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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. Wave Rally really ganks. The screenshots looked cool, but the game plays horribly.

@Ganopulator:= Like the boogey-man, only worse.

Example: The Ganopulator is a scary fictitious monster who eats everything from food scraps to dirty single socks--

and toes that hang out of the bed at night.

@gant:= Hungry, starving for food.

Example: I have not eaten anything all day, so I am gant.

@gantt:= Collective for project managers.

Example: The developer hid under the desk as a gantt of project managers, wild-eyed and slavering,

stalked the building.

@gaper's delay:= The traffic delay resulting from a roadside accident or similar spectacle. Derived from drivers' gaping behavior when driving near an accident. Heard on the air in Chicago.

Example: We've got a gaper's delay on the Eisenhower--a 40-foot tall puppuet is gesticulating madly at the drivers. That'll add half an hour to your drive today.

@gapification:= the act of dressing in, or in the style of, Gap clothes(sweaters/cargos/etc.)

Example: That guy in the sweater has really done some gapification

@gaposis:= a condition of having gaps between ones front teeth

Example: Her smile was not the best because she suffered from gaposis.

@garage time:= Used to decribe the time guys spend single after a breakup.

Example: I'm not really looking to get into a relationship now. I need some garage time.

@garbage juice:= 1. The liquid leaking from a torn garbage bag. Most commonly found on sidewalks in large cities.

2. A beverage which tastes awful.

Example: 1. Gross, I just stepped in puddle of garbage juice.

2. This martini's awful. It tastes like garbage juice.

@garbage juice:= Snapple-brand fruit punch.

Example: Get me whatever drink they've got in the store except for the garbage juice.

@garbarator:= Canadian term for garbage disposal.

Example: Kitchen features include microwave, dishwasher and in-sink garbarator.

@garborator:= The large Seuss-like riding vacuum cleaners found feasting on the sidewalks of downtown Chicago.

Example: The operator sat atop the garborator guiding it away from pedestrians and toward select pieces of garbage.

@garf:= To disfigure an object; the result of such disfiguration.

Example: That would be a nice guitar except for that huge garf in the body.

@garfunkel:= To disappear mysteriously without a trace, like Art Garfunkel's career.

Example: A. Whatever happened to that kid down the street? B. I don't know. He must have garfunkeled.

@Garg:= Someone very unpopular and unwanted; a negative, unfriendly person; slang for Gargamel. (Credited to James Ruggieri.)

Example: He's always complaining, always trying to impress people... What a garg!

@garganchuin:= Huge, big, gigantic (anything of the large sort).

Example: Look at the elephant! Yeah...it's garganchuin!

@gargontunous:= really really big.

Example: That is the most gargontunous thing I have ever seen.

@Garlacise:= To have bad breath from garlic

Example: She is garlacising from eating that garlic bread.

@garn:= Australian phrase for hello used in the country.

Example: Garn.

@garr:= An expletive describing frustration, disappointment, upsettedness, etc. (Not to be confused with Yarr which is pirate slang for I begin every sentence with this word.

Yarr, I be a pirate. Yarr, hoist the sails, maties!)

Example: Garr...I lost my keys again.

@garry-groundwork:= Used to describe a male that is extremely 'nice' to girls and is usually friends with several girls at any given time. The phrase derives from the fact that the person is usually trying to lay the 'groundwork' for future romantic engagements or just a casual one-night stand. This person will often be found preying on other guy's troubled girlfriends or other girls in need of a 'nice' guy to talk to.


@gas:= Fun; hilarious--normally relating to something said or done by another person

Example: You're gas, wheezed Simon, laughing at his Pal's latest joke.

@Gaschmackalickinous:= A word used to describe the bizzare quality of lunch sandwiches which causes mid-afternoon gassiness. This word can also be used to describe a person suffering from said sandwich-related mid-afternoon gassiness.

Example: Sandwiches from that Deli are rather gaschmackalickinous.

Every time I go there on my lunch break, my coworkers suffer for it afterwards.

@gastev:= To place another in serious and grave risk of death through physical contact; to inflict serious injury on another through a pre-meditated collision of bodies.

Example: I really inflicted some gastev on that guy.

@gastronomical:= An excessively large amount of flatulence.

Example: You certainly seem to be gastronomical today.

@gastroporn:= Food, particularly desserts that are so good they are like sin in a dish.

Example: The cheesecake that bakery makes is pure gastroporn.

@gat:= A fully automatic carbine. Most often used in reference to an Uzi.

Example: Fluffy poodle wit a gat / Popped a cap inside da cat. Ghetto Petz by Zippy Von Zippy.

@gat:= Gun.

Example: Don't cross me. I've got my gat locked, loaded, and packed.

@gattese, chatois, gatйs, koshk:= The Italian, French, Spanish, and Russian words meaning the language spoken by cats.

Example: I passed a cat sanctuary in Rome one day and noticed the funny accents being meowed from one mangy cat to another. It was then that I realized these Roman cats were speaking gattese.

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