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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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It was generational dissonance that kept him from seeing that it would clearly have the same sad

fate ten years from now as 80s music does today.

@generica:= the stores and strip malls you can see in any town in America. They all look the same (generic).

Example: When you see anything in a town that looks the same as in any other town in America you just comment generica

@genericalize:= To make something generic

Example: The site was too specific so the designer was asked to genericalize the design.

@genericise:= To write or design something in a way that is generic or to change something to become generic--especially


Example: We should try to genericise this bit of the software.

@Genericus:= Transformer kicked off of Cybertron after a risque run in with Optimus Prime in the shower after the game.

Forced in ignominy to roam the universe with the Gobots.

Example: What's wrong ,Genericus? Oh, nothing, other than living in exile from my home.

@genetic cul de sac:= A place showing signs of inbreeding.

Example: Going through New Jersey is like travelling through a genetic cul de sac.

@Genetical:= Genetic, thus making an incorrect word use correct. All teachers will buy it once you tell them you found the word in the pseudodictionary.

Example: Katie said that sneezing multiple times was genetical, because her father sneezes a bunch as well.

@geni:= The plural of genius.

(Kind of like the plural of cactus is cacti.)

Example: Your family sure is a bunch of geni.

@geniac:= Very clever, intelligent person who displays maniac-like behaviour when under the influence of alcohol.

Example: We watched the young computer whiz stumble out of the bar with his car keys in his hand.

There goes a real geniac.

@geniosity:= n. The quality or condition of being a genius.

Example: How the hell did you score a 98 in that Chem final? Geniosity.

@geniosity:= the quality or state of being a genius

Example: How the hell'd you get a 98 on that orgo chem final? Geniosity.

@geniyical:= Genius-like.

Example: That was truly geniyical.

@genki:= From the Japanese, meaning healthy, cheerful, and vibrant.

Example: She's always so genki, which is cool, but sometimes it gets on my freakin' nerves.

@genuity:= The act of being genuine.

Example: His genuity impressed me; he felt compassion and expressed that warmly.

@geoflatus:= The foul smell produced by oil refineries and pump jacks usually on a regular basis,

especially around West Texas.

Example: What is that noxious odor? Why, Mam, that's just good old geoflatus,

the smell of Mother Earth here in Odessa. The smell of money.

@geographically undesirable:= Someone you would like to date, but lives too far away.

Example: Nikki sure is hot, but she lives in the next state. That makes her geographically undesirable.

@Geoja:= Georgia.

Example: Jump in the van. We're gonna get some peaches from Geoja.

@George Picketfences:= A name for a person whose name you have forgotten.

Example: Hey, look! It's ummm, George Picketfences.

@George, Mac:= Generic name for someone whose name you do not know.

Example: Hey, George, will you let me get off the bus please?

@george:= A Las Vegas gambling term used by dealers. Denotes some one who tips well. If the customer tips extremely well he would be a King George. A george will almost always get special favors and treatment from the house. The opposite of flea.

Example: Ben Affleck is george.

@Georgia'd:= To be had; swindled, ganked, to get got.

Example: I gave this broad a hundred doller bill to get us some grub and was georgia'd for the whole wad.

@Georgium Sidus:= The original name put forward by Sir William Herscell, the discoverer of Uranus, for that planet.

Example: Ooh, look. See how bright Georgium Sidus is tonight.

@geotrophisms:= Ultra-fantastic visual images flashing through the mind's eye.

One may observe this occasionally just before going off to sleep.

Time may seem to become distored during this period of hyper-realistic visions.

Example: I experienced a really cool set of geotrophisms last night.

What a trip! I wish I could draw some of this stuff down.

@gerb:= (v) You let someone have a bite of your food. She doesn't clean the spoon. She leaves drool covered leftovers on the spoon.... Also, sloppy eaters in general.

Example: Mildred, you just gerbed on my spoon!

@gerd:= used to describe anything with a consistency between curd and goo.(gerdy)

Example: That oatmeal was gerd!

@gerfasshed:= Stymied seems to be a good fit for this word, coined by a Susan Gunther in a query she submitted to The Word Detective, copyright 1999 Evan Morris.

Example: Dear Word Detective: I am totally gerfasshed (just made that up in order to alliterate) by the word gridiron. When, why, how did it come into the language to mean football field? I have queried several football-player types who appear to know all there is to know about the game, and none of them knows why a gridiron is called a gridiron. -- Susan Gunther, via the internet.

@Geri:= A disappointingly small amount of something. From ex-Spice Girl Geri Halliwell

Example: I hoped to get a generous portion of the banoffe pie, but was only served with a geri.

@germish:= An unconscious combination of German and English that results from not thinking about where you are.

Example: And then I looked up in the Himmel to see if I could spy some stars or even some Sternschnuppen.... Oops! I'm speaking Germish.

@germophobe:= A person who is deathly afraid of getting sick.

Example: J gets nervous whenever he's around anyone who's sick. What a germophobe.

@gert:= Something weird or unusual. (Also a diminutive of Gertrude. My second cousin Gertrude, though, was called Gertie.)

Example: That cheese in the cafeteria smells gert.

@Geschwint:= I don't know if this word actually exists, but it sounds German and it sounds cool.

Example: Like when something has been running along real smooth ... you say It went Geschwint

@gesolent:= (n) boring, and dull.

Example: July 17 is Gesolent Day.

@gestobulate:= The act of making vicious gestures and hand motions towards inanimate objects. See voibulate.

Example: I gestobulated the computer because it was being too slow.

@gesundt-height:= Not to be confused with Gesundheit (which is often said after someone sneezes). Next time you sneeze and someone says that, answer back with: 28 inches. When they ask What? tell them 28 inches: the distance from the floor up to your geshundt

Example: My geshundt-height is 28 inches.

@get-down:= Elapsed time from punchout time at work on Friday to church on Sunday.

Example: I axed my main man, Z, what was goin' down for the get-down?

@get in share:= Cajunfor Get In There.

Example: Boudreaux told his alligator, Get in share.

@get off the grass:= Used to knock back something that isn't worth what it costs. This phrase comes from Helen from Canberra.

Example: Florist: Ms. Burns, that particular bunch of roses costs $300. Ms.Burns:Get off the grass!

@get out of peach:= A command conveying essentially the same instruction as stop what you're doing

Example: Tell Steve to get out of peach and help me out here in the stockroom.

@get red:= Variant of redass or case of the ass.

Example: 1. That guy made a pass at my wife while I was standing right there, so I had to get red with him.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006