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Differences Between Minerals and Rocks

A mineral is a naturally occurring solid with a definite 1 … composition and a specific crystalline structure. A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals. (A rock may also 2 … organic remains and mineraloids.) Some rocks are 3 … composed of just one mineral. For example, limestone is a 4 … rock composed almost entirely of the mineral calcite. Other rocks contain many 5 …, and the specific minerals in a rock can vary widely. Some minerals, like 6 …, mica or feldspar are common, while others have been found in only four or five locations worldwide. The vast majority of the rocks of the Earth's 7 … consist of quartz, feldspar, mica, chlorite, kaolin, calcite, epidote, olivine, augite, hornblende, magnetite, hematite, limonite and a few 8 … minerals. Over half of the mineral species known are so rare that they have only been found in a handful of samples, and many are known fro-m only one or two 9 … grains.

Commercially valuable minerals and rocks are referred to as 10 … minerals. Rocks from which minerals are mined for 11 … purposes are referred to as ores (the rocks and minerals that remain, after the desired mineral has been 12 … from the ore, are referred to as tailings).


    1. – crust

    2. – separated

    3. – include

    4. – other

    5. – sedimentary

    6. – small

    7. – chemical

    8. –quartz

    9. – industrial

    10. – predominantly

    11. – minerals

    12. – economic

Exercise 12. Read the text “Differences between Minerals and Rocks” once again and decide true or false are the following statements:


  1. A mineral is a naturally occurring gaseous substance with a specific crystalline structure.

  2. All rocks are mainly composed of just one mineral.

  3. Limestone is a sedimentary rock.

  4. Quartz is as common as mica or feldspar.

  5. Limestone has been found in only four or five locations worldwide.

  6. Some rare species are known from only one or two small grains.

Unit 1. Minerals Are Substances Part 2. Gem Minerals

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


gem [dჳem] – драгоценный камень,


prize [praiz] v. – высоко ценить

crystalline [’kritəlain] – кристаллический,


in common occurrence [’kɔmən ə’kʌrəns] –

часто-встречающееся явление

spectacular [spek’tækjulə] – эффектный

emerald [’emər(ə)ld] – изумруд

ruby [’ru:bi] – рубин

spinel [spɪ'nel] – шпинель

zircon ['zɜːkɔn] – циркон

sapphire [’sæfaiə] – сапфир

aquamarine [ˌækwəmə'riːn] – аквамарин; зеленовато-голубой цвет

topaz ['təupæz] – топаз; тёмно-жёлтый цвет (как у топаза)

tourmalin(e) ['tuəməliːn ], ['tɜːməliːn] – турмалин

essential [i’sen∫(ə)l] – необходимый,


incidental [insi’dent∫(ə)l] – свойственный,


detract [di’trækt] v. – принижать, умалять

resist [ri’zist] v. – сопротивляться

scratch [skræt∫] v. – царапать

polished [’pɔli∫t ] – отполированный

semiprecious [‚semi’pre∫əs] – полудрагоценный

beryl [’beril] – берилл

scarcity [’skeəsiti] – недостаток, нехватка

oriental [‚ɔ:ri’entl] – восточный, азиатский

igneous [’igniəs] – изверженный, пирогенный, вулканического происхождения

flaw [flɔ:] – трещина, щель

jade [dჳeid] – нефрит

hence [hens] – следовательно

alumino-fluoro-silicate [ə’l(j)u:minə ’flu(ə)rə ’sili(e)it] – алюминево-фтористый силикат

corundum [kə’rʌndəm] – корунд

translucent [trænz’lu:s(ə)nt] – просвечивающий, полупрозрачный, пронизывающий, ослепительно яркий

opaque [əu’peik] – непрозрачный, светонепроницаемый, матовый, без блеска

array [ə’rei] – множество, масса

banded [’bændid] – ленточный, полосчатый

striped [straipt] – полосатый, в полоску

mottled [’mɔtld] – крапчатый, испещрённый, пёстрый

Exercise 1. Read the following text and find in it the words with the following meanings:

  1. importance, usefulness, monetary worth

  2. precious stone or jewel

  3. small quantity of something which is not enough

  4. vitally important, fundamental

  5. natural phenomena

  6. to lessen the value of something, diminish

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