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Its nature and likely origin

Example: I don't know if this is a refuse pit or not. Let me just have a quick footle.

@footless:= A person who cannot, or will not, stand for anything; one who goes with the flow, or is all

things to all people.

Example: He tried to raise his kids right, but, alas, they were footless.

@footy-pajamas:= Sleepwear that are one piece with sock-like coverings connected and covering the feet. Used by mothers and fathers with small children and in turn, by their children.

Example: Go and put on your footy-pajamas and get ready for bed.

@Fooz:= verb. The act of shoving something in someone's face, literally or figuratively. A complete, utter, and immediate rejection. Synonyms- to diss, or the 80s remark in your face Derived from a scoring method in foosball

Example: Every time I make even the littlest mistake, my boss foozes me. OR Did you see that loser, Bill, try to hit on that woman up at the bar? She foozed him quick.

@foozzle:= Foam on top of a beer when it is poured too fast. Feminine version of head, which some may find uncomfortable to say.

Example: Please, no foozzle on my beer.



@foput:= The absolute greatest, most wonderful, or just plain amazing.

Example: That new Sting album is totally foput. OR www.pseudodictionary.com is foput, especially compared to a few other

(ahem, www.dictionaryofslang.co.uk) so called slang dictionaries.

@foquester:= One who eats forks.

Example: Jimmy couldn't help help himself; he was a foquester from way back.

@For Great justice:= a reaction to a certain situation, usually for demanding something or demonstrating surprise

Example: For Great Justice...Give Me Zig

@for real for real:= 1. beyond belief 2. used to enunciate a unbelievable occurence

Example: I saw my girl with another guy. No! Yo for real, for real.

@for serious:= like for real, except used when you don't really believe someone

Example: Are you for serious?!

@for the DVD:= Items surplus to requirement.

Example: Hey, you've made way too many sandwiches there. Um... well, these are for the DVD.

@for the hallabut:= For the hell of it. Play on words by smushing everything after the into the name of a fish.

Example: Harry: I set off a stink bomb in the hall. Clair: Why? Harry: For the hallabut.

@forbo:= A drink purchased as part of a meal deal that proves to be too large but which the purchaser feels obliged to drink (because they paid for it), and does so to their own discomfort

Example: The burger was ok, but this drink is becoming a bit of a forbo.

@forcery:= The act of forcing somone to do something against their will. Past tense forcerized.

Example: If I do sleep with you it will be by sheer forcery.

I have been forcerized into writing this definition.

@forepitchblack:= When the hint about the upcoming plot in a movie or TV show is somewhat less than subtle.

Example: That's not foreshadowing. That was so obvious, it's forepitchblack.

@foreploy:= Any misrepresentation made solely for the purpose of getting laid.

Example: Introducing himself as a Vice President of Merrill-Lynch was a foreploy. She fell for it.

@forgotten-snakes:= For goodness' sake as interpreted by a 4 year old.

Example: Forgotten-snakes dad! Aren't you going to read me a book?

@forible:= To fail horribly.

Example: I foribled my chemistry test.

@forking:= A practical joke involving sticking hundreds and hundreds of plastic forks into someone's

lawn or some other large, grassy area. Much like TP'ing.

Example: We forked Jeff's lawn last night.

When we drove by in the morning he was running them over with a lawnmower. Ha.

@forkloader:= A socially inept person; dullard.

Example: That forkloader better leave me alone, or I'll have to hurt her.

@forkster:= The act of placing ones fork into the toaster in an attempt to get your now charcoalled toast out.

Example: Xavier! How many times have I told you not to forkster? You could get electrocuted!

@formatophobe:= a music-lover addicted to vinyl, with an abhorrence for CDs, tape, MP3s and mini disks.

Example: Harry's wall-to-wall collection of 70s albums, together with this Dansette record player marked him out as a complete formatophobe.

@forn:= Pornography in any language other than that of the audience. Refers specifically to foreign movies or shows that contain graphic sex and subtitles over-dubbing, but are not hardcore pornography.

Example: Some suggest that watching enough forn will let you learn the words Oh god in over a hundred languages.

@fornever:= For never; never happening; the opposite of forever.

Example: He married for forever, but it turned into fornever...and a forever rip-off.

@forrealiously:= For real and seriously.

Example: That English test was easy! Forrealiously!

@forsheezy!:= to exclaim the greatness of a thing or situation or oneself

Example: (the attractive object of your affection (attention) invites you in for a drink (much desired sex) ) Forsheezy!

@forty-two:= I don't know. From Douglas Adams' series _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ in which 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Example: Bryon: Lauryn, what time is your mom getting home?

Lauryn: Forty-two.

@forty lashes with a wet noodle:= Ann Landers' (Eppie Lederer) suggested self-flagellation for imagined or real offenses.

Example: Give yourself forty lashes with a wet noodle.

@fortyleven:= Originally Forty-Eleven. A number to use when one doesn't want to provide a specific figure.

Example: Sorry I'm late. My boss made me run off, like, fortyleven copies at the last minute.

@forumoron:= Someone stupid who spends too much time with message boards.

Example: I'm a forumoron and I'm proud of it!

@forward:= Arrogant, unkind.

Example: That guy cut me off just now. How very forward of him.

@forward:= What was previously meant by the direction straight (rampant in Renaissance Faire circles)

Example: There is no such thing as straight--only ever so gaily forward.

@Fosl:= an acronymic word meaning Fear of speed limit

Example: I would of been here on time but I got behind a fosl on the narrow road

@fossa:= Fossil. Arkansas pronunciation.

Unknown cattle rancher: If animals weren't made to be eaten, why are they made out of meat? 20020710, Neal Boortz Show.

Example: Not only do they have diamonds at Murfrrrsboro, they also have fossas.

@fossa:= Synonymous with the noun ditch, derived from Latin (1st declension).

Example: That drunken idiot? He fell in that fossa there and broke his arm.

@fossil-burner:= A car, especially one that is old, large, inefficient, and over-powered for the purposes for which it is used.

Example: At 4 o'clock, the street outside the school is lined with mothers in fossil-burners.

@Fossmaster:= A person who is very good at flaunting wealth.

Overly stylish or expensive in taste. Fossy.

Example: Referring to a lady wearing furs, walking two French Poodles:

That new Beaufont hairstyle makes Gigi look like even more of a fossmaster.

@founch:= To fidget and annoy.

Example: Sam, quit founching your sister.

@fountaining:= To jump into fountain and get wet.

Example: On my vacation to Finland, I fountained in Helsinki. {Young children who elevate a hose to about 45 degrees to create a fountainlike effect have been known to say, I'm a fountain.

@four-banger:= Also two-banger. A conventionally aspirated automobile (i.e., a car without fuel injection).

Example: Almost all American cars manufactured in the 1960s are four-bangers or two-bangers.

@four-o-four (404):= Taken from the web's Not Found error number, this handy number can be used to describe a stooopid person or anything misplaced or forgotten.

Example: Don't date him--he's 404! or Where the 404 are my keys? or Damn, I 404ed last night.

@four-oh-find:= A dynamic website development technique that uses 404 errors (page not found) to instigate searches in that website's content or database.

Example: I couldn't remember the definition for 5 by 5, but pseudodictionary's four-oh-find technology let me just type www.pseudododictionary.com/5 by 5 into my browser!

@four-oh-foreplay:= Wasting time, especially in a verbal exchange with the clueless

Example: I asked him how it happened, but all I got was a bunch of four-oh-foreplay.

@four-one-one:= info

Example: what's the four-one-one on that girl?

@four-seven-tennis:= The game you play when browsing the pseudodictionary letter by letter to get back to the middle of the Ms, Ts, etc. by clicking on 4 7 10.

Example: I hate to check my inbox at work because I lose my place and hafta play four-seven-tennis again.

@Fourbucks:= Slang for Starbucks coffee houses--since they tend to be a little more pricey than the usual cup o' joe.

Example: I really like the coffee from Fourbucks.

@fourteen-four:= To move very slowly. Refers to a 14.4 kbps modem.

Example: I couldn't get my daughter out of bed and off to school this morning; she was really fourteen-fouring.

@fourve:= It's more than four and less than five

Example: That house is fourve stories high

@frab(s):= Any infestious vermin that invokes an itching sensation.

Example: Gosh dern frabs just won't go away.

@Frag:= Kill, in computer gaming.

Example: Q3 session: Why are you chasing him? Ans: He fragged me, the bastard!

@frag:= To throw a hand grenade (fragmentation grenade)

Example: If he doesn't stop singing, I'm gonna frag him.

@fraggaholic:= Anyone that plays first person shooters more than 8 hours a day.

Example: Jim, you are a fraggaholic.

@framazol:= A poor or bad item.

A second-rate person.

Example: It's a framazol leash.

@franglais:= A combination of French and English words and grammar. Often used when an English-speaker is trying to speak French and doesn't know a French word needed to complete the sentence. Or, using English sentence structure when composing a sentence in French..

Example: Her French failed her, so she resorted to franglais.

@frank you berry mush:= A cute way of saying Thank you very much.

Example: Lauryn: I like your shirt, Nicky.

Nicky: Frank you berry mush.

@Frank:= Term used when an actor or actress looks exactly like a better or more famous actor or actress. It comes from a lot of lesser-known siblings being named Frank, most notably Frank Stallone and Frank Shamrock. NOTE : This does not apply to special cases such as Nick Nolte / Gary Busey because they are the same person. See Niarcky Buolstey. Term can also be used for things other than thespians, but works best when used with an easily recognizable last name.

Example: GOOD : She looks like Frank Pinkett Smith. Oakland. Man that's like San FRANKcisco. Who is this guy, Frank Malkovich? BAD : That girl looks like Frank Roberts. (Referring to a Julia Roberts look-a-like.)

@Frankenboobies:= Breasts that have been surgically enhanced, usually enlarged.

Example: Any breasts that round are full-on Frankenboobies.

@frankenstein:= (v) To put something together from many different parts in a way that is not altogether natural.

(n) Something put together from many parts in a way that is not altogether natural.

Example: My mom wanted a computer so I built her a frankenstein from parts I had lying around.

@Frankinsense:= The ability to offer a gift to a child, generally the son of someone more powerful than you,

that makes you look wise.

Example: Say what you will about Doug, but that guy's got frankinsense.

He just gave the boss's son the 26-volume set of the _Complete Works of Mark Twain_.

And--guess what?--he's been promoted.

@franks:= Pistachios. No, it's not a brand name.

Example: I like franks. I don't like having to de-shell them, though; it gets tiring.

@frap:= Expletive. For frustration, surprise, disdain--generally for negative feelings.

As a modifier, What the frap is he doing?

Example: Oh, frap! My foot is caught in the escalator.

@Frapulent:= Adj, one who is easily coerced out of their scruples.

Example: Although highly religious, the frapulent girl at the bar went home with John that night.

@frassem:= A family swear word directed at ill-behaved or angry children, from the cartoon dog Muttly

onLaugh-a-Lympics. May be used with the prefix rassem in especially trying moments.

Example: You little frassem! I told you not to put the cat in the oven.

@fratal:= Aan incident that is sure to result in a broken bone or minor injury. Based on fatal.

Example: As fast as he was skiing when he fell, I'm surprised his accident wasn't fratal.

@Frazzin':= Something extremely cool.

Example: I.E. Her outfit was frazzin.

@freak-tard:= Someone so bizarre that it becomes idiotically funny.

Example: Look at freak-tard stuffing fries up his nose.

@freakalicious:= To get your nasty groove on.

Example: I met this girl, we got drunk, went back to my house and got freakalicious.

@freakazoid:= Extremely bizarre individual who has some strange behavior patterns.

Example: My boss is a freakazoid with definite limited insight.

@Freals:= Combining the words for and reals. Usually said in disbelief in response to what someone has said.

Example: When Shawn told me that his brother talked about me often, my response was Freals?!

@FRED:= Fucking Ridiculous Electronic Device.

Example: Some think that PDAs are nothing more than FREDs.

@freddy:= A hippie term for Forest Service and ATF employees.

Example: Get ready for trouble. Here come the freddys.

@free gift:= I have seen this at promotions, such as grand openings, or special sales--are gifts sometimes not free?

Example: At the grand opening of our new Target Store on their billboard: Come in and pick up your free gift.

@freeballin':= When a guy wears shorts without any boxers or briefs, he's freeballin'.

Example: He was in a much better mood because he was freeballin'.

@freeballing:= Not wearing underpants.

Example: It's too hot today, so I'm freeballing it.

@freebies:= Items and services you can get for free - especially on the Web.

Example: I spent all evening surfing the Web for freebies.

@freeday:= The as-yet nonexistent mid-June long weekend in Canada.

Example: We'll go there next freeday, honey. I promise.

@freefills:= A free refill

Example: At Taco Bell, frefills are allowed.

@freen:= Cool, exciting, enjoyable

Example: This whole day has been freen.

@freenie:= The annoying little black flecks of soot that appear when one burns a piece of plastic--or any annoying little fleck in your coffee, tea, or whatever.

Example: I set my model car on fire, and nearly choked on all the freenies. OR That's the last time I go to Starbucks. My latte was swimming with freenies.

@freezation:= A state of suffering of the human body caused by insufficient protection against cold temperatures.

Example: Please lend me your jacket. I'm dying of freezation.

@freezinasscold:= Chilly, brisk, cool in temperature.

Often used as an exaggeration of the actual situation.

Must be pronounced as one word.

Example: Can we turn the heat up? It's freezinasscold in here!

@freezone:= The age during which women can rely on strange men to buy their cocktails for them:

the years between the legal drinking age and the time when her looks fail.

Example: My sister learned to drink in the freezone.

@Fregs:= The last few french fries that have fallen out of their fry box and are burried at the bottom of the fast food bag.

Example: These new see-through fast food bags guarantee you won't throw away any fregs.

Add up all the fregs thrown away each year and you'd have enough fries to feed Manhattan.

@Frenz or Friends:= The little droplets of backwash that you always get in the rim of a pop can when you drink pop. Usually used when sharing a pop, when you don't want to drink somebody else's. Can be removed by intense sucking.

Example: A. Here, you can have the rest of my Coke. B: Get rid of your frenz first. A:Sorry. (slurp) B: That's better. Now hand it to me.

@Fresh-up:= To look nice with your clothes neatly pressed

Example: Since John got his new job he really looks fresh-up.

@Fresh-up:= To wing it, or otherwise come up with something out of nothing. Often sarcastic.

Example: No, I don't have my paper done, but I think I can fresh-up something by this afternoon.

@fresh out:= Lacking possession. In contrast to the simpler out, fresh out need not apply to a collection.

Example: Q: Do you have a light? Q: Can I borrow a buck? Q:Do you know how to get to the IHOP?

A: Sorry, I'm fresh out.

@freshie:= A new cold beverage.

Example: My drink is all gone, I need a freshie.

@fretwork:= The extra work that goes into producing a news story, designed to make it that bit more worrying.

Example: Every writer who got hold of the story added a little fretwork of her own.

@freudulent:= C0mbination of Freud and fraudulent.

The use of only marginally understood psychobabble--as applied by Oprah or anyone else with insufficient knowledge or understanding of psychology.

Example: On what am I basing my opinion? Oprah, of course--plus a couple of fredulent articles in _Psychology Today_.

@freusty:= Can carry the same meaning as any of these words: crazy, weird, frisky, etc.

Example: You have too much sugar again? You're actin' hella freusty.

@frgnc:= stands for fragrance

Example: frgnc of this deo is nice

@Fribble-Grommet:= An imaginary item. (A widget before it became a programming term).

Example: The inventory system will track all of the widgets and fribble-grommets that come into the warehouse

@fribble:= Miscellaneous stuff, sometimes important (that's my tax fribble piled up over there), sometimes not (how'd all this leaf fribble get all over the windshield?).

Example: You have twenty-four hours to get all your fribble out of my basement before I toss it into the street.

@fricken:= Another way of saying FU--ing when its inappropriate to do so

Example: Hey grandma that was fricken good pie

@Frickin':= Used as an adjetive to describe something that is not what it should be, or for something that is not doing what it should.

Example: The frickin' matches got wet and therefore would not start the fire.

@frickle(s):= When pulling very dry clothes apart after being in a dryer,

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