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Unit 1


Further, within the above categories, there are the


receivers of the messages. For every writer there must


be a reader, for every speaker a listener, and for every


artist a viewer.


We have explained that a communication is not

When does

made until it is received and understood. The prime


essential in any form of communication is therefore

take place?

to know the audience. It is important to accept the


concept that people tend to receive – to hear, to read,


to see – very largely only what they want to receive.


They seek out what is expected and what is familiar


while trying to ignore or reject what is new. Every


communication should be made with that thought in


mind. The answer is to ensure that every message is


clear, simple andas far as possible – unambiguous.


However, no matter how much the sender of the message


may try, the taking of that message depends on the past


experience(the training) of the recipient. This characteristic


can be partially allowed for in the communication process –


by departing from the well known and moving in short,


simple steps towards the really new.


It is very important to know that for any

The Purpose of

communication to be worth while, it must have a purpose-


and that purpose is always persuasion. This is not to say


that there are no purposeless communications: there are


too many, but they are usually of little value to anyone.


Every genuine communication seeks to influence the


recipient. It may seek to persuade him to take some course


of action, to make a decision one way or another, or merely


to apply his mind to accepting more information.


If we think about persuasion it is clear that we are most


likely to succeed if acceptance of the persuasion is made




We have identified the fundamental principle of communi-


cation as: transmit all communications in the manner


best suited to the recipient’s understanding. This rather


ponderous phrase could itself be better communicated as :


write or speak clearly and simply so that the reader or listener


can easily understand.




Unit 1


1.In what form should a message ideally be sent?

2.Why should you summarise your argument in order to present a recommendation?

3.How can you save the time of senior management?

4.What must a manager do, as well as thinking and initiating actions?

5.What happens to organizations in which communications are poor?

6.Are formal communications the only route by which information spreads?

7.How is ‘interesting’ information defined?

8.Is such information always complementary to the manager?

9.After a message has been sent, what is still required before communication

may be said to have taken place? 10.Is it best always to write things down?

11.On what factors does the style of communication depend? 12.Name the five modes of communication used by man. 13.What is the prime need if communication is to be effective? 14.What do people tend to read or hear?

15.What is the essential purpose of any communication?

16.What should be done in order to make a communication acceptable?


TEXT 2. Read the information below about communication (some tips) and decide which tips are good advice and which tips you disagree with.

Do to others as you would be done by.

1.Communicate only when you have something worth while to say.

2.Don’t write or speak at greater length than is necessary to convey the message.

3.Write in such a way that the reader will find it easy to read.

4.Read carefully, concentrating on absorbing and understanding the writer’s message.

5.Speak in ‘the language’ of you listeners – but never talk down.

6.Listen attentively to a speaker and avoid mind-wandering.

7.Help a speaker to feel at ease; encourage him to speak.

8.Where helpful, supplement words with pictures.

9.Watch speakers and listeners for “non-verbal” signals.

10.Explain mathematical information with summaries, words and pictures.



Unit 1

1. Read paragraphs 1 to 9 of the first text again and complete the table.

What do you think is:

a)the most important about communication ………………...………………



b)the least important about communication modes ………………………….



c)a “golden rule” for a good communicator …………………………………



2. Write a summary of the texts you have read (the Russian language is preferable.)



Read the following text about communication modes. It can help you to understand the TABLE below better.

The first major communication mode is the written word. In writing, the prime rule is to keep everything short and simple: the words, the sentences, and the ideas. It is never right to impress. Too many aspiring managers seem to feel a need to pepper their prose with long, little-understood words. If everyone wrote the way they spoke, management reports would be brighter and probably clearer, even though they would sometimes be less polite or less grammatical.

Simple punctuation too should be the aim: good punctuation aids understanding, incorrect punctuation usually makes bad writing worse. Given clearer and simpler writing, the manager will be able to read. Better, our lives become easier and our decisions potentially wiser, because our information will be more complete.

The other main communication mode is the spoken word. Most of us find little difficulty in talking to each other. It is only when talking becomes «speaking» that it becomes difficult. But speaking in public is unnecessarily feared. As long as we recognize the large amount of preparation needed and have something to say, these fears can be allayed.

Anyone can learn to speak at least adequately in public. To be a brilliant speaker is a big problem. The best way of getting a message across in speech is to be natural; not to read a script, but to speak just from notes.

«Thinking on the feet» is the recommended approach, but to speak without any notes at all is folly. A speaker must watch his audience – a thing no writer can do – and adjust the presentation of his message to the visible reactions of the audience.


Unit 1

But written and spoken words are not the only ones. A newspaper picture can often speak louder than any commentary. And what about diagrams, numbers and different visual aids?

Look at the TABLE below. Try to describe all the forms of written and spoken communication in the table.




1. TV




2. radio


3. newspapers







4. posters, leaflets, brochures




5.personal contacts




6.telephone/mobile phones



7. negotiations


(spoken word)

8. meetings



9. interviews



10. presentations



11. memos



12. minutes


13. notices


(written word)


14. reports






15. letters




16. telephone




17. telex



and Post Office

18. computers




19. letters




20. postal services

A.Discuss these questions

1.What forms of written and spoken communication can you think of?

2.Which of the above (mentioned in the table) do you like using? Why?

3.What problems can people have with them?

4.How can these problems be solved?


B. What makes a good communicator? Choose the three most important factors.


fluency in the language

5. a sense of humour


an extensive vocabulary

6. grammatical accuracy


being a good listener

7. not being afraid of making mistakes


physical appearance

8. an awareness of body language




Unit 1

C.Which words below apply to good communicators? Which apply to bad ones? Use a dictionary to know the meaning of the words.



















D. Which of the words in Ex. C have the same meanings?







5. clear and easy to understand



reluctant to speak


6. good at influencing people



talking in a confused way

7. outgoing




able to express ideas well

8. reacting in a positive way


E. Complete this talk by a communication expert with the verbs from the box.











Good communicators really …(1)… to people and take in what is said.

They maintain eye contact and have a relaxed body language, but they seldom

…(2)… and stop people talking. If they don’t understand and want to …(3)…. something they wait for s suitable opportunity.

When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information. They do not …(4)… their listener. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms, abbreviations or jargon, if they do need to use unfamiliar terminology they …(5)… by giving an easy to understand example. Furthermore, although they may …(6)… and leave the main point to give additional information and details where appropriate, they will not …(7)… and lose sight of their main message. Really effective communicators who have the ability to …(8)… with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers are a valuable asset for any business.

Task 1. For a good communicator the following characteristics might be important. Read the following word combinations and give their translation. The definitions below can help you do the task.

1. articulate speech

a ………………………………………………………

2. coherent answer

b ……………………………….………………….…..

3. eloquent silence

c ………………………………..………...……………

4. fluent language

d ………………..…………………………...…………

5. focused person

e ..………………………………………………...……

6. hesitant voice

f ..………………………………………………………

7. inhibited person

g .……………………………………………………….

8. lucid mind

h ...……………………………………………….……..










Unit 1


9. persuasive document

i ...……………………………………………...………


10. rambling monologue

j ..…………………………………..………….……….


11. responsive person




k ...……………………………………………………..


12. sensitive person




l. ……………………….………………………………


13. succinct style




m ………………………………………………………


14. tongue-tied person




n ………...……………………………………………..











articulate (adj)



able to talk easily, clearly and effectively about







things, especially difficult subjects





writing or speech that is articulate is very clear and easy







to understand even if the subject is difficult



coherent (adj)

easy to understand because the information is presented in an




orderly and reasonable way.



eloquent (adj)



able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in







a way that influences people





showing a feeling or meaning without words;








e.g. an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war



fluent (adj)

able to speak a language very well



focused (adj)

paying careful attention to what you are doing in a way that




shows you are determined to succeed



hesitant (adj)

uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or







inhibited (adj)

not confident or relaxed enough to do or say what you want












e.g. to feel inhibited



lucid (adj)

expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand



persuasive (adj)

good at influencing other people to believe or do what




you want



rambling (adj)




a building that is rambling has an irregular shape and








covers a large area







speech or writing that is rambling is very long and does








not seem to have any clear organization or purpose



responsive (adj)



ready to react in a useful or helpful way






willing to give answers or show your feelings about











sensitive (adj)




able to understand other people’s feelings and problems







easily hurt, upset or offended by things that people say







able to understand or express yourself through art,








music, literature etc







a situation or subject that is sensitive needs to be dealt








with very carefully because it may offend people or








make them angry.













Unit 1







succint (adj)

clearly expressed in a few words



tongue-tied (adj)

unable to speak easily to other people, especially because




you feel embarrassed


Task 2. After suggesting your own ideas, compare your translation with the one in the Skills Checklist below and decide whether they are:




partially different ----

more different ----

absolutely different


the same


partially alike -----

more alike ----

absolutely the same


1.членораздельная, отчетливо произнесенная, четко сформулированная речь

2.связный, последовательный ответ

3.красноречивое молчание

4.беглый язык

5.сосредоточенный человек

6.нерешительный голос

7.замкнутый, заторможенный, скованный человек

8.ясный ум

9.убедительный документ

10.бессвязный монолог

11.отзывчивый человек

12.чувствительный, отзывчивый человек

13.краткий, сжатый стиль

14.косноязычный человек, лишившийся дара речи человек





1.Read the text about «a breakdown» in communication and choose the best title. Write it at the top of the text.

1.The impact of culture on business.

2.The process of communication between companies.

3.Communication problems in our life and how to solve them.

4.Communication as a two-way process.

5.Breakdowns in communication in business.

TITLE: __________________________________________________________

A breakdown in communication is quite likely to happen if there is some kind of “social distance” between people. In organizations, people may have difficulty communicating if they are different in status, or if one person has a much higher position than the other. For example, two production workers will probably speak frankly to each other about things that are going wrong in their department. But if the

Chief Executive of the company passes by and asks how thing are going, they’ll probably say, “Just fine, thank you.” It is risky to tell the truth to someone higher up in the hierarchy – they may not like what they hear and hold it against you.

For this reason, staff often “filter” information. They deliberately alter the facts, telling the boss what he/she wants to hear. They do not want to give bad news, so they give their superior too good an impression of the situation.

There is nothing new about all this. One thinks of Cleopatra and the problem she had in her military campaigns. She used to give gold to messengers bringing good news, but executed those bringing bad news. It is not surprising; therefore, that the information she received was unreliable.

One way of reducing social distance – and improving communications – is to cut down on status symbols. It is possible, for example, to have a common dining room for all staff. It is worth noting, that in Japanese companies, it is common for all the staff to wear uniforms.

Physical surroundings and physical distance limit or encourage communication. Studies show that the further away a person is, the less he/she communicates. The physical layout of an office must be carefully planned. Open-plan offices are designed to make communication easier and quicker. However, it is interesting to note that employees in such offices will often move furniture and other objects to create mini-offices.

Excellent companies use space to create good communications. The Corning Glass Company in the United States installed escalators rather than lifts in their engineering buildings because they wanted to increase the chances of employees meeting face-face.


Unit 2

Another important barrier to communication is selective perception. Put simply, this means that people perceive things in different ways. The world of the sender is not the same as the world of the receiver. (see text 1). Because their knowledge and experience is different, sender and receiver are always on slightly different wavelengths. Therefore, a manager will say something, but the employee will interpret his meaning incorrectly. The message become distorted.

Communication problems will arise from time to time. To minimize these problems managers must remember one thing. Communication should be a two-way process. Managers should encourage staff to ask questions and to react to what the managers are saying. Feedback is essential.

2.Read the text again and answer the questions.

1.What does “a breakdown” mean?

2.What are the reasons for a breakdown in business communication? Name all of them in the order of appearance.

3.Do the staff speak frankly with their Chief Executive? Why? Why not?

4.How do the employees of a company behave with their top managers? How can this problem be solved?

5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having open-plan offices?

6.What must managers remember if they wish to improve communication?


1.Read the text below and answer the question: “Why are the manager and subordinate not communicating properly?

2.Before reading look at the following words and word combinations. They are all taken from the text below. Read them and supply the translation.


word and word








look into

examine, investigate,




consider (a matter)



tied up

very busy



below par

not as good as usual



screw up

make a mistake (US slang)



you’re out

you’re fired



rush order

goods required in a hurry




offer as much as







just your cup of tea

exactly what you want,




very suitable for you











Unit 2











look it over

inspect, examine







straighten it out

solve a problem,








deal with a problem











What the manager said

What the manager meant

What the subordinate heard




1. I’ll look into hiring

We’ll start interviewing

I’m tied up with more impor-

another person for your

for that job in about three

tant things. Let’s forget about

department as soon as


hiring for the indefinite

I complete my budget













2. Your performance was

You are going to have to

If you screw up one more

below par last quarter. I

try harder, but I know

time, you’re out.

really expected more out

you can do it.






of you.










3. I’d like that report as

I need that report within

Drop that rush order you are

soon as you can get it.

the week.

working on and fill out that




report today.




4. I talked to the boss but

We can give you 95% of

If I were you, I’d take that

now, due to budget

that offer, and I know

competitive offer. We’re

problems, we’ll be unable

we’ll be able to even

certainly not going to pay that

to fully match your

more for you next year.

kind of salary to a person

competitive salary offer.


with your credentials.




5. We have a job opening

If you‘d like that job, it’s

You don’t have to go out to

in Los Angeles that we

yours. If not, you can

LA, if you don’t want to.

think would be just your

stay here in Denver. You

However, if you don’t, you

cup of tea. We’d like you

be the judge.

can kiss goodbye to your

to go out there and look it


career with this firm.












6. Your people seem to be

Talk to your people and

I don’t care how many heads

having some problems

find out what the

you bust, just get me that out.

getting work out on time.

problem is. Then get with

I’ve got enough problems

I want you to look into

them and jointly solve it.

around here without yours.

this situation and







straighten it out.























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