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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2:What the goob? Awww, goob!

@goobaal:= dumb-headed

Example: You are the biggest goobaal I've ever come across in my entire life.

@goober:= a goober is someone who looks/ is a bit silly, not as harsh as stupid or dumb

Example: My father in lay looked like a bit of a goober at the wedding

@goobrul:= That icky bubble you get in the back of your throat sometimes that makes your voice sound all muffled and gross.

Example: Lauryn, you sound muffled. Do you have a goobrul?

@good count:= Affirmation, such as excellent or awesome. Used in the Canadian Altlantic provinces.

Example: Eh B'y, she's a good count! OR That pound of meat there is a good count for $2.

@good from far, far from good:= A phrase for describing those people you take the time to look at from a distance,

only to be disappointed when up close.

Example: She looks good from far, but far from good once you get closer.

@goodfromfar:= A person, usually of the opposite sex, who looks attractive at a distance, but appears much less appealing close-up.

Example: Chrissy was goodfromfar, but far from good.

@goodzerodd:= Possessing unusual DNA patterns.

Example: In Alaska, while hunting for eligible men, Sheryl discovered that the odds are good, but the goodzerodd.

@Goof Troop:= refering to a person or people that act or are particularly goofy or strange.

Example: You and your goof troop friends can leave if your going to act so dumb.

@Goofenthal:= Unknown brain reaction that causes excessive giddiness, giggle, laughing. Usally uncontrollable, and for no apparent reason

Example: Look at her laugh, she's all hopped up on goofenthal

@goofnugget:= (noun) - one who says or does stupid things without realizing it... (verb) - to do something stupid, foolish, or regretable

Example: (noun) What a goofnugget. (verb) If you're just gonna goofnugget around, I'm gonna leave.

@google'em:= To run a background check on someone by putting their name into a search engine, like Google.com.

Example: If you get another weird email from that guy you should google'em.

@Google Eye:= (n) a lazy eye

Example: 1) That old man had an awesome google eye. 2) Get off my land, you googly eyed bastard!

@google:= 1. To do extensive WWW searches using the www.google.com search engine. 2. To cheat at trivia.

Example: In this game there will be no googling.

@Googled:= Googled: to become an instant expert on a thing, person, company or idea in a few seconds by using the wonderful search engine Google. Often carried out in order to hide actual ignorance of the matter being googled.

Example: I was a bit dubious about what he was saying on the phone, so I googled him while he was talking and found that everything he said about syzygys was right on target.

@googlewhacking:= Finding a two-word search on google that returns exactly one match--and competitions resulting from this concept. Score is calculated by multiplying the number of pages returned by each of the words individually.

Example: Don't post your high scoring googlewhacks to the web.

Once google finds them, there will be at least two results from the search.

@googley-moogleys:= Any small gross, icky things.

Example: Get those googley-moogleys out of the corners of your eyes.

@googly:= when you fell grossed out and discusting

Example: He makes me googly

@googoogajoob:= Used when in extreme confusion, used to confuse other people.

Example: Did you know that the Product of the limits is the limit of the product?


@goojy:= Firm in consistency, but turning gooey.

Example: I nearly choked on that day-old sushi because the rice was no longer goojy.

@gookamoonga:= An exclamation of surprise, disbelief, or elation.

Example: Great gookamoonga! I can't believe that Dean Kamen's IT was just a silly scooter.

@goombah:= Someone who is not intelligent in the ways of daily human activity--social outcast or moron.

Example: I saw a man today wearing a red sneaker on his right foot and a combat boot on his left foot. He asked me if I had change for a dollar--because he needed to cross the street! What a goombah.

@Goon-Hunt:= Driving around late on a Friday or Saturday night yelling abuse at

strays and groupies.

Example: We went on a goon-hunt last night and saw many randoms.

@goontripper:= Pinhead.

Example: Geez, I just mailed all my bills without stamps...what a Goontripper!

@gooponya:= Gooponya is a noun that means the worst kind of gummy junk food, especially the kind women crave at certain times of the month like chocolate, creme-filled donuts, and chocolate chip cookie dough.

Example: I'm cranky, bloated and I can't eat pizz and chips-- I crave only gooponya!

@gooray:= Sarcastic exclamation of joy...not.

Example: It's time to clean your room. OR Oh, gooray!

@goosebumpples:= A cross between goose bumps and the pimples on your skin.

Example: You can tell that I'm cold by the goosebumpples on my arms.

@gooses:= More than one goose, makes sense with modern English.

Example: The gooses were waddling along the path.

@gootalious:= The word to describe the residue left in the bottom of a milk carton.

Example: The carton had gootalious dwelling upon the bottom.

@Goowah!:= Gross, nasty

Example: Goowah! What's that on her shoe?

@gooz:= good

Example: the salami was real gooz! ;)

@goozle:= Overabundance

Example: Bill Gates has a goozle of money.

@goozle:= southern slang for adams apple found in throat.

Example: He got hit in the goozle.

@goppin', gopping:= Ugly, with a face like a crushed turnip. Often caked in beige foundation in a futile attempt to hide it.

Example: Ugh, Diane. Your brother's plain goppin'.

@gorange:= A really disgusting beverage, like the stuff in the bottom of a beer can. Useful--it rhymes with orange.

Example: Yuck! Can't you walk around the gorange, not go through the middle.

@gorch:= A really old porch that is falling apart.

Example: Last week my uncle fell through the old gorch.

@gorg:= Anyone who works in a corporate IT department.

Usually large creatures with buggy eyes and surly attitudes. From the giant puppet on _Fraggle Rock_.

Example: If you can't get your sound card to work, call up one of the gorgs to help you.

@gorgeousness and gorgeousity:= (adj, n)A way to describe something that is visually perfect.

Example: The sunset was just gorgeousness and gorgeousity, filled with reds and purples.

@gork:= A person, typically male, exhibiting the worst character traits of both a geek and a dork.

Example: The guy who wrote that program must be a real gork.

@GORKed:= Unknown mental status or acronym for God Only Really Knows.

Example: That head trauma patient is way GORKed.

@gorny:= Horny as a goat.

Example: You like that guy? Don't you realize he's gorny.

@gorow:= Wrong.

Example: Is it true that the earth rotates around the moon? No, that is gorow.

@Gorpy:= Dorky/Stupid

Example: Oh my god...that kid's got such a gorpy haircut!

@GORSE:= Semi-violent basketball game played exactly like HORSE with one exception:

when you get a letter you also get punched by the other player.

Example: He proudly wore a black and blue bruise on his arm from yesterday's GORSE game.

@gosu:= Adj, to be very good at something, to be elite.

Example: The gosu Starcraft player was able to build a hundred hydralisks in less than seven minutes.

@Got dandruff. Some of itches.:= non-vulgar explitive that kinda resembles a vulgar explitive

Example: When you stub your toe and you are letting it out, but notice two 4 year olds staring at you. You then yell, Got dandruff! Some of it itches!

@gotch:= Children's slang for boys' underwear. Used regionally in Manitoba, Canada.

Example: Gordon's got new plaid gotch.

@gotcha moment:= The moment when you are without any doubt completely bested by your opponent.

Made famous recently during the Microsoft antitrust trial.

Example: The gotcha moment came when Dubois silently laid the email evidence before a silent Bill Gates.

@GOTCHA:= Getting someone to look at your crotch or breast area by pointing at them.

Example: Any one who went to Milton Hershey knows what GOTCHA is.

@gotchyoffer:= An offer, usually too good to be true, made on the internet--non-existent in reality.

Example: The free cellular phone turned out to be a gotchyoffer.

@Goth Points:= The ratings by which a Goth is measured for her gothiness.

Example: Janet lost 10 Goth Points for smiling at the door guy at the club.

@goth:= Derived from Gothic.

Refers to an object that has a psycho, scary appearance.

If in referance to a person, the person will be dressed in black, and listen to grunge music--and may worship Satan.s.

Example: Ralph is out walking his pet alfafa bean. He sees a guy walking around wearing black robes, with long black hair.

Ralph: What a goth! Alfalfa bean: Yeah, I reckon.

@gothism:= A belief, made especially popular in the late 20th century, that openness when dealing with depression contributes something valuable to the public.

Example: Trent Reznor was a forefather of gothism because his music was famous for dealing with issues relating to depression.

@gothwalk:= A form of dance popular among goths, also known as the two-step.

It consists of stepping two steps forward, and two back, repeatedly and slightly off the beat.

Swaying and hand movements optional.

Example: The Gothwalk is the simplest of the standard Gothic dances.

@gotsta:= Something you simply HAVE to do--whether you want to or not.

Example: I gotsta go to skool now, see ya.

@goulie:= A rock greater than one foot in diameter.

Example: Don't trip over that goulie.

@govil:= An action that is called both good and evil. E.g., one group calls an action good (for them) and another group calls the same action evil (for them). Many of the happenings around the world in everyday life can be described as govil.

ORIGIN OF WORD…….The word govil is formed from parts of the words God and Devil, and

also from parts of the words Good and Evil.

Example: His firing was a govil act. (Good for the boss, evil for him and his family.)

@govvo:= Youth allowance payments for students.

Example: Adam. I've got no money at all.

Ryan. Nah, I'm cashed up. Thank you govvo.

@gozillion:= The amount of money someone owes you for doing a favour which is not always in your own or his best interest. Actual amount somewhere near 2 to the 128th power.

Example: If I give you the answer, you owe me a gozillion dollars.

@gozinta, gazinta:= One of the four basic mathematical operations.

Example: 4 gozinta 12 3 times. 8 gozinta 80 10 times.

@gozinter:= Refers to the pot or jar into which all your odds and ends, spare change, etc. goes in ter. WWII Royal Air Force slang, still used by me today.

Example: A single paper clip? Just put it in the gozinter.

@GPS:= someone who really likes to give driving directions. (after Global Positioning System)

Example: She wants to know how to get here? Give her to John, he's the GPS.

@Grab the shovel!:= A phrase you say to someone you're with when the two (or more) of you are just about to be caught doing something you aren't supposed to be doing...knowing that you're gonna have to dig yourself out of it.

Example: Lauryn is copying Nicky's 100 point chem assignment as Mr. Pav walks in the room.

Nicky says: Lauryn, grab the shovel!

@grabamoco:= Tissue, handkerchief

Example: She blew her nose on the grabamoco and threw it on the table.

@grabfidget:= (v) To pick up small items and play with them in a pointless and annoying way.

Example: Stop grabfidgeting. Leave the stuff on the table alone.

@grabilicious:= Greedy, always takin' your stuff.

Example: Gloria was always takin' my makeup outa my purse an' usin' it without askin' because she's just grabilicious.

@grabotologist:= I'm not sure if this is a word. There is a quiz at work asking: What is a grabotologist? I can't find anything on the internet about it. Can someone please help.

Example: When he was younger, Norman Grabowski acted in movies, billed sometimes just as Grabowski. The earliest movie I remember seeing him in was _High School Confidential!_, and I think it was his first. (Norm wasn't the star--Mamie Van Doren was, no matter that she may not be listed first in the credits.) In the 1960s, Grabowski made several beach movies as well as some with Elvis Presley. He continued making films through the 1970s. His last feature film was _The Cannonball Run_, with Burt Reynolds, in 1981. www.imdb.com says this about him: In addition to being an actor, Grabowski is also known as an award-winning custom car designer. His hot rods and street rods are well known and respected in the industry and command top prices. Through a mutual friend, I met Norm Grabowski and learned that he's also a world-class woodcarver. You may find some of the movies Norm made referred to as B-Movies. Maybe some are, but Norm and his work get A-pluses all over the world. Norm, we wish you well. You're a hellacool guy.

So that's where your word comes from. Grabotology, the study of Norman Grabowski and his works.

A grabotologist is one who practices grabotology.

@gradetwoyearold:= A foolish person either acting two years old or acting like she's in grade two.

Example: That guy is a gradetwoyearold.

@gradgrind:= I don't know what it means. I found it in an article written by Peter Lubin and published 9 October 2000 in the Providence Journal. The name of the article was If America had been discovered for Genoa.

Example: Gradgrinds may dismiss all this as idle and unneccessary speculation.

@gradoo:= Anything disgustingly nasty, especially the accumulation of dust, food, etc.

that builds up on top of the refrigerator.

Example: Paul, I did the dishes, it's your turn to clean up the gradoo on the fridge.

@Graduateof the school of the..:= A term used to describe someone who says exactly what everyone and their brothers are thinking,

yet feels they are the only ones attuned to the knowledge.

Example: John Madden: Well, the quarterback either has to throw the ball or hand it off to avoid being sacked by the other team.

The World: This guy must be a graduate of the school of the bleedin' obvious. Perhaps even the professor.

@gradumatate:= To be graduated from college with little effort and flying colors. Usually with a communications or kinesiology degree.

Example: Bill screwed up the company payroll--again. But then again, he did gradumatate from college.

@graf:= Journalist slang for paragraph.

Example: The lede is nice, but by the third graf things start to slow down.

(from Ken Layne's warblog)

@grahamazingly:= Originally from Stop and Shop Chocolate Graham crackers,

to describe their combination of being filled with Grahamy goodness, and also amazingly good.

Can also used to describe anything beyond amazing.

Example: Those crackers are Grahamazingly good.

@grammatized:= grammatize: vb. -ed, -ing (var. grandpatize) 1) the act of becoming a grandmother 2)your twenty year old friends that start behaving like their old, blue-haired ladies

Example: Ex: 1. Sheila's daughter grammatized by having a baby girl.

EX: 2. After her 25th birthday, Heidi became grammatized-- going to bed early, crocheting, and adopting stray cats.

@gramouflage:= Speech or text that adheres to gramatical rules, or not, but conveys little or no meaning.

Example: The press secretary responded to the hostile question with gramouflage, leaving members of the press baffled.

@grampage:= When someone over the age of 40 starts killing people, etc.

Example: Did you hear about that 60-year-old grandfather from the Bronx? Went on a grampage and ran over four kids in a stolen taxi.

@Grandamndidilyumious:= Adjective: A word used to describe something (usually food) that surpases the meaning of delicious as if used by Don King.

Example: Boy, that sure was a grandamndidlyumious sandwich.

@grandpaboy:= noun - an immature man

Example: Eminem is being a real grandpaboy!

@grannystick:= Another word for a bridge in pool.

Example: You don't need the grannystick, that shot is totally reachable.

@granola:= A guy who is a real outdoorsy backpacker type. Sort of plain and naturalistic,

you may find him eating granola on the hike.

Example: You're really into that guy? He's so granola!

@granola:= an overage hippie, somebody lost in the '60s or '70s

Example: Oh yeah, there's a lot of granolas living up near Klamath Falls.

@Grant:= A fifty dollar bill.

Example: I would like two grants back from my hundred.

@grape smuggler:= A small bikini, thong, or speedo like swimsuit worn by a older, balding, hairy male.

Example: Look at that hairy back gorilla with a grape smuggler on.

@Grape Written:= Bristolian term for the country in which we live.

Example: I K Brunel designed a ship called the Grape Written.

@grapple-grummit:= the technical term for something that you forget the name of , or don't know what it's called.

Example: Would you pass me the GRAPPLE-GRUMMIT over there?No, no, the other one!

@gratifaction:= Gratifaction is a simple but rewarding hybrid, melding satisfaction and gratification into a much more useful and - to my mind - powerful word.

Example: The overwhelming sense of gratifaction I experience from a wilderness sunset is unsurpassed.

@gratuitize:= To ad a gratuity to a bill, usually for parties which exceed 6 members.

Example: Boss, I need to you gratuitize table twenty -- they asked for the check.

@graunt:= Great Aunt

Example: I love my Graunt!

@Grave:= Used to describe or forewarn of a no lie topic; equivalent to serious, or I swear to God. More serious still: grandma grave.

Example: I saw a terrible accident on the freeway just now, and I think somebody was hurt really bad...grave.

@gravitass:= Taking oneself too seriously, when everyone else thinks you are an idiot. See the existing word gravitas.

Example: The posturing of most TV evangelists is a prime example of gravitass.

@Gravity Test:= When playing Hackie Sak and you toss the sack to someone to begin the round, and they were unaware you tossed it untill it hits the ground.

Example: Gravity test, yep gravity is on.

@Gravity, Mean Old Mr.:= Said in response to someone dropping something. Puts the blame for the event on this mythical character. The more clumsy or messy the thing dropped is, the funnier this phrase gets.

Example: Mean Old Mr, Gravity! Better get a mop for that.

@Gravy:= Cool, smooth

Example: It's all gravy''

@grawdue:= A mixture of grime, dirt, and residue.

Example: Every time he shaves he leaves a ring of grawdue in the bathroom sink.

@gray-bar land:= Where you are when you are waiting so long for your computer to finish something that it has to display a progress bar on the screen.

Example: I would like to install this freeware, but I am still in gray-bar land waiting for it to download.

@graze:= Process involving two or more people at a meal who devour with great zeal, gusto,

and relish every last morsel of food within arms-reach. From Raymond Carver's short story Cathedral.

Example: We really grazed that table. I can't believe we were all so starved.

@grazer:= Used to describe someone who is a vegetarian.

Example: Don't bother grillin' a burger for Cassie, she's a grazer.

@gream, scroan:= Groan-scream, scream-groan.

Used by (the F___in' great) author Spider Robinson.

Example: He scroaned in agony over the rotten pun. He greamed in pain as the children landed on his stomach.

@grease bomb:= Originally a McD's Quarter Pounder with Cheese, but extended to any fast food burger

that has a massive slab of meat and relatively little bun, condiments, etc.

Example: You OK, Bob? I think the third grease bomb was a mistake.

@grease:= Used like smurfwas used in The Smurfs. Takes the place of a word one is too lazy to say, think of, or even know. Most often used to state that good looking women are around.

Example: 1. That's some grease walking in. 2. She's greasy. 3. Pass me that grease over there.

@greasy spoon:= English cafe that serves an all-day breakfast, the greasier the better.

A good greasy spoon usually consists of two eggs, two sausages, two bacon, baked beans,

black pudding, chips and a cuppa or three.

Ramon's, a fantastic greasy spoon in Cardiff, Wales, adds to this with pink walls and photgraphs of kittens in wine glasses. This contrasts nicely with the sweaty-arsed builders who form its constituency.

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