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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I'm too busy to watch tv, so I'm invidiate.

@invisiword:= Any word or part od word hidden beneath another word or so far to one side to be off-screen

Example: A to K in the alphabet at the top of the home page of this dictionary or some very poorly designed sites

@ionparadox:= A juxtaposition of ideas, images or experiences

that propel you beyond your current level of understanding. Or simply to go beyond established opinions.

Example: That movie was an ionparadox--the world seems like a different place after seeing it.

@ippidy:= Cool, awesome.

Example: Well, isn't that ippidy!

@ipswitch:= Multipurpose word.

Example: Oh, ipswitch. Where the ipswitch did I put my hat?

@Iq:= (Pronounced: Itch) An itch anywhere on the tongue. Plural: Iqes

Example: I always find it strange when I scratch the iq on my tongue.

@ira! ira!:= Say it when you're annoying or frustrated. One of the many Japanese onomatopoeia.

Example: Windows locks up your computer. Ira! Ira!

@irection:= Abbreviated version of I reckon.

Said in mid-conversation to agree with a previous staement or question.

Be careful, however, innocent by-standers may think that you said erection.

Example: Enrico and Bruce are out walking. Enrico sees a beautiful and busty woman walking in the distance.

Enrico: Wow, see that babe, she's beautiful. Bruce: Irection.

Bruce has just agreed with Enrico's comment.

@iron-box:= Slang for a virgin.

Example: We can't call Sally iron-box anymore.

@irony:= When something is made of iron or has iron characteristics.

Example: Man, this place sure has a lot of irony.

@irrationale:= A worthless or misguided justification for a project or task, often handed down by Pointy-Haired-Bosses.

Example: The project was so flawed I couldn't believe anyone could have thought it would work, until I found out the irrationale had come from the Marketing Department. Just what you should expect from Marketing, eh?

@irregardless:= people use this word to stress the meaning of regardless.

Example: You will follow the policy,

Irregardless of your feelings.

@irregardless:= Used to dismiss a valid point or issue. To continue in spite of the facts.

Example: Abe: Your decisions have resulted in a loss in excess of $2.2 billion.

Zeb: Irregardless. We still need to address our employees excessive smoke breaks.

@irresponsibility:= Responsibility.

Example: I refuse to accept irresponsibility for my actions.

@Irvine-vision:= Similar to a Monet, Irvine-vision describes a person who looks good from a distance, but whose good looks diminish the closer you get to them.

From the city of Irvine, California (where this phenomenon was first experienced)

Example: I thought she was good looking, but it was just Irvine-vision.

@is such a:= Ambiguous, inappropriate, inept, lame, overused, and weak phrase. All right to use in sentences such as Anyone who objects to the use of the phrase 'is such a' is such a jerk. OR Anyone who objects to the use of the phrase 'is such a' must be an English teacher--either that or she's some kind of editor. Anyhow, only a really anal-retentive type person should have any objections. Otherwise, should be replaced by something more interesting or by something more enlightening, entertaining, or exciting. Possibly by something clever or coy or cute. For that matter, a pedantic, phlegmatic, or prosaic example would usually be an improvement over one's using is such a.

Example: That one lady editor at pseudodictionary.com is, like, a total curmudgeon--or whatever you call a lady curmudgeon. A biatch? Beech? Bich? Chib? She must be really old--maybe even 30! OMIGAWD!!! Could she be even older than that????? THAT'S IT!!!!!!! That's why she wants us to use the shift key and use standard capitalization, punctuation, spaces, and spelling. iTma KeSIteZIeEr fORHeRto REeD wHAtWEROte. She even expects us to use an occasional adjective or adverb in our examples. Thinks it'll make her job easier, faster, and more fun. I'll bet she thinks the visitors who browse through the words will enjoy them more if we give a little more thought to our examples, not just to the words we submit. She is such a jerk. Like, totally. EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!

@ischnot:= Is not. Use while you are in debate or argument. The opposite of isstew.

Example: 1. Katy's behavior ischnot acceptable to Joe.

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