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Global Electronics. Good morning. Can I help you? ( a typical switchboard response)

Good morning, JCB. How can I help you? Hello, Marta Morris (speaking).

Asking for identification and further


Who’s calling / speaking, please?

Could you give me your name, please? Which company are you calling from? Where did you say you’re calling from? Right, I’ll put you through.

Making excuses

I’m afraid … is not available at the moment.

……………. is out.

…………… is in the middle of a meeting.

………….. is on the other line at present. I’m sorry but he is off sick today.

………….....he is with a client.

Sorry, his line is engaged. (AmE. busy)

Taking a message

Would you like to leave a message? Can I take a message?

Is there any message?

Can I get him to call you back?

I’ll give him / her the message.

Closing the call

Thank you for calling.


Hello, this* is Mark Smith (speaking). Good morning. Cindy Flown here.

*Note the difference between this (the speaker) and that (the hearer). This is Jane H. Is that V.?

Asking for a connection

Could I speak to Mr/Mrs/Ms Bright, please? Can I speak to Denis Dekker, please? Could I have the sales department, please?

I’d like to speak to someone about deliveries, please.

Could you put me through to Martha Carter, please?

Hello, is that Mr. Marcini?

Giving more information

It’s about …/ in connection with …

I’m calling to tell you/confirm that/enquire about ….

The reason I’m calling is ...

(there’s a piece missing.)

He/she left me a message to call him/her.

Leaving a message

answering: Yes, please. Tell him/her …

Could you tell him/her that I called? Could you ask him to call me back?

Thanking and closing the call

Thanks for your help.

Thanks a lot.



Other phrases you can hear or say on the phone

Hold on, please. Hold the line, please.

Sorry/I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name /that.

Could you repeat that, please?

Could I just read that back to you?

It’s a bad line. I’ll call you back.

Could you speak a bit louder, please? It’s a bad line.

I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

I’m sorry. I’ve got the wrong number.

Sorry to have troubled/bothered you. - That’s quite all right.

Ex.12. Fill in the forms with the information about who called your boss or colleague while

they were out.


To: …………..…………………

Name of caller: ………………

Time of call: ………………….

Message: ….………………….

Action: ……………………….

Signed: ………………………..

Date: …………………….




Ex.1. The first determiner in the following text is underlined. Find more


The main advantage of living in a city is that there are so many things to do in your free time. There are cinemas, theatres, sports centres and stadiums. But most people who prefer the country say that it is much more relaxing than the city. They say that they do not worry about any crime, and that they enjoy breathing clean air every day. I am sure that all these advantages are true, but I think I would get bored after only a few days. I hate both the traffic noise and air pollution of the city, but I can tolerate with it if it means I can spend all day shopping, then go to the cinema and a night club in the evening. What is there to do in the country? Going for long walks in the fields, surrounded by trees and cows is not my idea of a good time!

How many have you found? Which of them are the most frequent?

Ex.2. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets.

1. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much better than (our, ours).

2.I'm afraid they will follow (her, hers) advice not (your, yours).

3.This is (your, yours) note-book. But where is (my, mine)?

4.Mind (yours, your) own business and I'll mind (my, mine).

5.Mr Smith gave his wife a leather bag for (her, hers) birthday.

6.After all, this is (mine, my) home just as much as (your, yours).

7.My sister likes so much sugar in (her, hers) tea, but I like little (my, mine).

Ex.3. Fill in the blanks with missing possessives, either adjectives or pronouns

(my-mine, your-yours, etc).

1.This doesn't look like ________ suitcase, it must be ________ .

2.Tell him not to forget ________ ticket, she mustn't forget ________ either.

3.Tell me, isn't that ________ mother over there?


4.I see that he has lost ________ pen, perhaps you can lend him ________ .

5.Jane has come from Manchester to see me, ________ family and ________

school friends.

6.Sorry, it’s ________ task, and I’m not going to help you.

7.Why do you want to use ________ car? Where is ________ ?

8.Michael and me can’t go to the seaside together because ________ holiday starts two weeks after ________ .

9.I wish ________ English was as good as ________ .

10.Unfortunately, _______ team played better than ______, so we lost the game.

Ex.4. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.


They are our friends. → They are friends of ours.

I’ve recently seen your cousin. → I’ve recently seen that cousin of yours.

1.She is their relative.

2.That policeman is my friend.

3.We are your former students.

4.How’s your niece?

5.My work isn’t your business.

6.I met her boyfriend yesterday.

7.She is our new neighbour.

8.He was listening to her every word very attentively.

9.Is that their house? I can’t believe!

10.I’ve suggested that idea! Don’t lie that it’s your idea.

Ex.5. Complete the conversations. Use this, that, these and those.

1.Are we going out _________ evening? – I can't really. I'll be working late at the office.


2.I hear you've found a new job. – _________'s right. I've just been hired by a German advertising agency.

3.What's the matter? – It's _________ shoes. They are too small and are hurting my feet.

4.It's so boring here. – I know. Nothing ever happens in _________ place.

5.What's happened? You look so happy. – You won't believe _________ , but I've just learnt that I’ve been enrolled on _________ courses I told you about.

6.What make of a car is _________? – I don't know. It’s too far away to say exactly.

7.The conference is two weeks from today. – Sorry, I won't be able to participate. I'll be away all _________ week.

8.Best Solutions Ltd. Can I help you? – Hello, _________ is Alan. Can I speak to Fiona, please?

9.I've had _________ awful feeling since Michael blamed me for the failure. – Did he? _________ wasn't honest of him.

10._________ flat isn’t very comfortable, is it? – No, it isn’t. I don't think I'll

want to live here.

Ex.6. Fill in each gap with some or any.

1.Are there _________ high mountains in the Netherlands? – No, there aren’t. The highest point is 321 metres above sea level.

2.We haven’t got _________ bread. – You should go to the shop then. We need

_________ vegetables too.

3.Were there _________ people at the conference that you knew? – There were

_________ colleagues from my previous work.

4.He is lazy. He never does _________ work.

5.She is living in _________ village in Sweden.

6.Excuse me, could you give me _________ information about trains to Berlin?

7.Would you like _________ milk with your coffee?


8.Can you lend me _________ money for the parking machine? – Certainly. I’ve got _________ coins. How much do you need?

9.You can exchange your money at _________ bank.

10.It is no use asking him about it. He has hardly _________ knowledge of the subject.

Ex.7. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct variant from A,

B, C or D. There may be several variants.

1. I tried to phone Jenny but there was _________ answer. A some B no C not any D any

2. We could not understand what was happening. _________ reason was given for


the change of plan.






A No

B Any



D Not any


We need some more paint; there is _________ left.


A some

B any


not any

D no


Haven’t you taken _________ books of mine? I can’t find them.


A any B




D not any


Come _________ time you like – I’ll be the whole day in.


A not any

B some



D no


I read ______ wonderful novels by Rosamunde Pilcher when I was on holiday.


A some

B no


not any

D any


My husband entirely relies on me when we are travelling because he speaks


_________ foreign languages.



A not any

B some



D no

8.I’ve got three umbrellas but I can’t find _________ of them now when I need to go out in the rain.

A some B not any C no D any

9. I’ve done _________ revision for the exam and feel more or less confident. A any B no C not any D some

10. What noise are you speaking about? I can’t hear _________ voices.


A some B any C not any D no

Ex.8. Translate into English.

Багато друзів, декілька друзів, мало друзів;

багато роботи, небагато роботи, мало роботи;

декілька листів, мало можливостей, багато вправ, небагато грошей;

декілька книжок, мало студентів, багато часу, декілька уроків, багато відряджень, небагато завдань, мало прибутку, багато проектів.

Ex.9. Make up sentences about yourself. In your answers, use many, much, a lot/lots of, (a) little), (a) few, not any, no with some of the suggested words.


friends abroad → I’ve got few friends abroad;

money with you at the moment → I haven’t got much money with me at the moment.

Ambitions, work to do, patience, interest in foreign languages, plans for future, cash at the moment, relatives, books in English, problems with maths, free time, hobbies, confidence, energy.

Ex.10. How much? Use the appropriate quantifier (many, much, a lot of, a

few, a little, etc.) in the following sentences.

1.Last week there was so _________ rain that I was not able to go out.

2.He is a man of _________ words.

3.I'm afraid I haven’t got _________ news to share with you but still there are

_________ things I would like to say.

4.Nick has very _________ knowledge of the matter. How can you trust him?

5.Do you have _________ problems with English? – Actually, I feel _________

problems with speaking but _________ problems with reading and understanding.


6.Don’t water those cactuses so often – they need _________ water.

7.In my first university year I missed my home very much because I had

_________ friends.

8.Don’t worry, I’ll need only _________ minutes to get ready.

9.I felt very nervous when I saw that there were _________ people in the hall to listen to my presentation.

10.She is very stubborn and it is _________ use to try to change her mind.

Ex.11. Little or a little? Few or a few?

1.We spent only _________ money on our holiday last year.

2.It’s not the best period in his life. He has _________ problems both at work and at home.

3.Can you lend me _________ dollars, please? I promise to pay you back tomorrow.

4.The winter is very warm. We have had _________ snow this year.

5.I can’t give you a definite answer right away. I need _________ time to think.

6.While translating that difficult text, I had to look up _________ words in the dictionary.

7.I think _________ more spices will make the meat taste better.

8.She never uses sugar, she only puts _________ honey in her tea.

9.I have to go to the post office because I need to send _________ letters.

10.May I give you _________ advice? Don’t rush off. Haste makes waste.

Ex.12. What is the difference? Put in most + noun or most of the + noun.

1._________ like speaking about themselves. (people)

2.I know _________ in our street. (people)

3._________ we just stay in and watch TV. (evenings)

4.During our holiday in France, we just wandered along Parisian streets

_________ . (evenings)

5.At the concert, _________ was performed by a quartet from Boston. (music)


6._________ classical music sends me to sleep. (music)

7._________ in Ukraine are sponsored by the government. (universities)

8._________ offer a wide range of courses. (universities)

9._________ who came to Kyiv were charmed by this beautiful city. (tourists)

10._________ prefer to travel light. (tourists)

Ex.13. Complete the text with most (of), all (of), or none (of).

(1) ________ the world’s large cities suffer from traffic problems. (2) ________

cities were not planned to cope with so many vehicles, so the streets are narrow, and there is not enough space for parking. A number of different ways out have been suggested, but (3) ________ the solutions have been completely successful. For example, many cities try to discourage the use of private cars in the centre, but even so it is impossible to keep (4) ________ the traffic away.

As (5) ________ large shops, offices, hotels, railway stations, etc. are in the centre of the city, there will always be a need for buses and taxis and some private cars. An obvious answer is to move (6) ________ the hotels, offices and large stations out of the city centre. It would be impossible to move (7) ________ these things, but it would still make the situation better. The new areas would have plenty of parking and public transport, so they would have (8) ________ the problems of the old city centre.

Ex.14. All or both? Each or every? There may be more than one variant.

1._________ the windows in the house are open.

2._________ her parents are from Glasgow.

3._________ room in the house was painted white.

4.I tried twice to invite Jane to the cinema, but _________ times she refused.

5.He had spent _________ his life working in a factory.

6.The calendar has a different picture for _________ month of the year.

7.When two cars crashed, _________ drivers were injured but not seriously.

8.She bought presents for _________ member of her family.


9.I invited _________ my friends to the party.

10.Michael spends _________ his money on books on astrology.

Ex.15. Explain the difference in the use of other, another and the other.

1.I don’t like this colour. Can you show me some other shoes?

2.There must be another road that leads to the centre of the city.

3.My brother has another two years to finish his university course.

4.Jane, you’ve come at last! And where are the other students?

5.I’ll take this topic for the presentation, and you take the other one.

6.Now that Pete is working in Boston we don’t see each other very often.

7.Mary came to see me the other day. I think it was Wednesday.

8.We have business meetings every other Monday.

9.I didn't leave you. It was the other way round.

10.I like what you are suggesting. On the other hand, it will cost us much.

Ex.16. Complete the sentences using other, another and the other.

1.Only three students in our group like the new subject. _________ students say it’s boring.

2.Some people like jazz, _________ people like pop music, still _________

people like rock.

3.We’ve made a very good team at out department. We work well with each

_________ .

4.He is waiting for us on _________ side of the street.

5.Here is only one shoe. Where is _________ one?

6.I haven’t got time to go to the fitness centre every day. I go there every

_________ day.

7.Do you know that Jane’s got married? I’ve heard some rumours _________day.

8.I’ll finish the translation soon. Give me _________ twenty minutes and you’ll get the translated text.


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