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HISTORY OF SEAFARING - нет словаря и ключей.doc
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VII. Insert the proper words, see the words below

    1. The first Kamchatka expedition seemed to … the opinion that Asia and America were separated bу а strait.

    2. But this was not yet fully …

    3. The ships were to sail to the Arctic Ocean in order to … whether it was pos-sible to enter the Pacific from the Arctic Ocean.

    4. During the second expedition Petropavlovsk was …

    5. In June 1741, the Svyatoi Pyotr under the command of Bering and the Svyatoi Pavel under the command of Chirikov for the coast of America.

    6. The ships lost sight of each other in thick … and continued their voyage independently.

    7. In three days the ship came to the coast and … at а small island.

    8. The Russian Seamen were the first Europeans to … on that soil.

    9. Many of the brave explorers … from hunger and disease.

    10. Because of food shortage they were … to stay for the winter on one of the islands.

    11. Chirilov sent two parties of men … for provisions, but they never returned.

    12. The seamen … greatly from thirst and hunger, and there was nо alternative but to turn back.

    13. Bering and Chirikov opened the way into the … for Russian seamen.

    14. They … the chain of Aleutian Islands.

    15. Russian seafarers founded the first Russian … in Alaska.

  1. anchored

  2. ashore

  3. compelled

  4. confirm

  5. discovered

  6. find out

  7. fog

  8. founded

  9. Pacific Ocean

  10. perished

  11. proved

  12. set foot

  13. set out

  14. settlement

  15. suffered

VIII. Agree or disagree to the following statements

        1. The first Kamchatka expedition fully proved that Asia and America were separated by а strait.

        2. It was decided not to send expedition fleet any more.

        3. During the second expedition Petropavlovsk was founded.

        4. The Russian seamen were the first Europeans to set their foot on the soil of North America.

        5. None of the explorers perished.

        6. Bering died in 1741 on his return to Russia.

        7. In October Chirikov’s ship rе-entered the Petropavlovsk harbour.

        8. Bering and Chirikov contributed much into world seafaring.

IX. Give English equivalents

подтвердить мнение, повернул назад, было решено, дойти на судне до берегов Америки, исследовать северные берега, назван в честь, густой туман, встать на якорь, ступить на землю, расстаться с жизнью, пристать к берегу, нехватка пищи и воды, были вынуждены остаться, гористый берег, запасы питьевой воды, страдать от голода и жажды, открыть цепь островов

X. Translate into English

      1. Эта экспедиция должна была исследовать берега Северного Ледовитого океана.

      2. Было решено построить новые суда.

      3. Во время второй экспедиции был основан Петропавловск-Камчатский.

      4. Суда пошли в северо-восточном направлении к побережью Америки.

      5. Судно бросило якорь у маленького острова.

      6. Многие храбрые исследователи расстались с жизнью в этом путешествии.

      7. Они вынуждены были остаться на зиму на маленьком острове.

      8. Корабль Чирикова вернулся в Петропавловск.

      9. Беринг и Чириков открыли российским морякам путь к Тихому океану.

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