hybrid of asking someone, What's up? and also What are your plans for tonight?

Example: What d'y'say?

Oh, nothing much really, just gonna go fill out that application. Wanna go see a movie afterwards or something?

@what is up, my sister?!:= What's going on? Doesn't necesarily have to be said to a girl. (From Scary Movie)

Example: Hey, Lauryn.

What is up, my sister?!

@What you say?:= A phrase originating from the computer game Zero Wing. It is used by many people to respond to a question or sentence they do not understand or purely to annoy someone.

Example: What you say?

@whatabouts:= What someone is doing.

Example: The whereabouts and whatabouts of Paul remained a mystery.

@whatchajiggy:= A word used in place of another word that can't be remembered at the moment.

Similar in principle to whatchamacallit.

Example: I'm looking for the whatchajiggy I had earlier.

@whatchamacallit:= Used when you can't remember the name for something.

Example: You know, the whatchamacallit, the thing that I put my hair up with? Oh, yeah! It's called a beret?

@whatev:= Valley shortened version of whatever. Often used is a derisive manner, with the the second syllable accented.

Example: I got these cool new pants!

WhatEV, like I care.

@whatever wets your salad:= whatever's good for you

Example: Girl. I think he's fine.

Response: Hey, whatever wets your salad, girl.

@whats-his-face:= a pronoun substitute used for one whose name you either cannot remember, or do not want to.

Example: I'll never forget whats-his-face.

@whats da jaysus craic:= Customary greeting rarely used outside of Dublin, Ireland.

Generally speaking it means Hello, any news or fun?

Example: When meeting a friend on the street, you say, What's da jaysus craic?

@whatsdadillyo:= Whats going on? What are we going to do?

Example: You: whatsdadillyo? Them: Prolly going to the bar.

@Whattag'wan:= Short form for What is going on?


@Whatussino:= A description of what you see but different from what every one else see's.

Example: Hey !, I dont see no whatussinos man !

@whazzupmanship:= The annoying habit of white teenage boys to compete to see who can take on the most black culture, speech, and habits.

Example: Tommy's whazzupmanship when he hung out with his friends was a sight to behold.

@wheebop:= exclamation meaning all of the following: c'est la vie, yay!, cool.

Example: 'i passed my music exam!' 'wheebop!'

@wheels-up:= Upside down, of a vehicle. Used when someone starts to drive her truck upside down while off-roading

(usually not intentional, and usually done by someone who has a truck so big the only thing bigger is her out of whack ego).

The reason there are roll cages.

Example: We're going wheels-up.

@wheels flying off:= 1. Used to describe someone in the process of going totally bonkers.

2. The point at which everything breaks down.

Example: 1. Why are your wheels flying off? Calm down.

2. I lost my purse and all my credit cards, then had a wreck, got a ticket, only to find my house was on fire when I got home...and then the wheels flew off.

@wheels of steel:= Two turntables

Example: The DJ forgot his wheels of steel.

@wheelsucker:= A driver of a vehicle that consistently follows other vehicles too closely. [See mufflefuck.]

Example: I had to change lanes to get that wheelsucker off my tail. (Acknowledgements to the movie Breaking Away.)

@Wheesht:= Scottish for please be quiet--or when said loudly, shut up.

Example: Wheesht yer tongue, lassie.

@wheeze:= A good laugh.

Example: We had a wheeze at Jim's expense.

@whell:= A combination of well and hell for use with Oh

when you run out of things to say or forget what it was you wanted to say.

Example: Oh, whell!

@whelmed:= Content. Not overwhelmed, not underwhelmed, just whelmed.

Example: When she saw that his biceps were of a regular size she was whelmed.

@wherewithall:= Knowledge.

Example: I have the wherewithall to come up with many more words than this.

@Whever:= Word used among my friends and me, referring to an unknown time or place.

Distinct from wherever, which indicates any place.

Example: Whever did you come from?

@whichevered:= Transitive verb form of whichever.

Used to dismiss a topic which is a priori made impossible due to eventualities.

Meant to express apathy regarding the cancellation or sudden change in a plan.

Example: Our plans were whichevered because I couldn't get my friend to lend me his car.

@whimmy-wammy:= Aa bendable and pliant state that something is or has become, often unexpectedly.

Example: His ruler has gone all whimmy-whammy.

@whinging pom:= openly perpetually unsatified English person. Almost exclusively used by Australians.

Example: Shut up, you bloody whinging pom!

@Whip:= Adj. (whi-puh) A term used to describe someone that is extremely cool. Something that is the greatest available version.

Example: Look at her thinkin she's the whip just cuz she got a neden.

@whip:= Somebody's car, usually a very nice car.

Example: Hop aboard my whip, and let's do it.

@whipped:= To be completely controlled by someone else.

Example: You're SO whipped.

@whipstain:= Coined when I was 13 after colliding with a branch - such incidental humour that my best friend almost had a cardiac seizure.

whipstain = visible markings post-whipping, or similar.

Example: Crikey, that's a grand whipstain!

@whirlpool:= The effect created by spinning the beer in your glass in

an effort to do something other than drink it too quickly.

Example: My friend was drinking way slower than me and it was his round next, so I had to spin a whirlpool,

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006