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I'm not fat, if that's what you mean...You need a running start to hug her.

Example: She said she wasn't fat, then we met, and I had to look twice to see all of her. She's definitely cybironic.

@cynasm:= Crossbreed between cynicism and sarcasm, because sometimes the difference between the two is marginal.

Example: Aren't we behaving like a cynastic bitch today ?

@cyte:= Added for emphasis after an impressive deed has been accomplished.

Example: Ted (after dunking on Ed): Cyte!

@d'oh!:= Literally a contraction of Duh... Oh! made famous by Homer Simpson. Used to denote anything from surprise to being caught, to forgetting something, etc.

Example: Homer, did you remember our anniversary? Homer - D'OH!

@d'you:= The cool way of saying do you.

Example: D'you think I'm cool?

@D.F.S. (Dinny fink sae):= Dinny fink sae (or 'I don't think so') to disagree or indicate that a person may be 'Talking bollocks for Scotland'.

Example: An example of its use: Macaulay: Yeah, I pulled this really good looking burd at the weekend Jonny: Dinny fink sae.

@D.O.J., D.O.D., etc.:= The various U.S. Government cabinet-level departments.

Department of Justice, Department of Defence, etc.

Example: Ashcroft narrowly missed being rejected as D.O.J. head because of his right-wing alliances.

@Da-J.I.C:= Just in Case

Example: Q:Why you bringin your gat? A:For da JIC

@da-poss-e:= Describing a person's followers or special group.

Example: Da-poss-e of Jesus was the Twelve Disciples.

@Da Burgh:= Ghetto slang for Pittsburgh, Pennsylavnia.

Example: Wanna go down to Da Burgh to watch Lemieux and the Penguins?

@dab:= Give your friends a form of a handshake by hitting one fist on top of the other and then alternating.

Example: Give ya girl some dab, phool.

@daddy-look:= (v.) The act of searching for something in a half hearted manner. A habitual token or cursory glance most often used when looking for articles of a child's clothing.

Example: Daddy says he can't find your shoes? Did he look or did he daddy-look?

@Dadnasticate:= To procrastinate, but feel kinda bad about doing it.

Example: If only I had started sooner. But, blast it, I've been dadnasticating all week.

@dag nasty:= unbelievably nasty, utterly repulsive

Example: That snail and worm soup was dag nasty.

@Dag:= A term of many uses, it can be used for anger, humor, or to say, something is sweet :)

Example: Dag! (s)he's HOT!, Dag yo, thats messed up, Dag!

@daggit:= A corrupted version of damn it or dang it

Example: Daggit, my computer crashed again.

@daggy:= Superlatively lame, in a downmarket way.

To be precise: something that's half dorky, half ghetto.

Australian derivation, most endearingly uttered in a Japanese accent.

Example: I hate daggy stupid surferboy shop in Shibuya, ne. Nobody there surf. Ne?

@daint:= don't

Example: I daint want to do the dishes

@Daisy-Dukes:= Extremely tight, short-shorts worn by young women in the American South.

Example: A classic example of a pair of Daisy-Dukes can be seen on any of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

@Dali:= A distorted sense of perspective or reality, usually brought on by alcohol.

The concept that your surroundings are no longer solid.

Example: After ten pints of Stella, everything seemed a bit Dali.

@dammit:= Useful for substituting swear words when talking about someone

Example: yeah, i mean dammitjonny.. what is he playin at??

@Dammitol:= Psuedo-pharmacological sounding word used to express frustration.

Example: Oh, dammitol, I have to go back to the hardware store to buy a different size of pipe.

@damn-a-rama:= an all-purpose term of exasperation; usually uttered in frustration or extreme fatigue, sometimes both

Example: Tax time coming again? Damn-a-rama! And I'm stuck with the long form...

@damn clipy:= A phrase usually uttered when one first opens one of the newer versions of Microsoft Word. Or, a phrase uttered when someone forgets to turn off the Office Assistant, and does something that the program feels you could do more easily with a little help.

Example: What would you like to do? Damn clipy. ::hide Office Assistant::

Do you want to save the changes? Damn clipy.

@damn skippy:= A quick response to a statement that you agree with.


@damnaged:= that which is not only damaged, but is damaged beyond repair. Generally used to describe something in writing.

Example: This has been damnaged.

@damnder:= (adj)more than damned, but less than damndest

Example: Can't think of a damned one (or a damnder one).

@dance-apella:= A dance performed without music. Usually absent-mindedly, or to burn off excess energy.

Example: We were all standing in the hall outside the conference room waiting for the prior meeting to let out. It was taking forever! To entertain myself I put on a little dance-apella for my fellow attendees.

@dance nazi:= A person who goes around correcting dancers at a ceili, those who are just enjoying themselves recreationally.

Example: A. Get you self into step.

B. Oh, get off, you dance nazi.

@danceterbation:= a dance performered alone usually while wearing boots and hat and timed to music containing lyrics that include the words watermelon or tractor.

Example: Clyde got really turned on watching Bessie and Lurlene danceterbate to to that new Ricky Van Shelton song.

@Dancing Toad:= From the classic Warner Brothers cartoon One Froggy Evening, featuring a dancing

and singing Michigan J. Frog that just croaks when anyone other than its agent is present.

Describes an application which runs fine when the development team are running it, but crashes when demoed to clients.

Example: I thought the program was robust enough to beta, but it turned out to be a dancing toad.

@dandy:= Nifty; spiffy; good; great; coolio; sunshiny; etc.

Example: Have a dandy day.

@Danem-gonit-chaheck:= Expletive that combines Daggonit and Damn it all to heck. Used to add a touch of light humor to an otherwise undesirable situation.

Example: Danem-gonit-chaheck! Where the hell are we now?

@Dangerou:= A dangerou is a carnivorous and ferocious marsupial now only found in captivity.

Example: Sharon saw the sign on the cage, Warning: these animals are dangerous, and backed off.

@Danglish:= words/grammar combining danish and english


@Danielle:= A woman who is extremely caring, loving, and sexy.

Example: Neil: My girlfriend Christina is almost the Danielle I've been looking for. I feel like I don't deserve her. John: Obviously, you don't.

@dank:= when refering to something really cool or nice

Example: damn...that new girl suzy is dank

@dankurtis:= a feeling of overwhelming curiosity and sponteniety

Example: Matt is so dankurtis. He went sky diving, bungee jumping, and hiking all in one day without planning.

@danky sore:= Used by a teenager--assumed meaning is canker sore.

Example: Last time I ate a grapefruit, it gave me a danky sore.

@danky:= Not too great, not too bad. In the middle.

Example: I'm feeling danky today.

@danny:= A danny is a finger puppet. The derivation is from the movie The Shining, when little Danny speaks to his finger and says in a satanic voice- Danny isn't here right now, Mrs. Torrance. Danny is appropriate to be used for all types of finger puppets.

Example: I bought the cutest little danny today, a caterpillar.

@daps:= trainers, sneakers, plimsolls or gym shoes by another name.

Example: Kate looked dazzling wearing her new daps.

@DaQ:= To be a complete idiot.

Example: How did you fail that easy test, you DaQ?

@darishnafrod:= Synonym for FUBAR, except much, much more so.

Example: Those drinks were too strong, Jester is seriously darishnafrod.

He can't stop puking. OR My car got hit yesterday, it's darishnafrod.

@Darius:= (chiefly Brit.) v. To unwittingly embarrass oneself whilst trying to 'make an impression', especially on national TV.

Example: Britney dariused herself at the karaoke yet again last night.

@dark-thirty:= Half an hour after sunset. Not to be confused with O-dark-thirty.

Example: The newspaper said the fireworks would start at about dark-thirty.

@dark rainbow:= Unlike a dark cloud, there is no silver lining. Just layer upon layer of variegated gloom and doom.

Example: When I asked the group did your parents ever say to you Don't cry or I'll give you something to cry about, our resident dark rainbow began to talk about growing up in a closet and being fed by a straw through the key hole.

@dark side, unleash the:= To will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger. Unleashees usually include call centers, and untrained computer shop staff.

Example: PCBigShop has sold me another dodgy printer... i'm going down there to unleash the dark side on them

@darking:= (n) Starting to get dark out.

Example: Hey, Mom, is it darking yet?

@darktime:= Time when it's dark.

Example: It's getting late, it's almost darktime.

@darn tootin':= Agreeing with strongly.

Example: Do you want to go to the mall tonight? Darn Tootin!

@darn tootin`:= damn right - usually say with a pug smile on your face; said to be stupid.

Also used as an answer after some one says something really dumb

Example: hey! Did you know that cows have utters?


@darrick:= a hot guy

Example: Check him out, he's a darrick.

@Darryl:= Somebody that is just a complete dork, lacks common sense. Not gender specific, it's a state of mind.

Example: Look at that Darryl. He has on plaid pants with a Hawaiian shirt. Wonder where his brother Darryl is?

@darsh:= Cool or with it.

Example: That band is so cool, said Jimmy. That lead singer is really darsh.

@darwin:= To do something so stupid it gets you killed.

Example: He lit a match to see if there was any gas in his car's tank--darwined immediately when the car exploded.

@dashenka:= Moscow slang for darling.

Example: You are just my little dashenka

@Dast:= Asking a question with a dare.

Example: Dast I take the last beer?

@data-dink:= A computer expert.

Example: Call the data-dinks, the system has crashed again.

@Dataface:= The face of data as expressed in a graphical user interface. Shorthand for an interface to a database.

Example: With the system having grown to over 200 tables, building an easy to navigate dataface became even more critical!

@datle-learnya:= To become more learned

Example: Did you stack your bike? Datle-learnya. You won't do that again.

@Daughter of Aphrodite:= A female who is particularly beautiful; especially a young woman.

Example: Sarah Michelle Gellar is a daughter of Aphrodite.

@dauncey:= Strange, odd, or just plain not cute.

Example: See the dauncey blouse she's wearing?

@davism:= an action intended to confuse someone so as to derive ammusement at their confusion. Called a davism after the dave project that searched out and lists these confusionisms.

Example: I'll have black coffee with milk please. (an example of a davism from www.obscurity.org.uk/obscurity/dave/)

@Davros:= A foot-propelled roll across the office floor on a chair with casters. From Davros, the half-human, half-Dalek villain of _Doctor Who_.

Example: I davrossed across the office to change the CD.

@dawg:= A salutation teenage boys use with each other--inappropriate if used otherwise.

Example: John: Hey, Dawg, what's up? Dawg (Lee, in this case): Nothin', J-man.

@dawn patrol:= Programmers who remain at their terminals throughout the night,

working right into the next business day.

Example: I'm exhausted. I was on dawn patrol last night.

@Dawsons Creek Moment:= A Moment that is so sappy, romantic and/or cheesy that it belongs on Teeny-Booper-TV with bad pop music ballads playing in the background.

Example: Me and Heather had a Dawson's Creek moment last night.

@daymare:= A nightmare that is lived out in the light of day; a bad dream come true.

Example: His daymare about her turned out to be far worse than any nightmare he could dream up.

@dbc:= Don't Be Cheap. Exclamation used when someone is being cheap...and you want to tell her not to be, but don't feel like spelling it out to them. Instead you use this acronym that she is clueless over and she wonders what you mean.

Example: Situation: Chris drank your last beer and won't even offer to buy more when you mention that you are out of it.

You: Ahh, I'm out of beer.

Chris: That sucks.

You: DBC!

@DBS:= Dumb Bitch Syndrome.

Example: Your mom stole my liquor, she must suffer from DBS.

@De-friend:= To stop being friends with someone.

Example: I had to de-friend Billy because he was a criminal.

@de-hottify:= To go from extremely attractive, hot, and sexy to...to RoseAnne--largely through gaining weight.

Example: I was a babe in high school, but I thoroughly de-hottified when I had my baby.

@de-nudulating:= putting clothes on.

Example: (On the phone)...could you hold the line? I'm just de-nudulating myself...

@dead-cat bounce:= Wallstreet expression describing the phenomenon of a stock bottoming out to near-nil and then recovering with a sharp buying spree from bargin hunters. The notion being that even a dead-cat will bounce if dropped from a high enough point.

Example: Enron stocks continue to experience a dead-cat bounce long after financial pundits considered the conglomerate a moribound interest.

@dead presidents:= Money, in bills.

Example: The bank holds a lot of dead presidents.

@deafacacatated:= Hearing loss caused by verbal bullshit.

Example: After five minutes of Chris's opening remarks, Carol became deafacacatated.

@Dealy:= A word used in place of somthing you cant remember.Used in an episode of The Simpsons

Example: Marge, wheres that metal dealy you use to dig food??

@dealy:= word used to describe something in which the name is unknown. describes objects best. the smaller the object, the better.

Example: while putting together something...pass me that little dealy.

@death-:= Prefix used before food item to imply that the item is spicy to the degree that you are unable to eat it

Example: My roommate cooked me up a death-omelet and I thought it was a real waste of food.

@death polka:= The leftover electrical impulses in the body after death cause the arms and legs to flail about.

Most often seen in gruesome action flicks.

Example: I watched in horror as Ramon's body did the death polka.

@death rattle:= smoker's cough


@deathstyle:= Like a lifestyle, but with a focus on the potential negative consequences of a pattern of behaviour.

Example: I used to be a smoker, but then I decided I needed a change of deathstyle.

@deboed:= To take with authority.

Example: Jonathan just deboed Jason's watch.

@debubbletize:= To pop all the air bubbles in your bubble wrap.

Example: I can no longer enjoy this peice of bubble wrap--it's already been debubbletized.

@debute:= a combination of debate and dispute together.

Example: While in a deep discussion with a friend I yelled,That's it, I'm not going to debute this with you anymore! We laughed and that's how it came to be.

@decakilonym:= The name for the ten-thousandth element in any list.

Example: My word was selected as the decakilonym for the pseudodictionary.

@decap:= To remove the capitalization of a proper name, usually a product, indicating that it's ubiquitous.

Example: Watch as I decap the internet and world wide web. There, I did it.

@decapacitated:= Incapable of action due to lack of a functioning head.

Example: Susan's headache left her decapacitated.

@decar:= To get out of a car, like deplane which is an actual word.

Example: We have stopped, you may now decar. [Would you please get out of decar?]

@deceivious:= Both deceitful and devious.

Example: I didn't trust him after seeing his deceivious smile.

@Deceptacon:= A person suspected of being a liar, or untruthful.

Example: Don't trust Jimmy. I think he might be a Deceptacon.

@decepticon:= (From the Transformers TV show) Someone who looks good from behind (or in poor lighting) but horrid when they turn around.

Example: On TV, Calista Flockheart looks pretty good, but in person she looks like Golem from The Hobbit! Serious decepticon.

@decievery:= Decieving (sic) someone so you can steal his ideas or property.

Example: She committed a major act of decievery when she asked to take a look at his screenplay, and then produced something similar.

@Deck-chair:= n. A private schoolboy or schoolgirl forced to wear, under the rules of their 'school uniform policy', a multi-coloured, vertically striped blazer - a design not unlike that often found adorning the canvas of traditional wooden deck-chairs.

Example: The Richmond train was crammed full with rowdy deck-chairs this morning.

@Deckerating:= Like decorating but the early bit of the process involving nice big power tools.

Example: When Janet came in from work the bedroom was full of holes, plaster, sawdust and beer bottles.

John had been deckerating again.

@decrapulated:= A combination of the words decrepit, dilapidated, and crap.

Example: That house is decrapulated.

@decroded:= Decayed + corroded. My wife uses this word as if it were already in the dictionary.

Example: I found the hammer you lost in the yard last year. It was all decroded.

@decruitment:= Retrenchment, layoffs, downsizing, outplacement.

Example: I was headhunted for the agency three years ago, and then this week, suddenly, I was decruited.

@decrustification:= The art of getting to know someone better. Getting past the surface of some issue.

Example: You have to decrustify someone in order to really know if you can trust them.

@dedryhated:= The right pronunciation for dehydrated, same meaning

Example: I drank too much gin last night, now I feel very dedryhated.

@deece:= From decent: cool, good, etc. Noun. deecenox: goodness, coolness, derived from as deeceness.

Example: Gray thinks she's deece, but she's lame. She lacks deecenox.

@deeferdee:= D for D. Dressed for Drinks. A state of dress for woman.

When a woman is dressed rather sluttily for a night on the town.

Example: Did you see how tight her skirt was? She's deeferdee.

@deeluck:= Combination: delicious and yuck. For the taste of something that appears delicious but tastes yucky.

Example: My two-year-old daughter has three descriptions for food: delicious, yuck, and deeluck.

@deepdish:= When someone is looking perplexed or overwhelmed by some problem

we say, What's his deepdish all about?

Example: He is acting so strange, it makes you wonder what his deepdish is all about.

@deeznuts:= Quickcomeback to any comment made to you. Used similarly to yourmom.

Example: Erica: Hey, nice pants. Mike: Uh, yeah...deeznuts.

@Defective Shake-N-Bake:= One whose face 'peels' due to dryness or high acid acne medication.

Example: Look at Defective Shake-N-Bake over there.

@defenestrate:= To throw someone or something out of a window.

Example: If this computer crashes one more time, I'm defenestrating the piece of junk. | Okay, but when you say you 'defenestrated' your PC, do you mean that you threw it out your window, or that you wiped your entire operating system off your hard drive? From http://www.funwords.com/library/d.htm#defenes

@defenestratocast:= To throw a guitar through a window.

Example: The music video's director made sure to defenestratocast in slow motion for maximum effect.

@deficky:= Offensive, disgusting. Combination of definitely and icky.

Example: Nicky: Yum.. peanut-butter-and-green-olive sandwich.

Lauryn: Nicky, that's deficky.

@definately:= Definitely. Added for those who don't use a spelling checker.

Example: There's definately a caterpillar in the pudding down there.

@definotion:= The loosely formed conceptualization of a word's meaning.

Example: My mind could only tentatively come up with a vague definotion of the word antidisestablishmentarianism.

@Definotly:= Defin-ot-ly. Definitely not, with a passion.

Example: Q. Wanna go to the jazz club tonight?

A. Definotly.

@deflufferate:= To remove the fluff from an article of clothing

Example: It is important to deflufferate your jacket before going for the job interview.

@defongerate:= To extract bad smells from a facility.

Example: It took quite an effort to defongerate after Chris visited.

@defunkify:= fix something that is broken or that is acting funky. taken from the word defunct and funky

Example: Will you please format that hard drive and defunkify my computer!

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006