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I decided to become a commode commando and used the men’s instead.

@commodorebogan:= A person who drives a commodore, usually in a stupid and totally bogan way.

Example: The guy that crashed into the pole was a definite commodorebogan

@communism:= The belief that an action is right and logical when it is either ludicrous, stupid, obviously foolish, comedically wrong, or completely inappropriate.

Example: Eating Burger King's French fries is communist.

@comodian:= combination of comode and comedian, used in sarcastic namecalling by children after someone makes fun of you or tells a stupid joke.

Example: ha ha ha, you're such a comodian.

@compactify:= To condense, to shrink, to make smaller, to put into a compact state.

Example: Please compactify the results of your experiment so that they will fit on this page.

@company detox:= Process going on post-Enron by which companies are publicly purging their balance

sheets of previously unreported items which might scare investors if they found out by

accident or through the press and lead to their share price plummeting.

Also known as balance sheet detox.

Example: Did you see that exceptional charge on the profits of XYZ announced last week?

Talk about company detox.

@compass:= A computer student who happens to be an ass.

Example: I really wanted that other marking scheme. I'm gonna find that compass who complained.

@Competitious:= Competitive.

Example: When I start playing video games, I do get competitious.

@complaint of actors:= 'Complaint' is the word used to describe a group of actors.

Example: At the restaurant I noticed a complaint of actors crowded around a table.

@completionist:= It is used to describe both (a) a person who feels compelled to complete something once they have started it; and (b) a person who collects certain related items (for example, all Star Wars related things) and buys eveything they can in the collection even if it is something that, on its own, the collector would not particularly like.

Example: I would not recommend the new Star Trek book to anyone excect completionists.

@complexicated:= The state of being both complex and complicated. [ED. See complexify.]

Example: I couldn't finish the assignment because the instructions were so complexicated.

@complexify:= To make something more complex and complicated.

Example: We do not want to simplify for them; we want to complexify--if such a word exists. Or something to that effect was said by Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, Oct 2001.

@compliddity:= Usually occurs after someone asks you a question, and your answer is slightly delayed, and she asks Are you sure?

and the little bastard makes you doubt yourself and you aren't sure whether you were sure,

or were ever really sure about anything. Long-term effects include the overall inability to make up your mind.

Example: Due to an episode over super-sizing a Mc meal to split with his girl last January,

Jerry was in a constant state of compliddity and had to rely on a shiny silver dollar to make up his mind.

@compophobia:= An intense fear of creative writing.

Example: If your limbs become rigid and your brain freezes at the sight of a blank sheet of paper

or if your gastric muscles involuntarily contract at the mention of verbs or descriptive, you

may suffer from compophobia.

@compruter:= n.(cum.pruu.ta)the ghetto slang speach for computer.

Example: Can you help me on my compruter?

@Compstipation:= This word describes the reason for all computer output interruptions. Verb.... Compstipated

Example: I could not get my current bank balance because the banks computer was suffering from compstipation

@compunabula:= Forlorn, extant, or obsolete computer-related items. Generally related to the collection and appreciation of said items. Based on the word incunabula.

Example: It started when I got my first Apple II, and now I can't even get into the basement because of all the piles of compunabula I've got down there.

@compusexual:= New classifiction of sexuality, used to describe someone who has bonded to her computer in a special way

and requires no human contact beyond her system. Usually a recluse.

Example: Our best guess is that she's compusexual, seeing as how she isn't interested in one sex or the other but loves her computer.

@computato:= An adjective used to describe a person who does nothing more than sit at his computer for hours on end.

Example: Dave's turned into a computato since he got his new computer. His wife is giving him hell.

@computer pimp:= Person who uses the internet dating systems to meet and date numerous people

Example: Kyle has meet so many women on the internet he has been labeled a computer pimp.

@computerate:= To use the computer.

Example: I wish I had more time to computerate.

@computercommuter:= Someone who stays at home and works in the office via computer.

Example: On Mondays and Thurdays the boss is strictly a computer commuter.

@concensus:= The convict count. Consensus is misspelled concensus so often, the editor figured we needed a word spelled concensus. No claim of originality, though. {Idea of one more coming back in than went out came from a Ridley Pearson novel, _The First Victim_ if memory serves.}

Example: Bert: Hey, Ernie, what's goin' on? I did the concensus and we got one too many guys came in from the yard.

Ernie: Nah, you musta miscounted.

Bert: No, I checked and checked again. We got one too many. Somebody musta busted in.

@concluscious:= To be luscious because of intelligence.

Example: You wrote an award winning paper on supersymmetry? A Nobel Prize, too? You're so concluscious.

@concraption:= A device which is designed to save time, but instead consumes it.

Example: I'll fax the report to you tomorrow, if I can figure out this concraption.

@concrapulations:= A sarcastic way of saying congratulations.

Example: Well, concrapulations to you on your new promotion.

@Concreightor:= Someone who ate concrete for some unfortunate circumstance.

Example: Billy is a concreightor, surfing is his passion.

@concretiate:= To solidify.

Example: In order to concretiate the facts, the detective did further investigating.

@concretize:= The process of turning all of the greenspace on the planet into parking lots, sidewalks, and roads.

Example: The developers are slowly concretizing the grass in front of the

library because people will take shortcuts across the lawn.

@condominimum:= A condom for the short.

Example: Midget to druggist: Do you sell condominimums here?

@cones:= Drivers of vehicles that are widely spaced and moving at or below the roadway's posted speed limit.

Example: I had to pass a bunch of cones back there before I could catch up with you.

@confidentiality trap:= Any website, chain letter, email, or other form that seems innocent but tricks you into giving away personal, embarrassing, or otherwise stupid information to an individual, usually the one you got linked to the site by.

Example: AARGH! Kelsey lured me into a confidentiality trap. Now she knows that I have a crush on Danielle.

@conflama:= Mixture of conflict and drama. Usually involving juicy gossip.

Example: So much conflama tonight.

Lester opened the closet door and found his girlfriend in there...with someone else.

@confoozled:= Confused and bamboozled.

Example: This problem is hard. I'm confoozled.

@confoozled:= Extremely confused.

Example: I get so confoozled sometimes. Do the shoes go on your hands or your feet?

@confrustipation:= Mental or physical paralysis caused by a combined state of confusion and frustration, resulting complete lack of productive output.

Example: Getting his story published finally allowed Boutros to break through his confrustipation, thus ending his long struggle with writer's block.

@confrustrated:= Being both confused and frustrated at the same time.

Example: After this morning's class I was confrustrated about what to do.

@confuddled:= Very confused.

Example: This whole mess has left me confuddled.

@confugality:= problematic

Example: a child custody added confugality to the divorce

@confunderstood:= A mix between being missunderstood and confused, first used by buddies Nick and Matt.

Example: Yes I know I am confunderstood.

@confusatory:= Use this when you're so confused, you don't even know what adjective you're looking for.

Example: Math boggled them; they found it very confusatory.

@Confusement:= When two neurons in your brain do not connect properly. Which leaves the victim unable to form a complete and rational statement.

Example: Excuse me... there has seemed to be some confusement...

@confusiasm:= Also confusiastic, confusiastically. When a person is always confused and stupid, he/she is confusiastic. There are three kinds of confusiasm: Stupid confusiasm, Comic confusiasm, and Deliberate Confusiasm.

Example: Sheena is confusiastic because she's always saying stupid things and asking What? Von is confusiastic because he'll go up to you and say Mmmzzznrhamanerang just cause it's funny. Emmanuel is confusiastic because he acts stupid to be cool.

@confusled:= A word taken from Winnie The Pooh that means, essentially, being confused--but sounds a whole lot cooler than plain ol' confused.

Example: Heffalumps and woozles, are very confusled, because they come in every shape and size.

@confuslicated:= Mix of confused and complicated.

Example: This problem is so hard I'm totally confuslicated.

@confusticate:= Orig: Tolkien. Apparently a contraction of confuse and frustrate, often used as a very mild curse to place upon someone who has vexed you.

Example: Confusticate him, he put my sneakers in the icebox again.

@confustication:= Confusion, frustration.

Example: OMG, we have a Spanish test next period. I didn't study at all, and I dont understand a thing.

Aaaggghh! The confustication.

@confustrigated:= Confused, disgusted, and agitated or irritated.

Example: This new computer program has the whole office completely confustrigated.

@Confuzzle:= Confuse.

Example: The confuzzled student tried to solve the confuzzling math problem.

@confuzzled:= Confused and puzzled at the same time.

Example: That game confuzzled me to no end.

@congrats:= What Paul and Garret and everyone else at pseudodictionary.com should recieve for getting 10,000 fictitious words.

Example: Congrats to everybody at pseudodictionary.com on your accomplishment of 10,000 words.

@congrolences:= To congratulate a person with his new whatever and a sad feeling for the person at the same time.

Example: I hear you were called to be the new scoutmaster. My congrolences.

@Connect Four:= Solving a friend's problem by putting all the pieces in order and solving all the loose ends.

Example: Albert's house was on fire, his cat had to have surgery and he needed $5000.

So needless to say I pulled a Connect Four and he is all right now.

@connectamazoink:= A certain ambiguous something used to connect something to something else.

Example: Get the connectamazoink, he said after dropping the vase.

@connectorize:= The act of applying the appropriate connectors to network cabling. Includes both copper and fiber types.

Example: Please connectorize the remaining cables in the wiring closet.

@consaywa:= Corner store. Mostly used for a deli on a corner.

Example: I have to go to the connsaywa to buy candy.

@Conservia:= A utopian-styled society in which conservation efforts have gone to extremes.

There is no pollution and no alcohol, killing animals for food is strictly outlawed,

and nothing at all goes to waste.

Even human bodies are recycled instead of being buried.

Example: Conservia is utopia gone all wrong.

They throw out the steak and eat their dead instead, and then call us sick.

@conspicious:= Conspicuous (obvious) and suspicious. Not inconspicuous (hidden) or not innocent-looking.

Example: That woman in the dark hat looks conspicious to me.

@constancy:= A lathargic feeling, caused by a boring or repetitive activity, usually over a long period of time. This feeling is generally brought on by full-time work or full-time study. It can also be caused by repeating the same activity a number of times in one day. This feeling is less associated with true irritability, and more associated with begrudging acceptance of one's lot in life. (Constance where appropriate)

Example: The constance of working in the same civil servant position for 36 years caused George to grow into a depressed loner, who came off us a lovable loser.


How can you possibly stand working in the same civil servant position for so long?

Isn't the constancy killing you? Mary asked George.

It's a living, George replied.

Not much of one, Mary muttered as she walked away.

@constantaneous:= Appearing or occuring and then continuing without a pause or break.

Example: The throbbing pain in my head has been constantaneous since last night.

@constern(ed):= The state of being full of consternation.

Example: He was consterned about the activities of the board.

@constipation officer:= An anal-retentive conservation officer--park ranger.

Example: That ranger was severly ticked when he saw us having a beer by the camp fire. He's obviously a Constipation Officer.

@construction screws:= Supervisors, managers, and project planners responsible for ineptly run improvement projects that keep highways and streets torn up much longer than necessary.

Example: The construction screws are responsible for this travesty.

@contage:= Replaces the function of the word caught or catching depending on use.

Can be applied to any item that can be considered contagious, whether physical or non-contagious.

Ex: yawning, illnesses or diseases, smiles, songs stuck in somoene's head, etc.

Example: Jenny had yawned, and as a result of being tired as well, Johnny contaged the gesture shortly after.


I just know if I go to visit Sarah with her cold I'm gonna contage that in a hearbeat.

@CONTHEOMNESY:= Means the spiritual level of somebody who in hard situations or good times thinks and acts according to virtue, without any changes in behaviour.

Example: Popan is a special man because he acquired contheomnesy and in this way everything it s easier for him.

@continentality:= Referring to one's continent of ethnic origin

Example: What is your continentality, Asian or African or maybe European?

@contirbute:= To wilfully misinterpret somebody else's words in such a way as to inflict the maximum offence,

ignoring the obviously intended original meaning.

A technique often used to pick fights in relationships,

the contirbuted meaning will be based on an illogical and tenuous chain of reasoning.

Example: Don't contirbute my words you paranoid bastard.

@contrabanned:= To be restricted access from something for the general good of everyone involved.


Example: You're contrabanned from your computer because you suck.

@Contrafibularity:= More than just a contradiction.

Example: That sandwhich is a total contrafibularity of the menu description.

@Conundrunk:= A drunken riddle to which only a conjectural answer can be made.

Example: Arnie finally cracked the meaning of dog life, finally solving the conundrunk.

@convagulations:= A woman's way of congragulating a man.

Example: Martha convagulated Mike when he got a promotion at work.

@conversability:= To be able to converse, to hold a conversation.

Example: I love talking to her--she has great conversability.

@conversate:= Talk with someone.

Example: I really enjoyed conversating with you last night.

@conversatic:= (adj) Term used to describe the level of a person's chattiness.

Example: I'm not very conversatic today.

@conversation Heart, c-heart:= Pickup line that is really lame, or overused, like the ones on the candy hearts. It can also describe the user of the musty, rusty pickup lines.

Example: Jim is a conversation heart waiting to happen. He is soo inexperienced when it comes to dating.

@conversatory:= A conservatory with intellectual pretentions of being a salon.

Example: The gathering found refuge from the rain and intellectual starvation in the conversatory.

@convirons:= An environment well-suited for conversation.

Example: I'd like to sometime, but I'd rather go to a place with better convirons than a noisy bar.

@convo:= Abbreviation for conversation.

Example: Jodi and I had a convo about you yesterday.

@convolutationism:= The state of believeing in convoluting things.

Example: He described the idea with a lot of needless convolutationism.

@convoluvulous:= A swirling coming together, a thing of blended beauty

Example: The convolvulous grain in the wood around the knothole is beautiful.

My canoe was almost swamped in the convolvulous current where the two streams joined.

@coo':= A variation of cool; usually used when talking about something that's happened or will happen

Example: I can't wait till the party, it'll be so coo'. OR That's coo'.

@cooda:= Fantastic, brilliant, awesome

Example: The pseudocictionary is cooda.

@cooked:= What happens when an Mp3 is improperly ripped. An annoying hiccupping glitch noise in the song.

Example: Aw man, this Mp3 is cooked.

@cookie:= The black paths left on a roadway after spinning the tires until they smoke, racing ahead at 80mph,

then pulling the emergency brake and turning the wheel 90 degrees hard left.

From above, the pattern is rounded, resembling a cookie.

Example: Now that I put a new engine in and racing slicks on my Camaro, we can go out and spin some cookies on Main Street.

@cool-aid drinker:= One who blindly follows company policy.

From the Jonestown massacre where Jim Jones' followers obeyed their leader and drank the cyanide-laced cool-aid.

Example: Bob won't approve that because he's such a cool-aid drinker.

@cool beans:= Way too cool stuff.

Example: Cool beans garbanzo!

@cool:= Meaningless word used by lazy British journalists to prefix any large amount of money.

Example: Last week, Mr. Smith won a cool million. And you can own the car for a cool hundred thousand.

@coolafied:= Someone you just decided is cool has been coolafied.

Example: John has been coolafied.

@coolfunky:= Not just cool, not just funky.

Example: Coolfunky!

@coolie doolies:= an alternatate way of sayin cool, yet more sytlish

Example: 'wanna go out'

'yeh coolie doolies' or..

'ill be back in a sec'

'coolie doolies'

@coolies:= Evolved form of the word cool that is used usually as a reply to a statement.

Example: Statement: Hey, I just found $50 on the sidewalk. Reply: Coolies.

@Coolio G-mony.:= Cool, Man.

Example: Well, all right, Coolio G-mony.

@coolio:= a person- preferably in their teens- who is beyond cool

Example: Rebekah is the most coolio kid in the school.

@coolrunnings:= meaning: everything is good or couldn't be better.

Example: How's it going? reply:Coolrunnings.

@coolth:= Antonym of warmth.

Example: Yes, the air conditioner is working, put your hand over the vent and feel the coolth.

@coop:= To get rid of evidence quickly.

Example: Quick, your mom's coming. Coop your cigarette.

@coopervision:= The ability to see through barrels. A cooper was a medieval barrelmaker.

Example: Wow! He's got coopervision. He saw right through that barrel.

@coparana:= The act of dancing the Macarana up against the wall and spread 'em.

Example: The dance floor went wild doing the coparana.

@copathetic:= Opposite of copacetic, really lousy - in an rather pathetic way. All botched up.

Example: His inane use of words for which he had no understanding revealed that, in fact, Doug's grasp of the language was copathetic.

@Copiavita:= Living an amazing abundant life, whether materially, physically or spiritually.

Example: He is overflowing with energy, joy, money, time to live the life he chooses, peace of mind and love - a classic case of copiavita.

@copma:= The kind of luck (good or bad) that you have with the cops. Similar to parkma.

Example: He's been pulled over six times since he moved here, and he's never gotten a ticket.

That's some seriously good copma.

@copophilia:= (pronounced cop o' feel ya): The phenomenon of offering a police officer low level sexual favors in return for NOT writing a traffic ticket.

Example: The judge in traffic court found that I wasn't guilty of speeding, but fined me $300 for copophilia.

@copsicle:= A variety of security guard or officer riding some form of seemingly useless transportation. Good examples are college campus police in golf carts, mall security guards in little jeeps or police riding bicycles. Even funnier when they are the overweight variety.

Example: There was no way that chubby copsicle would catch up with the shoplifter, he couldn't pedal fast enough!

@copulated:= Not to be confused with the verb copulated, this is an adjective much like populated--

used in reference to the number of police in a given area.

Example: I wouldn't speed too much along that section of highway because the area is heavily copulated.

@copululation:= The act of two police cars parking side by side, facing opposite directions, so the officers can chat to each other out the windows.

Example: I flew past these two higway patrolmen at about 85mph- they were too busy copululating to notice me.

@Copversation:= Conversation between two cops while parked in their squads side-by-side facing opposite directions.

Example: Look, Earl, them two police is having a copversation over there.

@copymark:= A copymark allows free copying and distribution of intellectual property. The work may not be sold, altered or modified from its original form without the creator's permission.

Example: I copymark some of my music to retain credit, and to publicize my sounds.

@Copywriter:= A writer who works in advertising. The conceiver of ideas and writer of copy. Commonly used but not deemed worthy by normal dictionary standards.

Example: Noah is the Senior Copywriter at Thibeault Advertising.

@coralatory:= To affect something else.

Example: Food has a coralatory effect on my weight.

@corall'd:= When you are feeling generally crappy or over tired.

Example: I am feeling so corall'd after last night.

@corduroian:= A person who is laid back about fashion and, therefore, on most days of the week and for most occasions, wears corduroy.

Example: With his laid back attitude and the flannel shirt, I knew he was a corduroian.

@core:= A moderately high level of cool, rad, or awesome.

Example: S: I just picked up that new Me First and the Gimme Gimmes album. It's great. R:New MFaGG? Core.

@corkeltite:= Cement industry innovation--corkletite is made out of glass and toothpaste.

Example: Corkletite may be more expensive initially, but it lasts longer than regular concrete.

@corleoned:= To make an offer that someone cannot refuse. Either through bodily harm or overt pressures of violence.

Example: The store clerk was corleoned into opening the safe.

@corn chip:= Pitiful attempt at a ponytail by guys trying to grow out their hair.

Always the size of a corn chip and usually curled under or all over the place.

Example: Jiff was proud of his luxurious locks. Unfortunately, whenever he tried to pull them back into a sassy style, the result was a corn chip.

@corn phone:= A type of cell phone.

A person speaks into the shuck portion and listens through the cob.

The cob is placed in the shuck when not in use.

Example: Bob called George on his new corn phone.

@corn starch:= Both the feeling of and remedy for jock itch.

Example: Jim. Why do you keep fidgeting?

Ed. Corn starch.

Jim. well go get some corn starch.

@cornbinder:= Any vehicle made by International Harvester Co.

Example: Based on the what International made before they made trucks. After seeing an old International pickup going down the road, There goes a cornbinder.

@cornbread:= Reference to the song No sex in the champagne room by Chris Rock.

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