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I think nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Today in the era of computers when the boundaries of the countries become more and more invisible, people need a universal language to speak to each other. And one of such language is English, which now spread the world over. Knowing English you can easily travel to The USA, Canada, The Republic of Southern Africa, The Irish Republic, Australia, New Zealand and many others. It is the language of science, trade, culture and computers. I’m sure that every educated man should know English, and not only in order to communicate. Almost one half of periodical literature is issued in English, and in such a way you can read most of the famous newspapers and magazines in original.

And as for me I think we have good opportunity to study English thoroughly because we have it six times a week.

At our lessons of English language much attention is paid to developing good speaking habits as well as grammar and pronunciation. Holding different discussions and conversations, describing pictures and developing situations we gain experience in using English words and phrases properly and speaking correct English.

It’s interesting for me to read and translate texts, discuss different subjects, make up dialogues and develop situations, but I find it difficult to express my own ideas in a proper way. Then I turn to my teacher, friends and parents for help. I’m sure that their encouragement and advice together with my diligent and persistent work will help me to overcome all the difficulties in studying English grammar and lexics.

At our English lessons we read extracts from the books of by different foreign authors. It helps us to get acquaintance with foreign writers and their creative works and gain some life experience as well.

Our English lessons are held in a special classroom, which is equipped with a tape recorder, a record player and a slide projector. There is no doubt that all this technical devices will be of great value for all those whose aim is mastering English.

I think that much more attention should be paid to out-of-class activities. Because learning songs, reading poems, taking part in different parties and staging plays we can practice our speaking habits.

I think it is very important for me to learn English because it is a language of international communication, business, science and culture. Besides I’m sure it will be of great value for me in my future career. You know I have made up my mind to become a lawyer. With the help of English language I can get acquainted with the works of other foreign writers and their works on philosophy and logic. Besides it gives me a unique chance to communicate with my future foreign colleagues and probably exchange experience.

Соседние файлы в папке Экзамен - Старые темы - 1999