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I'm a student of English. I have been a student only two months and a half. I can' speak English well yet. I'm just a beginner, you know. I live in a hostel. It is rather a long way from the University. In fact, it is in the country and it takes me about an hour and a half to get to the University. But it gives me no trouble at all, as I like to get up early. I don't need an alarm-clock, to wake me up. I am an early-riser, as they say. Though our hostel is out of town it is very comfortable and as all modern conveniences. As a rule I get up at 6.30, do morning exercises and have a shower. 1 don't have a bath in the morning. I'm a student of English. I have been a student only two months and a half. I can't speak English well yet. I'm just a beginner, you know. I live in a hostel. It is rather a long way from the University. In fact, it is in the country and it takes me about an hour and a half to get to the University. But it gives me no trouble at all, as I like to get up early. I don't need an alarm-clock, to wake me up. I am an early-riser, as they say. Though our hostel is out of town it is very comfortable and as all modern conveniences. As a rule 1 get up at 6.30, do morning exercises and have a shower. I don't have a bath in the morning, I have a bath before I go to bed.

For breakfast I have a boiled egg and a cup of coffee. At about 7.30 I am quite ready to go. It is about a five minutes' walk from the hostel to the station. I usually take the 7.40 train. I walk to the station as I have plenty of time to catch my train.

I come to the University five minutes before the bell rings. So I can have a chat with my friends. Only four students of our group are Muscovites, the others either come from different parts of our country or from other countries. We usually have a lot of things to talk about.

There is a very good language laboratory at our University. It has modern equipment. We spend a lot of time in the labora­tory listening tothe tapes, imitating the sounds and intonation. It helps us to learn the language without much difficulty.

We don't go out to lunch. There is a good canteen at our University. It is on the ground floor. We can go downstairs and have lunch in no time at all. As to my dinner I have it in a cafe on my way back to the hostel.

I come to the hostel from the University about a quarter to five every evening. I live in a single room and have nobody to speak English to. I go to the girl next door and we do our lessons together. We are always ready to help each other. In the evening we sometimes go out. We go to the pictures if there is something new on or to the club if there is a dancing party there. But we often stay in, watch the TV program in the common room or lis­ten to the radio. Then I read a book for half an hour or so and go to sleep. That doesn't take me long, as a rule.

VOCABULARY hostel-жатақхана


breakfast-таңғы ac





Answer the following questions:

What's your name (your surname)?

Where are you from?

Where and when were you born?

When is your birthday?

How do you celebrate it?

What is your nationality?

What's your address and telephone number?

What are your likes and dislikes?

Speak about yourself




Date of birth

Place of birth *






Write a short composition on theme: "About myself"


Every family where everyone is responsible for its comfort, success in work, health and good spirits must be a strong unit. We ought not to forget that we are members of society and fam­ily is the most important thing for each of us. The children whose parents take proper care of them are very grateful to them either now or afterwards when they became grown-ups.

As for my family, it is not large. There are four of us: a fa­ther, a mother, a brother and me. We love each other and try to help each other. We are very anxious when any of us is unhappy in some way.

My father is 38. He is a doctor. He works at a hospital. He treats people and gives them health and advice. I know he is re­spected by his patients.

My mother is 35. Her work at a factory is hard, but she

likes it very much.

My brother is younger than me. He is 10 years old. He is a schoolboy. He is a good tennis player. I have seen him playing tennis several times. He likes me to come to the stadium and see him playing tennis. My father and mother sometimes go there


Certainly my mother is the housekeeper in our family. She is a very good cook. She knows what is necessary for our fam­ily. She goes shopping and cooks very nice and tasty things. All of us try to help her whenever we can. Dad often goes to the market. I go to the dairy and my brother goes to the baker's.

Our grandparents do not live with us. They come to see us and we call them very often. We usually get together on our family holidays (mostly birthdays), on New Year's Eve or other festivals. Our family members love each other.

Those who come to us say that our family is very nice.




to try-тырысу



brother- аға, іні

to anxious-алаңдау

schoolboy-мектеп оқушысы

housekeeper-үй шаруасындағы әйел

to cook-тамақ пісіру


birthday-туған күн


Is your family large or small?

Who are the members of your family?

Where were your parents born?

When were you born?

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Your parents love you, don't they?

Have you got a grandfather and a grandmother?

They are pensioners, aren't they?

Who looks after the small children in your family?

Where do you live? What is your address?

How many relatives have you got?

They all live in the same place, don't they?

How many aunts and uncles have you got?

Which of your relatives live near your home?

How often do you all gather?

When is your birthday?

How do you celebrate it?

What can you do fotfyour Family?

Write a short composition on theme: "My family


My house is not small, but it is comfortable and well-planned. It is a large two-storeyed cot­tage. In front of the house there is a green lawn and a lot of flowers. Behind it there is a little orchard with a few fruit trees in it. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a pantry, a din­ing-room, a cosy sitting-room and my father's study.

There are also several rooms upstairs on the first floor: the my parents' bedrooms, grandmother's room, which is also my room and the bathroom.

The furniture is modern and quite new. But my father says he must pay a lot of money for the house and the furniture. He must pay the money for many years before he can call the house his own.


well-planned-жақсы проектімен салынған

two-storeyed-екі қабатты



orchard-жеміс бағы

the ground floor-бірінші қабат


upstairs-жоғарғы қабат

bathroom-жуынатын бөлме


Ask questions on the text for your groups to answer them

Write a short composition on theme: "My house"

My occupation

My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 o'clock. Before I leave for the Institute I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do my morning exercises. When doing them I usually open the window and switch on the radio. I like to do my morn­ing exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash, clean my teeth and dress. At a quarter to eight I am ready to have breakfast. While having breakfast I often listen to the latest news on the radio or look through the newspapers.

It doesn't take me long to have breakfast. At a quarter past eight I leave home for the Institute. As I live far from the Insti­tute I go there by bus or by metro. It usually takes me half an hour to get there I seldom walk to the Institute in the morning because I have no time.

I am never late. I always come to the Institute in time. Be­tween classes we have short breaks. At 12.20 we have a long break for dinner. I usually have lunch in the dining-room of our Institute which is always full of people at this time.

As a rule we have three lectures or seminars a day. Classes are over at twenty minutes to four. If I have no meeting, I go home. Sometimes I stay at the Institute if I have some social work to do or if I have a Komsomol meeting. There is a Stu­dents' Scientific Society at our Institute. I am a member of this

Society. Once a month I attend its meetings. I am also a member of the English circle which meets on Tuesdays.

Sometimes I stay at the Institute because I need a book or article which I can get only in the reading room. Before and af­ter classes in the reading room there are always a great many students who read different books and articles, work at their re­ports or do their reports or do their lessons. After classes I usu­ally walk home. I like to walk after a busy day at the Institute. When I come home I have dinner and a short rest. Then I pre­pare my lessons. It usually takes me about three hours. In the evening I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes if I have times, I go to the cinema. I usually go to bed at 11 o'clock.

Every day I work at my English. I spend half an hour a day on it. Every evening I read a page or half a page of some English book or do English homework. When preparing my homework I often listen to the tapes which help me to learn to read and speak English. I like English very much and I do my best to master it. I never miss English classes and I work at it regularly, that's why. English is not difficult for me. I can already read easy English books and even speak English a little.

Those who want to master it, i.e. (that is) to understand it without difficulty, to speak it well, to read books in the original without a dictionary and to write correctly, must study hard.



to get ир-тұру

morning exercises-таңертеңгі жаттығу

teeth-тіс .







to listen to-тыңдау to һеір-көмектесу


At what time do you get up?

Do you usually do your morning exercises?

What do you do in the bathroom?

How long does it take you to have breakfast?

Do you listen to the latest news in the morning or in the evening?

When do you leave for the col­lege?

Is your college far from your home?

How do you get to the college?

Do you attend all lessons?

Do you stay at the col­lege after lessons?

When do you get home from college?

What do you do when you get home from college?

What do you do in the evening?

Do you like to watch TV?

At what time do you go to bed?

My hobby

I go to school six days a week, so I have only one day-off - Sunday. On Sunday I get up later than on weekdays. In winter I go skiing after breakfast. I ski in the park near my house. I come back home for dinner. After dinner I have a short rest. In the evening I sometimes go to see my friends. We like to listen to music together or see video films. In spring and in summer I prefer to spend my day-off in the open air. On Satur­day night I usually go to the country house where my parents live. There is a river not far from the house. I like to swim in it. There are woods on both banks of the river where I like to walk picking up berries and mushrooms. When a day is rainy I stay at home reading and watching TV. Early in autumn my school­mates and I usually go hiking. We leave on Saturday afternoon and return on Sunday evening. We learn to make a fire and cook food, to find fresh water in the woods. We spend the night in the tents and come back home on foot next morning.


day-off - демалыс, бос күні

Sunday - жексенбі

skiing - шаңғы


river - өзен

to swim - жүзу

autumn - күз

Saturday - сенбі

sometimes - кей кёзде

spring - көктем


What did you do last day off?

In your groups choose 7 key words you would use speaking

about your day off .

Ask your groups questions about what they will do their day]


Tell the group what you will do next your day off. Whei you will go, how you will go there, what you will do there.


The American flag is the emblem of the United States. When the thirteen British colonies in America became the United States of America on July 4, 1776, the flag, had thirteen red and while stripes and thir­teen stars in a circle on a blue field. There was one star and one stripe for each state.

It was the official flag until May 1, 1795, by then the coun­try had two more states. Congrees added two stars and two stripes to the flag. In 1818 there were twenty states, but the flag did not look right with twenty stripes.

Now the flag does not have a stripe for each state. It just has one for each of the thirteen original states. There are fifty stars, one for each of the fifty states. Whenever the country ad­mits a new state, it adds a new star to the flag on the next fourth of July. In 1959 flagmakers added new stars for Alaska and Ha­waii.