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Impressively, even the tea at Ramon's is greasy.

Example: I felt like death when I woke up this morning, but after going down to the greasy spoon with my housemates, I felt a lot better. Well, after I'd thrown the greasy spoon back up, actually.

@great big head:= When hair gets itself into a posture (usually over the course of sleep) that makes the person's head look uncharacteristically large.

Example: Look at Jill, she's got great big head.

@great horned spoon:= A large shovel used in gold mining during California's Gold rush during the 1850s.

Example: Mad used her great horned spoon to load the placer box while mining for gold.

@greazy:= someone has done you wrong

Example: if your hangin out with your friends and you all go out to eat and they run out leaving you to pay the bill, that's greazy.

@greb, grunger, greebo:= Someone who tends to be either a skate(board)er, BMXer, MTBer or similar extreme sporter. Generally wears baggy trousers with long (two feet or more) chains from belt loops to pocket, hoodies and suchlike. Usually likes rock and metal, but many are also into hip-hop these days.

can be an insult esp. from townies however grebs don't actually care what they are called

Example: This place is full of grebs. Look at all the skateboards.

@Greco-Romanono:= To combine a Latin or Greek word with a vulgate word creating a phrase which is meaningful

but (technically) wrong. Blood-Mobile should be Blood-Van or Sanguine-Mobile.

Example: The term blood-mobile is the most commonly used Greco-Romanono in the English language.

@greeble:= The action of adding small, useless, meaningless, space-filling detail to an image, graphic, or model to give the sense of size and realism.

Example: Snoop greebled his space fighter mesh to make it look more realistic.

@greediot:= Person whose brain is ruled primarily by avarice.

Example: The greediots in the RIAA have failed to see the long-term wisdom in devising a workable online music swapping scheme.

@green-gray:= A hipster, artist, or hippie who doesn't appear to shower. Approximates the color of her skin.

Example: That bar is full of green-grays. Let's go somewhere else.

@green-neck, greenneck:= Redneck hater.

Example: Shut up. Why? Just cause you're a green-neck.

@greeting:= Scottish slang, crying.

Example: Why are you greeting? I fell over and hurt my knee.

@greetz:= Short form of Greetings, a generic salutation used to begin an email or other non-personal communication.

Replaces Dear , especially when you don't know a) the name or b) whether or not they're dear.

Example: TO: PseudoDictionary.com


Could you please help? I am too lazy to write the word Greetings.

@greige:= The otherwise unexplicable color of office cubicles and walls. An unknown mixture of grey and beige.

Example: The new cubicles management ordered were a lovely shade of greige.

@gremlin:= Little kid that gets on you nerves.

Example: The gremlins are coming!

@Grep:= To search for something in background physical noise (ie, files, pile of unwashed clothes, desk detritus) compulsively for something that you know is there but can't remember where you put it.

For example, car keys, passport, prophylactic, security swipe card, underpants, cigarettes.

First seen in a breathless letter to Computer Business Review from a former Microsoft contractor spilling the beans on an adviser to M$ Chief Screaming Officer Steve Ballmer.

Example: So there I was in London Grepping for a cab, 'cos I was late for a meeting...

@Gretchen:= (n, adj) Used for a female who is constantly in bitch mode. Nagging, yelling, dominating, etc.

Example: Get off your Gretchen, sis. I'm tired of hearing you yell about nothing.

@gretchen:= Gretchen (noun)Refers to any person outside of your circle of friends who basically you dont like for any reason at all.

Gretch (adj.)displaying unattractive qualities that would never be seen amongst your friends.

Gretchlet (noun)child gretchen.

Example: 'did you see what she was wearing? what a gretchen'

'he didn't even say thankyou, how gretch!'

'that little gretchlet just pulled my hair!'

@grfrk:= Pronounced 'gur-firk' When someone says something stupid you say this.

Example: Pam, Pass me the peanuts, I mean ashtray Mel, ok. grfrk.

@gribney:= anything annoying that sticks to something you don't want it to.

Example: I was shredding paper and now I have these gribneys all over my sweater. or The cats ripped open a package and now there are foam gribneys all over the carpet.

@griddy:= Describes a dull and predictable (albeit easily-navigable) layout of streets.

Example: I loved New York, but it was so griddy. I missed finding unexpected little pathways.

@gridluck:= One's good fortune in finding a viable alternate route around a traffic mess.

Example: Due to the expert map-reading and navigational skills of his wife,

Gerald's gridluck held throughout his trip from Washington to New York.

@grill-monkey:= A low-level fast food restaurant employee whose primary job is to run the grill,

but also used to run errands.

Example: Guy on the assembly table: We're out of quarter meat. Where's my grill-monkey?

Manager: Oh, I sent him to get shake mix out of the walk-in.

@grill:= One's face.

Example: Hey! Get outta my grill.

@grill:= To go out to a bar or restaurant that contains the word grill in its name.

Example: Let's grill, gril--I mean girl!

@griller:= This word has several different meanings. Any person asking too many questions,

anyone giving you the evil eye because she is jealous of you,

any child with something on her face.

Example: I had to stop talking to that chick, too many grillers at the end of the bar. OR

He wasn't sharing, so I took the little griller's crayons away.

@grillion:= Incalcuably large number, more than a google. From Douglas Adams.

Example: King: How many killed in the battle? Lieutenant: A grillion, mahlud.

@grimble:= 1.Any movie in which, no matter how important the man's job

(stopping an assasination, saving the universe, generally preserving life),

his wife does nothing but gripe about how it's breaking the family up and that he missed little

Jimmy's birthday again.

2. The act of a movie woman griping in this way.

Example: Sissy Spacek did nothing but grimble all the way through the movie _JFK_.

@Grimwade's Syndrome:= Robophobia (q.v.), from Doctor Who story The Robots Of Death.

Example: Yikes! This guy's got Grimwade's Syndrome all right.

@grinch:= To take, use, or otherwise assume control of another's belongings.

Example: 1. Don't grinch my french fries. Get your own. 2. If you try to grinch my boyfriend, I'll scratch your eyes out.

3. You grinched my CDs last week and I want them back.

@grindage:= food

Example: Brah, I am starving. We have to scrape up some grindage soon or I am gonna die.

@Grinder:= New England slang for a Submarine Sandwich. Pronounced Grindah. Confuses the hell out of Canadians.

Example: Let's go get a Grinder before the movie.

@gringo:= Commonly used by Mexicans refering to Americans.

Example: That gringo is crossing the border into Mexico.

@grinnies:= When you just can't help but smile all day, you have this condition

Example: When I thought about getting my word published, it gave me a case of the grinnies.

@grinny:= Chipmunk, used in western Pennsylvania.

Example: Hey, ya wanna go grinny huntin' this weekend? They're great in rodent stew.

@grip-load:= A lot of something.

Example: Ernie, there's a grip-load of people here.

@grip:= Money, cash.

Example: I'm broke. Ain't got no grip.

@gripper:= An obviously too tight piece of clothing.

Example: Come on, that`s a bit of gripper. We don`t want to see that.

@grippery:= Used to describe a non-skid surface. The opposite of slippery.

Example: Stair steps should have a grippery surface.

@gription:= Rubbery soles of shoes that do not slip.

Example: Joe fell on the slippery floor because his shoes have no gription.

@Gription:= The gripping of a tire to a road surface.

Example: The car slid off the road due to the poor gription of the tires.

@griswald:= a tourist (from the Vacation movies, said dismissively by native Floridians)

Example: Could those griswalds wear any more cameras?

@grit newspaperboy:= From the ads in the back of old comic books--where you could deliver _The Grit_ newspaper, and if you sold enough subscriptions you could win a vast array of crappy prizes. Someone who lacks talent or potential.

Example: Someday, my manager could grow up to be a grit newspaperboy.

@grit:= a person who takes no interest in personal hygiene


@grit:= Cigarette

Example: I need a grit. Got a light?

@gritball:= An unrefined or dirty person typically from a poor or southern background. Trailer-trash. Also may be said as g-ball

Example: This wrestling event is just crawling with gritballs.

@grixxle, grixxxle, ....:= Being in a state of complete and utter disgust for yourself, those around you, and life in general.

The numbers of Xs the word is spelled with indicates the degree of grixxled-ness. The more Xs, the more hate for life).

Example: Today, Abbe crashed her car, spilled food on her favorite shirt, and slept through class. She's super grixxxled. {I.e., she's grixxxxxxxxxxled.}

@grocered:= The quality and quanity of one's food items.

Example: Because he'd just returned from the store, Bill was incredibly well grocered.

@Grocery Getter:= Car slang. Describes a nondescript car, generally bought by mothers and used primarily to get groceries.

Example: I think Mom's Toyota is a great car, but it's just a grocery getter--it has no style.

@grody:= Very vulgar or disgusting.

Example: Thats grody!

@grogolific:= To drink copious amounts of alcohol. A combination of grog, a term used in days of yore for an alchoholic beverage,

and prolific.

Example: I have such a hangover this morning. Last night was extremely grogolific.

@grok:= To understand deeply. From _Stranger in a Strange Land_, by Robert A. Heinlein

Example: Do you grok the new process?

@grom:= To grin. Common typo for grin. Regular verb.

Example: Bob always groms when he's plotting hix next prank.

@gromish:= A non-swear word. From an acting technique for crowd scenes. (Actors are given words to repeat to create the rumble of mob noises. Often phrases like apples and oranges, cheese and crackers, or in this case gromish, gromish, nater, gromish.

Example: Oh, gromish, I forgot to pick up the dry cleaning.

@Gronk:= Someone who changes the channel on the TV too fast

Example: Don't be such a gronk!

@groobilees:= Germs, bacteria, and nasty critters. All that is bad and lurking on unwashed hands

Example: That trash can lid has groobilees all over it. Make sure you wash your hands after touching it.

@groobles:= Anonymous black floaties found in consumable beverages, particularly tea.

They are always there, and they are impossible to remove or identify.

Example: Aww...what are these groobles in my cuppa?

@Groomio:= A very nerdy, yet sometimes cool guy.

Example: Oh, that kid, he's such a groomio, I've never seen anyone hack into a computer so fast.

@groomology:= Science of grooming for the purpose of maintaining hygiene and beauty of a living creature.

Example: The groomology of the show dog and pet dog may differ as far as beauty, but hygiene importance is the same for both.

@Groon:= A hybrid verb combining groove and groan = To find oneself involuntarily humming along to the muzak in a lift, supermarket etc.

Example: Grooning to the muzak from a speaker in a shoe rack.. (from Cat Food by King Crimson 1971

@groovalistic:= Adj./ Used to describe someone,or something,that chracterizes/embodies grooviness.

Example: That Austin Powers, he is one groovalistic cat, baby!

@groove-tastic:= An occasion so great it makes you want to jump up and dance.

Example: Wow this new video game sure is groove-tastic!

@groovetastic:= Intense or extreme grooviness, an expression of joy, eternally being stuck in the 70s.

Example: That is one groovetastic lava lamp.

@GrooveyTuesday:= (ga-roo-vee-toos-deh) Similar to Cool Beans. This is used as an exclamation of happiness. Use instead of wow! or great!.

Example: I don't have to go to work today! GrooveyTuesday!

@groovissimo:= Extremely groovy

Example: That is one groovissimo song!

@grossomundo:= Disgusting.

Example: Yuk, you just puked all over me. That's grossomundo.

@grouch-potato:= Someone who likes to sit in front of the TV a lot, objecting to things.

Example: This is the thing I've been saying, he began, in a grouch-potatoey kind of way.

@Groundation:= Being Grounded or Restricted

Example: I cant go out and play tonight, Im on groundation.

@Grounded:= To lose an internet connection for unknown reasons

Example: Dang, my comp's grounded again! Darn free ISP's.

@grouse:= Australian slang. Cool, great, very good.

Example: That band is grouse--it rocks!

@grovel sauce:= You pour it on humble pie.

Example: I'll eat some humble pie, with some grovel sauce please.

@growing up without permission:= We all get to a certain age when we start doing things without asking permission.

Example: My seven-year-old is finally growing up without permission.

Yesterday, he spilled milk on the carpet, and he used six towels to clean it up.

@growls:= British expression: what you have when you are very hungry.

Example: I havn't eaten since last night and have a nasty case of the growls.

@GRP moment:= GRP is short for the much-needed phrase, Get a real problem. Useful when addressing or describing people or situations in which insignificant issues are being blown out of proportion. For example, when my fourth and fifth grade students complain about other students budging (Hey, is that an official word?) them in line, I tell them that it sounds like a GRP moment, because we are all going to the same place no matter where we are in the line.

Example: After the school principal spent twenty minutes describing the problems with the pop machines in the staff lounge,

several teachers suggested she might be having a GRP moment.

@grr:= Someone is very sexy or did something very sexy.

Example: Grr, baby, very grr.

@grrrness:= Indicates very strong frustration. Whatever happened makes you want to scream and thrash wildly, but you say grrrness instead.

Example: My term paper is due tomorrow and I haven't even started. Grrrness!

@grubalicious:= A food that is one's favorite.

Example: For me, tacos are grubalicious.

@grubbley:= Waking up and feeling dirty, usually physically rather than metaphorically.

Example: When I woke up in between a midget and the boy down the street, I felt all grubley.

@gruck:= Combination of gross and yuck with an extra emphatic tone of one of the best four-letter words.

Example: Sputum is gruck!

@grufty:= Dirty, filthy, messy, untidy.

Example: Mother to child, Tidy up your room, it's well grufty.

@grum:= gum found on the ground

Example: That guy just ate grum! Nasty!

@grumb:= A person who spoils fun

Example: Annie: How about we go to the carnival? Jake: How about we don't?

Annie: Oh, Jake, you're just a grumb.

@grummage:= rummaging for grub, most often with someone else, at their house.

Example: After leaving the party last night, jake and i grummaged at his parents' house.

@grump:= An anatomical word describing the space between your eyebrows that scrunches when you are irritated.

Example: Rogi is going to have a temper tantrum. His grump is huge!

@grumpalicious:= Someone who is grumpy.

Example: If you don't stop making that face at me Mr. Grumpalicious, I won't make you any dinner.

@grumpasaurus:= The state of being miserable and grumpy in every conceivable fashion.

Example: How's my new baby today? In a word, a grumpasaurus.

@grumplestiltskin:= Grumplestilskin is a label to be applied to a person who is extremely grumpy or has a short temper.

Example: Kevin became such a grumplestiltskin when he lost at Monoploy.

@grunch:= A person who is grumbly and grumpy at once.

Example: Don't be such a grunch today.

@gruncle:= great uncle

Example: I saw my gruncle yesterday.

@grundiful:= Being both great and wonderful

Example: The day was warm, and not a cloud in the sky. It was grundiful

@grundle:= Great bundle, tons and tons.

Example: There are a grundle of words in this dictionary.

@grungin:= The green growth that appears on old pennies.

Example: Gimme another penny-this one's covered in grungin.

@grungry:= The state of being grumpy because one has become hungry.

Example: Sorry, I snapped...I must be getting grungry.

@grunk:= Verbal expression of absolute confusion or incomprehension


@grunkle:= The remnant stain produced from intimate moments on your sheets.

Example: No way am I sleeping on your bed - I saw that huge grunkle spot on your sheets

@gruntbuggly:= A very lousy feeling.

Example: I had a lot of fun at the party, but in the morning I was feeling totally gruntbuggly.

@gruntled:= opp of disgruntled. To be content. A state of contentment. Happy or pleased.


@gruv:= Paste of dirt, crumbs, water, and Mr. Clean resulting from insufficient sweeping before mopping.

Example: Frank stepped into a big puddle of gruv where the mopwater had been dumped out.

Adv: gruvly. I can't use this mop, it's all gruvly.

@gruvular:= (Beyond groovy, new age groovy, better than groovy.

Example: That new car of yours is really gruvular.

@GTFO:= Get The Fuck Out of here.

Example: Hurry up. We've got to GTFO before the boss gives us another blivet.

@GTG:= Got To Go

Example: GTG to town.

@guamie:= An old man who hangs around public transport wearing new old clothes, carrying a sports bag, newspapers, maybe a flask of coffee, an unusual hat--not necessarily homeless but isn't in a hurry to get anywhere.

Example: Ever since my aunty died my uncle has turned into a complete guamie.

@gub:= Gross ugly bug OR gross ugly belly.

Example: Look at that guy's gub! Ahh, there's a gub in my soup!

@Gubbed:= A term used to describe a situation where someone has been totally done over.

Derived from the legendry MP Tony Gubber.

Example: For example after a particularly hard night out you might say, I got totally gubbed over last night!

@gubbins:= Used as a synonym for something when you can't remember the right word.

Example: Hey, where'd you put the..um..you know..er..the erm...the gubbins?

@GUBBY:= Goodbye, good night, I love you, I'm sorry, I want to make up, etc.

Example: After a fight and an awkward silence just say to your loved one, Gubby.

@GUD:= Stands for Geographically UnDesirable.

Example: I met this really nice looking girl at the mall, but since she lives an hour away she is definitely a GUD.

@guede:= A person with a penchant for dressing up as a Girl Guide.

Example: His neighbour, Mr.Noone was a harmless guede who kept to himself--although he did enjoy watching the Boy Scout Parade, all dolled up in his smart blue uniform.

@guelph:= the last sound a dying dog makes -- also a town in Ontario

Example: after horking up the pork chop bone the dog went guelph and that was the last of it.

@guesstimate:= somewhere between guess and estimate

Example: guesstimate how many peas are in this jar

@guest/guesting:= To borrow someone else's computer to go online.

Or: The phenomenon of being mistaken for someone else simply because you happen to have Instant Messenger while using her computer.

Example: I sent a really erotic instant message to my boyfriend, only to find out his 13-year old brother was guesting.

@Guestimate:= An estimation based on inconclusive information or limited experince.

Example: I'm not really a pokemon collector but I'd guestimate that Chraziard card goes for $50.

@guff:= Food, cleaning supplies, appliances, rooms, etc. that are common to everyone who lives in a (usually co-op) house. Also used as a verb or adjective. Non-guff refers to private property.

Example: Noun: The coat closet is filling up with guff; someone ought to donate all that crap. Adjective: Is that soymilk guff, or did someone just not put their name on them? If it's not, it shouldn't be in the guff refrigerator. Verb: Jon's mom sent him a huge tin of peanut brittle, but he guffed it because it was disgusting.

@guff:= Things you feel you need to take with you when you go out, but end up just taking up space: wallet, mobile phone, keys, gum, etc.

Example: Can I put my guff in your bag?

@guh:= A word meaning that you're not happy with something.

Example: Guh. I've got to get up at 6am tomorrow for school.

@guido:= White boy. Like a white ni#^$r.

Example: Sup' my guido.

@guidovision:= Illegal cable hook up--a great deal of the channels come in solarized (like a negative).

Example: Ramona refuses to give up her guidovision because she likes to watch Kids in the Hall solarized.

@Guilt Monster:= The inner demon in us all that when awoken makes us regret something bad we've recently done.

Usually seen the day after the Booze Monster.

Example: Last night was fun, but today the Guilt Monster's got a hold of me.

@guilt trip:= Feeling guilty over something insignificant or over something you had no control over.

Example: Her mum had put her on a guilt trip over her armed robbery of the bank, but really, what was the big deal?

@guisigoo-hocktooey:= The stuff you cough up when you have a cold

Example: I've been hacking up guisigoo-hocktooeys all day.

@guiskers:= Excess that hangs from guitars after re-stringing

Example: Dwayne's guiskers swayed violently as he trashed out the new song.

@Gully:= (adj) Usu. seen in phrase Keep it Gully, designating a state of affairs where things have been maintained in a positive, productive, and down-to-earth condition--like in Fern Gully when they were living in the rainforest they had to keep it raw.

Example: Hey, are you going to go start a fight wiht that guy and not make a lot of money?

Not a chance. I'm keeping it Gully.

@Gum Band:= Rubber band.

Example: Hey, Donnie, you better gum band those cards back together when you're done.

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