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It gave me the chobeez just thinking about how she would be able to help me further

my own flagging career.

@chobo:= Adjective (cho-boh)- Korean in origin. To be very bad at something. A newbie. Someone who is not elite.

Example: That chobo driver can't stay in his lane.

@chocolacuted:= The result of having consumed excessive amounts of chocolate: chocolate overload.

Often characterized by an intense need for water or salty foods.

Example: The death by chocolate sundae was great while I was eating it, but now I feel like I've been chocolacuted.

@chocolate panzer:= Any one of a later-model German-made large, boxy sedan (usually a Mercedes),

painted chocolate or any other cenfectionary color--butterscotch, creme, etc.

Example: Check out that Benz. That's one serious chocolate panzer.

@chocolate teapot:= Something that is useless for what it is designed.

Example: I know it looks good, but it doesn't work at all. It's about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

@chocospurfulation:= (n) Flatulating sound the squeezable chocolate sauce container makes when it's almost empty.

Can be used with a variety of condiments: mustospurfulation, ketchospurfulation, etc.

Example: Sally looked insulted and glared at Mark from across the room while Mike was making sundaes. He said, Hey, that's not me, it's chocospurfulation.

@Chod:= Bad, unsatisfactory, worrisome, nasty.

Example: Last night I got so drunk my tongue went black and fell off. That was a bit chod, wasn't it? How did you get it reattached to say that?

@chode:= Loser, chump, wannabe, dork--and doesn't know it.

Example: I can't believe that chode is macking on Monica--she's way too hot for him.

@chog:= esp. of traffic: sluggish, densely-packed, slow-moving. Also choggy.

Example: We were going to take the new road but it was all choggy with beach traffic

@chogret:= A close friend.

Example: Hey, chogret, lets go to the mall tonight.

@choice:= Awesome

Example: Choooiiice

@choir junkie:= Equivalent of band geek for choir class.

Example: I can't believe what a choir junkie Tina is. She is in the choir room all the time.

@Choke N' Puke:= Canadian's nickname for McDonalds.

Example: Where do you want to eat tonight? Let's go to Choke N' Puke.

@choke yourself:= To display your distaste for another's disposition; usually used when you're glad you're not in her shoes.

Example: A. My boss said I have to work this weekend.

B. Just choke yourself.

@choke zone:= Opposite of comfort zone. Esp. sports,

an uncomfortable area of the field to shoot or throw from, a situation where you feel likely to fail.

Example: I made the birdie from 15 feet inside the choke zone.

@chokel:= Preferred method of execution when dealing with yokels.

Example: Step out of your tractor and prepare to be chokeled.

@chokolatenfreude:= The joy that comes from eating chocolate

Example: One bite of that Godiva chocolate bar gave me considerable chokolatenfreude.

@Chombie:= A customer of a retail store that is usually unable to find the commodities he wishes to purchase.

Example: A clerk conversing with coworker: Yesterday, I had to help this chombie find the limes.

@chomley:= A contraction of chamomile tea.

Example: Would you like a cup of chomley?

@chompers:= exclaimed just before biting into something, with the intent of eating 40-60 percent of it with the initial bite (especially pertinent to sandwiches or burgers)

Example: ah, this is a boss-looking burger, chappy. well, chompers! (chomp)

@chomps:= any type of food

Example: I'm hungry. I'm gonna get me some chomps.

@chonky:= Bulbous, or chunky.

The word was invented when a New Zealander attempted to say chunky', and what she said was chonky.

Example: Stacey: Have you seen _Jaws_? Sam: No, why? Stacey: there is this one part when all these chonky bits of humans were floating in the water.

@chooch:= A person who does something stupid by making a lame comment or a physical action without thinking first.

Example: Alyson sure looked like a chooch when she blew that bubble and the gum

flew out of her mouth onto her in-laws plate.

@Choofy:= Worthless, trivial, unimportant; noun form is Choofacabra. (Credited to James Ruggieri and Sandice Alaska.)

Example: The whole system is completely choofy; it's a complete waste of time. OR That guy is a Chufacabra--he never does any work.

@chookies:= Chocolate chip cookies.

Example: I don't like chookies; I prefer oatmeal raisin.

@choom choom:= Life personified, according to Mr. Paris of Hinsdale Central.

Example: Choom choom, Mr. Paris!

@choom:= 1. Often said in preparation to do something

2. An expression of happiness after receiving an alcoholic beverage.

3. In Scotland, choom can also be used to initiate the act of love.

Example: 1. Och, right time to do some work... choom!

2. A lovely pint of whiskey! Choom!

3. Come a little closer and choom me up.

@Chooooow:= Derived from Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill sketch. Must be said Chooooow.

A way in whcih Eddie Izzard Fans often say goodbye.

Example: Later, man. Later. Chooooow.

@chop:= An absolute jerk. A person who thinks she is cool and has lots of friends. The truth is, nobody likes her.

Example: Pam is a chop. Why does she hang out with us when we tell her to go away?

@Choppicer:= A Choppicer is a member of the law enforcement community. They typically are just one notch better than a meter-maid and can usually be found with a well-waxed moustache and a small man complex.

Example: Ahhh S*&t! Here comes Choppicer O'Riley. He been bussin' my ass all damn week.

@choprasettic:= Beyond good, it's new-age good.

Example: After that meditation he was feeling choprasettic.

@chore:= Chat room whore.

Example: I'm typing naked, said the chore.

OR I'd have sex with you, but I hate to do chores.

@Choregasm:= Working extra hard to give your partner an orgasm because you feel guilty if you don't.

Example: It took me almost half an hour but my girlfriend finally had a choregasm.

@chosty:= Overly large, burly, tough.

Example: That's one chosty steak and kidney pie.

@chotels:= Tight shorts or pants that are like a cheap hotel--no ballroom.

Example: Did you see the chotels on Chris? Give it some air!

@Chrikannadanza:= A holiday that occurs near the end of the calander year.

Example: Christians, Jews, Arabs and African-Americans can all buy gifts for Chrikannadanza

@Christeaster:= A particular religious denomination that only has church Christmas and Easter.

Example: Mark's annual attendance at midnight mass was in keeping with his Christeaster faith.

@Christohannukahmas:= when a child has one parent that celebrates Christmas and one that celebrates Hannukah.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006