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2. The vet had to fix the closature of the dog's eye.

@close-talker:= Someone who stands too close to you when speaking. From the tv-series Seinfeld.

Example: You know Aaron? Yeah, he's that close-talker, right?

@closet-time:= The length of time one hides part of her character from others.

Example: They didn’t know she was so loose; her closet-time was almost 25 years.

@clothes porn:= Movies or TV shows masquerading as women's drama, lifestyle or infotainment.

Main demographic: viewers envious of the glossy and trendy wardrobes worn by the participants.

Can be readily detected by the presence of a changing-clothes montage to upbeat music (see Pretty Woman).

Phrase may have originated with science-fiction author Pat Cadigan. See shopping porn, food porn, and gun porn.

Example: Supposedly the interviewer spent a day with the starlet talking about her latest movie,

but actually it was just clothes porn.

@clothestase-splingy:= Dry, fuzzy mouth. kloths-tays-plingee


@clousher(s):= A combination of the words Clouds and Showers.


@clow:= A completely random but completely great happening or event.

Example: We had the weirdest clow last night.

@clown-munch:= A person that is stupid in your eyes, or someone that makes you angry.

Example: That driver behind me is a clown-munch.

@club-fed:= The federal law enforcement officer's training center at Glynco, Georgia.

Example: No one carries a badge for Uncle Sam without going through club-fed first.

@clubberin:= Referring to a fake or staged fight on television or movies, and can also refer to a wrestling match.

Example: Look at Stone Cold and The Rock clubberin on each other.

@cluck:= A person who does stupid things at random.

Example: Boy! That idiot sure is a cluck!

@clueful:= Having a clue. Adeptness. Antonym of clueless.

Example: That was a very clueful way of handling the problem.

@Clums:= Clumsy, but as a noun.

Example: I just dropped the vase on my foot.I am such a clums!

@Clunger:= Cluster of hangers. ClungerWhat you come up with when you reach into the closet and grab a hanger.

Example: I only need one hanger for my coat, not that whole clunger.

@Clutch:= A good thing or when something works out.

Example: I checked out that resturant last night, it was clutch

@Clutcheon:= A general term for small bits of hardware.

Example: That's a clutchen and that's a clutcheon. Said by a four-year-old pointing at items on a hardware store shelf.

@clyde:= well dressed man about town

Example: with my cream turtleneck sweater and navy blue oxford jacket, i am as clyde!

@CME Christain:= A person who only goes to church on Christmas, Mother's Day, or Easter.

Example: There are those who claim that Hattie is a CME Christian.

@CMYK:= Acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (don't ask me why K stands for black). Theoretically, when properly and applied to white paper, these colors can replicate any visible color. Actually, some colors need to be pre-mixed.

Example: This appears yellow, so we'll reduce its yellow CMYK component.

@Cnai:= extremely fast version of can I?

Example: Cnai go now?!

@co-ollybobbles:= Stomach ache.

Example: If you eat those green apples, you'll get co-ollybobbles.


To give, hand over

Example: Hey, Adam, can you coach me that pillow?

@coal Mine, coal miner:= Another artschool term. A drawing class in which you are required to make lots and lots

of big drawings using soft charcoal from 8:00 to 6:00 in the evening.

When you are done, you look like you have been coal mining.

Example: When I came home from coal mining, I made the mistake of lying down on the bedsheets I just cleaned.

@coalburn:= A mixture of lemonade and iced tea.

Example: A tall glass of coalburn goes down smoothly.

@coaster:= What a CD is called when there is an error writing to it.

Example: My computer crashed while I was burning a CD, so all I got out of it was a coaster.

@cobb:= To make something out of nothing, to perform a quick-fix with limited supplies. Usually car-related. Cobble.

Example: I'll see if I can cobb something together with this duct tape and some toothpicks.

@cobsquaddled:= to be completely confused; baffled; intensely bewildered.

Example: That statement completely cobsquaddles me.

@cobwebsite:= a website which hasn't been updated for a long period of time.

Example: I did a search for some useful current information, but all I got back was broken links and cobweb sites.

@cockapoo:= A half-breed cocker spaniel and poodle.

Example: Cockapoos are some of the more common mongrels in America.

@cockroach:= Negative term for a female who has no unique personality and behaves in a predictable way. Never independent from her social group, superficial.

Example: Look at those cockroaches over there. They are a dime a dozen here at school. I can't stand them.

@cocoanuts:= Obviously bored or bewlidered extras seen in the background of movies. From the Marx Brothers' debut movie of the same name, in which all but one of the extras are plainly bored and bewlidered.

Example: The movie sucked, but it was fun watching for cocoanuts.

@coddiwomple:= To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

Example: Hey, Mac, let's coddiwomple across the food court and find something to eat.

@code pie:= The need for success.

Example: Code pie is getting me down.

@Code Red:= This means that he or she is WAY HOT!

Example: GUYS: Jennifer Lopez in my opinion is a total CODE RED! She is way pretty. GIRLS: Robert Downey, Jr. is a definite CODE RED. He is way hot!

@Code Whore:= A contract employee or consulting programmer.

Usually refers to the high-rate hourly programmers that will do anything for a price.

Example: We're way behind schedule, so they're bringing in a team of Code Whores to pull a week of all-nighters.

@code:= When one has a cold and his/her nose and throat is stuffy, this word can replace the word cold. Usually, the sick's friends will understand. If the friends are horribly mean and insensitive, however, they will point and laugh every time the word is uttered for the next 15 years.

Example: It's code.

@codentron:= Someone who specialized in cryptology, able to break any code and to create unbreakable informational systems.

Example: Steven is a codentron in the service of the army.

@codery:= the end results of coding (programming)

Example: that's an amazing feat of codery

@codish:= (n) - 1. The uniquely personal dialect a person uses to say code out loud.

Since there's no standard, everyone has his own way of speaking it,

with humourous results.

Just listen to two coders attempt to engage in conversation over a programming problem--hilarity!

Example: Good gravy, Billy has been hacking so long today he's ordering his lunch in codish!

@cody-eto:= Name for the perfect guy--who doesn't exist.

Example: Jane finally realised cody-eto never was and never will be real.

@Coffee-shop intellectual:= That new age, poet-type guy sitting in the corner with a beret on,

putting the finishing touches on his Everquest fan fiction.

Example: Bert: Did you hear him talking? It sounded like he ate a thesaurus.

Ernie: It's all a fake, he's just a coffee-shop intellectual.

@coffee:= A person who is coughed on.

Example: Bill coughed on Nancy. Since she was the coffee, she caught the flu.

@coffee:= Another word for snuff or chewing tobacco.

Example: Cal, do you have any coffee?

@coffeetize:= To drink coffee. Formation can be used with other food or drinks: sodatize, candytize, etc.

Example: I'm so exhausted from last night, I need to coffeetize myself immediately.

@Coffier:= A coffee maker.

Example: Hey, why's the clock blinking on the coffier? Again?

@cog:= a cat that behaves like a dog

Example: The cog was waiting for me by the door.

@coglottist:= A person who speaks the same language as someone else.

Similar in structure and use to coreligionist.

Example: Henri, you speak French--help me translate this letter from one of your coglottists.

@cognatoid:= Something that on the surface seems difficult but, in fact, is not.

Example: At first I was worried about that math problem. But, when I looked again. I realized it was just a cognatoid.

@Coincert:= That annoying sound that changejinglers make.

Example: Jerk behind me was putting on a full symphony coincert.

@coinkedink:= Used humorously, when saying coincidence is just too serious a word to use.

Example: What a coinkedink. I didn't know you liked cheesecake too.

@coinkidink, coinkydink:= Coincidence. A strange happening, unusually odd

Example: What a coinkidink. We were just talking about you, and bam...here you are.

@coinkydink:= (n) A coincidence. Observing that things are oddly synchronizing. May be used as a false exclamation of wonder, to suggest that one ought to take a closer look at the obvious. Or used to annoy others by applying for no apparent reason.

Example: Coinkydink!

@Coka Soaka:= When you open a can of a carbonated beverage and it sprays all over the place.

Example: I opened a 2-liter of Coka Soaka and it ruined my white shirt.

@cokaboka:= It is a word for like back at ya

Example: your so sexy cokaboka

@Coke:= The real thing.

Example: Waiter: What will you have to drink. Customer: A large Coke. Waiter: We don't have Coke, will Pepsi be all right? Customer: No. Please, God, save me from Pepsi.

@Cold-A-Hellen:= A slang word meaning that it is very cold outside. Used mostly in the Lancaster County area of PA.

Example: I am putting on my long underwear, because it is going to be Cold-A-Hellen tonight.

@cold approach:= CIA expression: To approach a foreign national (usually an

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