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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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It means what it describes: definitely there is some intelligence in a stupid person.

Trust me it's not easy been stupid.

One has to be really intelligent to be a stupid person.

Example: Yeah, I know--I gave a stupid description. But, you know, there really *is* intelligence in stupidity.

@Ijit, idjit:= Idiot.

Example: Matt is an ijit.

@ilea:= A female pig.

Example: My grandfather raises on his farm six ileas.

@ill:= Good, denoting approval.

Example: The new Ice Cube album is ill!

@illegal:= Under the age of 18.

Example: The Olsen twins are illegal.

@illegiterate:= Iillegitimate and illiterate--a dumb bastard.

Example: I am an illegiterate on a computer.

@illmathematical:= Maximum state of illness.

Example: That flow was illmathematical.

@illmatical:= very ill, but not quite as ill as 'illmathematical'

Example: my new sweat pants are illmatical.

@Illuminaughty:= A group of lizards, disguised as people, who tread on your flower bed,

never tidy their rooms, and hide your stapler when you need it.

Unlike the Illuminati they actually exist, but are not terribly dangerous.

Example: He knew he had been a victim of the Illuminaughty when one of his socks vanished from the radiator.

@ima:= a different way to say i'm going to, usually implying some sort of physical violence. typically used in hip hop lyrics.

Example: ima get you, foo! or ima kick your scrawny ass

@Ima:= can represent various forms such as 'I' 'I am' 'I am going to' & 'I have'

Example: Ok, ima gonna go home now. see you later. Ima love you..Ima having some food

@ima:= I am going to.

Example: Ima go to the bathroom.

@Imaginary Morning Sickness:= (IMS) A woman pretending to feel ill in the morning so that her husband or boyfriend will

be extra nice to her, like making a cup of coffee or breakfast.

Example: Sorry I'm late. My wife had IMS this morning.

@imaginism:= Someone or something that has a high level of imagination.

Example: John's artwork was a piece of pure imaginism.

@imbesire:= Mix of imbecile and sire.

One who is at once a person of wealth and status and at the same time a total imbecile.

Can also be used in regard to a person of supreme idiocy, a king of imbeciles so to speak.

Example: Mom has a new boyfriend, but I think she is just with him because of his wealth and status.

After speaking with him for five minuites, it was clear to me that he is a total imbesire.

@imbiguer:= It's a synonym of to hinder and to impede. It's a verb. Sure there are already two words with similar meaning, but why not have a third?

Example: The sun imbiguered by ability to see and caused me to run a light.

@imdb:= To use the interet movie database (imdb.com) to find something.

Example: Bryan: How old is Tom Hanks.

Jay: Imdb it.

@imeweus:= All purpose pronoun.

Example: Imeweus like food. It was imeweus. Imeweus all went to the store after school.

@IMF:= International Mother Fund.

Example: I'm our of money again. I'm going to go plead to the IMF.

@imfeasibubble:= A bubble constructed entirely from nothing, thus, a completely ludicrous and absurd idea or concept.

Example: Why don't we make a goat-powered helicopter?

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