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Англ / Odessa state Economic University

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There are many stages of education in Ukraine like: pre-school, secondary education, higher education, post-graduate courses, beyond-the-school education. Nowadays there are more than 200 higher schools where learning 1.5 million students. There are many types of higher education like: colleges, institutes, conservatories, academies, universities. Degrees of higher education are: the bachelor degree (after three-four years of study), the specialist and master degree (after five years of study and a diploma project), the doctorate (after dissertation, the degree is traditionally called ‘candidate of сsince’), the degree of a doctor of science (after the second dissertation).

OSEU is one of the largest higher schools in Ukraine. It is a large center of economics and was founded in June 1921.

There is a wide choice of specialities. In OSEU are five department: Department of Management and Economic of Production, Department of international Economic, the Finance Economic Department, the Credit Economic Department, the Accounting Economic Department. 10 specialities study on these Departments.

To enter any of these departments one has to pass two written examinations in Ukrainian and Mathematics. The students have to study for 5 years. At the end of studies the students submit a graduation paper and take the state examinations.

Career of an economist

One of the fastest-growing careers is an economist.

Nowadays world of business are changing. The business across borders and the production become international. That all need a new economist that knows nowadays tendency and mechanism of function of economy.

Economics and economy are the best places to use our abilities and intellect. Therefore nowadays, an economist is one of the most interesting and important careers. Economists are concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Therefore they connected with any shape of society. Economists can work at different firms, factories, plants, banks, companies.

Economists are employed in a wide range of job settings. Economists must know fundamental economic subjects such as economic theory, enterprise economy, mathematical methods of economic analysis, management, etc.


Economics is a social science. Economics study production, distribute, exchange and consumption goods and services. Economics law explain how supply match with demand and price on different goods change. Economics as a science consists of two disciplines: macroeconomics and microeconomics.

Macroeconomics studies national economy as a whole. It researches inflations, unemployment, total output and government’s economics policy. Macroeconomic researches forest, not the trees.

Microeconomics studies specific economics factors and behavior of economics subjects. It studies individual produce, different markets and etc. It studies trees, not the forest. There is not strict border between macroeconomics and microeconomics. Many parts of economics are studied both in microeconomics and macroeconomics.

There are two analyses in economics.

Positive economics analyzes how economy works and how it will change.

Normative economics analyzes how must economy work. Government’s economics policy bases on normative analysis.

Economy of Ukraine

Present-day Ukraine has a big potential in economy. This is explained by large natural resources and lucky geographical position. Ukraine haves a large natural resources like metals, sulfur, coal, oil and gas. But resources like oil and gas are not developed.

Developed industries in Ukraine are machine-building, coal, energy, heavy and light industry. Potential industries are plane-building, space, rocket-building, agricultural industry. Ukraine haves a large research potential.

Lucky geographical position is position near trade routes, Russia and EU. Therefore Ukraine is transit country. Ukraine is member of many international organizations like UN, WTO, Black Sea Association and etc.

There is a big hope on investment project in Ukraine. They cannot realize because of economy and policy instability.


Negotiation is a dialogue intended to resolve disputes. Negotiation occurs in business, among nations and in usual life. So we all do it in our everyday life. So we need some methodology.

Before any negotiation write down several questions:

What will I do I fail to reach an agreement?

What is the highest price I am willing to pay?

What would be a great result for me and how I do it?

Answer to the first question is BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement). It is your action that will be taken if the negotiations fail.

Answer to the second question is ZOPA (zone of possible agreement) – zone between two parties where an agreement can be met.

Answer to the third question is your goal and supporting arguments.

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