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2. She looks so wooftie I can't believe he likes her.

@woofy:= acronym for Well Off Older Folks

Example: ie, conversation with sales help in a garden shop: Do you have any more of those cute special-edition gnomes? No, those woofies driving off in the silver caddy bought us out!

@Woogie-Woo:= A word used to give something ordinary a magic quality, or in place of big deal.

Example: How'd you know that? (smile) Woogie-Woo? OR

Did you see my penny collection? Woogie-Woo. No one really cares.

@woogie:= A dog that makes a strange yowling noise, especially when it yawns. From doggie and Wookie from Star Wars. {The Chris Elliott character from _There's Something About Mary_--wasn't his name Woogie?}

Example: I thought the next door neighbors had a walrus living with them until I saw them walking their woogie.

@woohoo:= A word with multiple meanings. meanings are given by tone or the way it is pronounced

1)happiness or excitement when said fast and loudly.

2)sarcastic happiness or excitement when said slow

these are the classics there are many other uses

Example: WOOHOO! I got 2 dollars off a cup of Starbucks frapaccino.

@Woohooters:= Interjection. Used to express joy on your way to Hooters for some chicken.

Example: Woohooters, I can't wait to get some hot wings.

@woojy:= An adjective used to mock the child-like behaviour or whining of another person. Can be emphasised by using twice and tickling in a baby like fashion.

Example: Ow, i just hurt my pancreas Aww, woojy woojy

@wooling:= To beat up or wrestle, usually in a playful, non-violent manner; typically involves tickling and headlocks.

Example: If you don't settle down, I'll have to come over there and lay a wooling on you!

@Woop woop:= Aussie word. In the middle of nowhere.

Example: Where'd I get that? Oh, woop woop.

@woop:= #NAME?

Example: boy: i just got home. girl: woop!

@woosh/wooshed:= something which is particularly fast or to describe an amazing experience

Example: woosh! what a shot that was.

@woot:= to be used as an exclamation, for example yay

Example: I bought you a pony WOOT!

@wooza:= Weird loser--used jokingly around friends.

Example: Stop being a wooza. When you stick cheeze up your nose I fear for your furure.

@wope:= Past tense of the word wipe.

Example: I wope down the table after dinner.

@woperchild:= Politically correct term for women. Etymology: Women contains the word men, which is sexist. Thus, Wo(person) a word that expresses equality. However, it was noted that person contains the word son and is thus sexist. So I created Wo(per(child)).

Example: Shut up and go bake me a pie, woperchild.

@wopnin:= What's happening?

Example: Hey, wopnin?

@wopperjawed:= To be in a state of disarray, or shambles.

Example: After the accident, his car was completely wopperjawed.

@word'em up:= 1.Give praise to. 2.Be thankful for


@word-hole:= Mouth area where words come out.

Example: Shut your word-hole.

@word-nerd:= using word without knowing the definiton

Example: that word nerd doen't know what he's talking about

@word-to-yer-motha:= Phrase used by the whitest of white in so-called rap, Vanilla Ice.

Example: Yo! Word-to-yer-motha! (Making a fist and pressing it to the camera.)

@word foundry:= A person or group which comes up with new words on an almost industrial basis.

Analogous to Korean semiconductor chip foundries.

Example: Heh, that Alan Morrison is a real word foundry! ;-)

@word of mouse:= The way news and rumors spread across the internet via message boards and IRC servers. (Someone coined this along time ago...just did not see it listed and thought it should be.)

Example: If word of mouth and work of mouth don't do it for you, try word of mouse and work of mouse.

@word on the street:= The rumor or the consensus.

Example: Ed: The word on the street is that you hate Mexican food.

Ted: What street is that word on? It's totally wrong.

@Word to you and your mothers!:= A totally hip and cool way to say sup, homies?

Thought up by everybody's favorite Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle.

Example: When Kurt was lost in New York City and needed directions

to where he needed to be, he saw two homies.

To get their attention he exclaimed, Sup to you and your mothers!

@word up:= Spawned before Wassup? and with the same meaning.

Example: Michael: Word up? Shaun: Not much.

@word:= I agree

Example: Somebody says something. You say,word.

@wordchuck:= someone that wastes time by thinking up useless words and submitting them to psuedodictionary

Example: How many words could a wordchuck chuck if a wordchuck could chuck words?

@wordhumping:= (1) The process of fixating on a specific, isolated word when one is speaking to you, interrupting the conversation, repeating the word obsessively for minutes/hours/days (in any and every context) until it renedered almost meaningless, then discarding it until it has some useful purpose again (i.e. in an actual sentence.)

(2) Taking a word out of context and enjoying it simply for the sound.

Example: Example 1

Person 1: So my great-great-great aunt had the bubonic plague and...

Person 2: (wordhumping) Wait, stop. You said, 'bubonic.'

Person 1: Yeah, and so...

Person 2: Bubonic. Bubonic. Boo. Bonic. Boo-bonic.

Person 2: (next week, on the phone to Person 3) Oh my god, I was at that party the other night and it was so damn bubonic...

Example 2:


@wordify:= modifying the interent html text into a word document for handier use by using the explorer edit with microsoft word icon

Example: If you wordify the text, we wil be able to work on it easier

@wordisbawn:= when someone comes up with a new idea or news, this is what he/she'll say.

Example: Yo, I just came up from L.A. and there was mad shots goin' down, wordisbawn.

@wordism:= A made up word or phrase.

Example: This site contains a lot of wordisms.

@wordjitsu:= A verbal battle requiring quick wits and a whole lotta sass.

Example: After some wordjitsu, I managed to get my evil stepmother to allow me to go to the ball. Little did she know my life was about to change forever....

@wordporn:= The genre of literature written for the purpose of tittilation.

Example: My grandmother's collection of wordporn is so extensive that she owns every paperback

Fabio ever appeared on.

@wordsmith:= Someone who is good at using words, especially in written communication.

Example: You should have that letter checked by a wordsmith before you send it. Here, let me help.

@work of mouth (tm):= An actual typographical error for word of mouth. Phrase has been around since 1976 and is now a trademark. Forget about word of mouth--this is the real way you let people know about you, your products, and your services.

Example: Want some more customers or visitors to your site? Try work of mouth.

@work the biscuit:= This phrase was originally used in the context of a guy hitting on a girl or vice-versa.

Since it's conception, however, the phrase has been extended to include many other forms

of action not necessarily related to dating rituals.

Example: Check out Dave talking to Kelly. He's really working the biscuit.

@workbench:= Code word used by experienced men, usually when women are present, to describe a well-used bed.

Example: After I take her out for a few drinks, I'll take her to the workbench.

@Working Blue:= Originally used to describe the act of a stand-up comic that was composed entirely or excessively of sexual material. More expansively, describes overuse of foul language or discussion of sexual or taboo subjects.

Example: “Andrew Dice Clay has painted his career into a corner because of his habit of working blue.”

OR “I had a bunch of friends over at my house and my mom got upset because we were working blue.”

@workshopped:= Description for somebody who attended one or usually more workshops.

Example: Three times workshopped.

@worktribe:= A social group comprised of persons who associate with one-another while performing separate jobs or activities.

Example: The afternoon worktribes from the office building next door filled the restaurant.

@world serious:= A collection of baseball games, generally played in October,

often viewed by aficionados in a light similar to religious ritual.

Term first coined in the 1950s by the inimitable Walt Kelly, cartoonist, humorist,

and linguist extraordinaire.

(We have met the enemy and he is us.)

Example: 2001 was the first year the World Serious lasted into November.

@worrymindit:= Preceded by the word don't, it means not to be concerned if something can't be done.

Example: My three-year-old daughter said, Dad, don't worrymindit if we can't go to the movies today.

@worthwhility:= Worthwhile-ness.

Example: I sincerely doubt the worthwhility of the exercise.

@wossname:= What's his name. Can be applied to either sex.

Example: I got the bucket off wossname.

@wotcha:= colloquial English for 'Hello'

Example: Wotcha, how are you today?

@would you like some cheese:= A snappy retort to be used against someone who keeps

interrupting in an annoying way.

Example: Them: Oh, can't we just stop here? My feet are getting all hot and I think

I'm getting blisters.

You: Aw, look at the poor little baby? Would he like some cheese with his whine?

@wounded soldier:= A partially-finished can or bottle of beer that can still be consumed.

Example: Ed: I can't find any more beer anywhere. Ted: Here, take this wounded soldier off me.

@wowie zowie:= A term used when one wants to seem sarcastically happy, taken from a Mothers of Invention song.

Example: Hey Cathy, I just bought a set of encyclopedias!

Wowie zowie.

@wowsers:= Dizty version of wow.

Example: You got new shoes? Wowsers!

@woxymoron:= An active, actual oxymoron.

Example: That lady selling smokes while dragging her oxygen machine is a woxymoron.

@wrage:= A woman’s rage. The almost indescribable anger exhibited by a woman when she is caught in adultery,

theft, etc.

Example: Her wrage was so great she busted out all the windows and doors of his house, and then

took everything of value.

@wrank:= used in decribing an unpleasant taste or stench usually from people food or or objects

Example: Jesus murphy she smelt wrank. that food was total wrank.

@wrape:= The process whereby a woman falsely accuses a spouse, boyfriend, or lover of domestic or sexual abuse in order to obtain possession orcontrol of a child, property, or money….or to destroy the man. The wrathful rape of a man. A common practice of the hysterical personality type.

ORIGIN OF WORD: Combining parts of the words wrathful and rape.

Example: She said she was going to wrape him until he had nothing left, including sanity.

@wrarble:= A warped marble.

Example: Check out this wrarble.

@wras:= Through physical or psychological means, imposing one's will on another; the violation of another physically or mentally, through threats or actions.

Example: The wras she suffered at his hands was so extreme it made her teeth bleed.

@wreck one's shop:= To defeat devastatingly.

Example: I wrecked Bill's shop today on the basketball court.

@wrinkle ranch:= A name used in place of nursing home, senior citizen estates, and so forth.

Example: Damn, is she getting old... It's about time to move Grandma to the wrinkle ranch.

@wrinklies:= old people (plural)

Example: Hey, the wrinklies are coming over for tea - boil some water.

@wrinkular:= skin that is overly wrinkled

Example: did you see the back of my elbows - they've gone completely wrinkular!

@write-only:= Unreadable or indecipherable. Something of sufficient complexity that it is incomprehensible. Often applied to someone else's style of writing software.

Example: I've spent an hour trying to figure out what your freaking write-only PERL script does: lean to use some comments for a change!

@writer:= A practitionar of graffiti.

Example: The local writers in this area united as one and formed the 893 UNIT.

@wronf:= The state of being incorrect, not wrong but not right.

Example: I was not wronf, just slightly mistaken.

@Wrong way to eat a reese's (c):= A phrase said when some one makes either a very big mistake, or any mistake one would think impossible. Comes from the Reese's (c) ad slogan there's no wrong way to eat a reese's (c)

Example: I spilled wine on my date's dress, and then almost set her on fire Whoa! Wrong way to eat a reese's (c)

@wrunkled:= A face aged by life.

Example: If you're lucky, you'll live long enough to get a very wrunkled face.

@wtf:= Acronym for demanding a logical answer to something confusing or absurd.

Example: Bungie jump out of an airplane...wtf were you thinking?

@WTG:= Way To Go.

Example: WTG Bill, that was a great demonstration.

@WTMI:= Way too much information.

Example: You and your husband are no longer physically involved? OK! WTMI!

@wubbering:= The peculiar quavering certain singers experience whilst singing high-frequency lyrics,

resulting in the distortion of certain syllables.

Derived from Wubbering, wubbering heights.

Can also occur when one is crying and speech is in the form of a wobbly sob--think blubbering.

Example: She was really wubbering a hell of a lot after she got smacked in the face by that door.

@wubsmeed:= Imbercile, fool, moron, etc.

Example: Are you a complete wubsmeed?

@wuccas:= Commonly used Australian slang. Abbreviation for the spoonerism wucking furries.

Example: Bruce: Thanks for the lift. Mick: No wuccas, mate.

@wudelphreignjyuur:= Wood-elf ranger.

Someone who is extremely knowledgable about wildlife and lives in a woodland area.

Example: The hermit who produces herbal medicines in the mountains is a wudelphreignjur

@wug:= A completely sporadic combination of walking, running, and jogging. Most often demonstrated by particularly obese people on a treadmill.

Example: I'm permanently scarred from seeing some plus size model wuggin' it at the gym today in spandex.

@wuh-wuh-wuh:= WWW when spoken in an internet address. Much easier than saying double-you double-you double-you.

Example: The pseudodictionary is located on the web at wuh-wuh-wuh dot pseudodictionary dot com.

@wumzif:= What happens if.

Example: Wumzif we can't get home in time to let the dogs out?

@wunch:= A collective noun for a group of bank employees.

Example: This is a Spoonerism: They are all a wunch of bankers.

@wuppie:= web yuppie


@Wurr:= A soft sound of contentment, sounding like a cross between a purr and a sigh.

Example: Stephanie wurred dreamily when she found out she could adopt the kitten.

@wuss-rock:= music that males (mostly boy-bands) make that's very sappy and cheesy in nature. it's usually listened to by teenaged girls, who think there are males out there that actually talk like that.


@Wuss:= One who freaks out at even the smallest bit of unpleasantness.

Example: That guy's a complete Wuss.

@wuttling:= Extraction and disposing of the essence and replacing it with something else.

Example: Another example of wuttling: you know the animutations,

where they interpret the Japanese words into English? That's wuttling.

@wuzzle:= To Mix. From elementary school CAT tests. (see younker)

Example: Wuzzle means to mix.

@wwwzipitdotcom!:= Shut your mouth!

Example: Hey! Wwwzipitdotcom! You are being rude!

@Wyrm:= From the Olde Engish word for serpent or dragon. (See root words of worm in the dictionary) (See Silkwyrm.)

Example: Any SciFi Fan knows that the words Dragon and Wyrm are synonyms.

@WYSAWYG:= Pronounced why-za-wig. What You See Ain't What You Get! The opposite of WYSIWYG.

Example: I hate WYSAWYG websites. I like such user loving sites such as pseudodictionary.com.

@X-Phile:= Computer term for someone who is obssesed with the X-files.

Example: He watches the X-Files everyday? What an X-Phile!

@x-tan:= The tan you get from the bathing suits that make weird shapes on your back.

Example: Her x-tan was so bad she spent a hundred dollars at a tanning salon.

@x to the z ydog:= Used to describe a mondo best friend.

Example: What up my x to the z ydog?

@X.G.S.:= X-Girlfriend Syndrome. When someone bothers you like a ex-girlfriend would after you break up.

Example: Jim: Bob called me like 5 times asking where we were going tonight.

Jeff: Does he have X.G.S. or something?

@x2:= A notation added to the end of a word to denote a double meaning.

Note: This is typically a written (as opposed to spoken) expression, and it is usually contained within parentheses.

Example: Sally: On Friday I went to the store to pick up something to eat (x2).

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006