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Quantum Chemistry of Solids / 12-Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

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Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

2.1 Translation and Point Symmetry of Crystals

2.1.1 Symmetry of Molecules and Crystals: Similarities and Di erences

Molecules consist of positively charged nuclei and negatively charged electrons moving around them. If the translations and rotations of a molecule as a whole are excluded, then the motion of the nuclei, except for some special cases, consists of small vibrations about their equilibrium positions. Orthogonal operations (rotations through symmetry axes, reflections in symmetry planes and their combinations) that transform the equilibrium configuration of the nuclei of a molecule into itself are called the symmetry operations of the molecule. They form a group F of molecular symmetry. Molecules represent systems from finite (sometimes very large) numbers of atoms, and their symmetry is described by so-called point groups of symmetry. In a molecule it is always possible to so choose the origin of coordinates that it remains fixed under all operations of symmetry. All the symmetry elements (axes, planes, inversion center) are supposed to intersect in the origin chosen. The point symmetry of a molecule is defined by the symmetry of an arrangement of atoms forming it but the origin of coordinates chosen is not necessarily occupied by an atom.

In modern computer codes for quantum-chemical calculations of molecules the point group of symmetry is found automatically when the atomic coordinates are given. In this case, the point group of symmetry is only used for the classification of electronic states of a molecule, particularly for knowledge of the degeneracy of the one-electron energy levels . To make this classification one needs to use tables of irreducible representations of point groups. The latter are given both in books [13–15] and on an Internet site [16] Calculation of the electronic structure of a crystal ( for which a macroscopic sample contains 1023 atoms ) is practically impossible without the knowledge of at least the translation symmetry group. The latter allows the smallest possible set of atoms included in the so-called primitive unit cell to be considered. However, the classification of the crystalline electron and phonon states requires knowledge of the full symmetry group of a crystal (space group). The structure of the irreducible representations of the space groups is essentially more complicated and use of existing tables [17] or the site [16] requires knowledge of at least the basics of space-group theory.

82 Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

Discussions of the symmetry of molecules and crystals are often limited to the indication that under operations of symmetry the configuration of the nuclei is transformed to itself. The symmetry group is known when the coordinates of all atoms in a molecule are given. Certainly, the symmetry of a system is defined by a geometrical arrangement of atomic nuclei, but operations of symmetry translate all equivalent points of space to each other. In equivalent points the properties of a molecule or a crystal (electrostatic potential, electronic density, etc.) are all identical. It is necessary to remember that the application of symmetry transformations means splitting all space into systems of equivalent points irrespective of whether there are atoms in these points or not. In both molecules and in crystals the symmetry group is the set of transformations in three dimensional space that transforms any point of the space into an equivalent point. The systems of equivalent points are called orbits of points (This has nothing to do with the orbitals – the one-electron functions in manyelectron systems). In particular, the orbits of equivalent atoms in a molecule can be defined as follows. Atoms in a molecule occupy the positions q with a certain site symmetry described by some subgroups Fq of the full point symmetry group F of a molecule. The central atom (if one exists) has a site-symmetry group Fq = F . Any atom on the principal symmetry axis of a molecule with the symmetry groups Cn, Cnv, Sn also has the full symmetry of the molecule (Fq = F ). Finally, Fq = F for any atom lying in the symmetry plane of a molecule with the symmetry group F = Cs. In other cases Fq is a subgroup of F and includes those elements R of point group F that satisfy the condition Rq = q. Let F1 be a site-symmetry group of a point q1 in the molecular space. This point may not be occupied by an atom. Let the symmetry group of a molecule be decomposed into left cosets with respect to its site-symmetry

subgroup Fq:




F =

RjFj, R1 = E, j=1,2,...,t


The set of points qj = Rjq1 , j=1,2,...,t, forms an orbit of the point q1.

The point qj of the orbit has a site-symmetry group Fj=RjF Rj1 isomorphic to F1. Thus, an orbit may be characterized by a site group F1, (or any other from the set of groups Fj). The number of points in an orbit is equal to the index t=nF /nFj of the group Fj in F.

If the elements Rj in (2.1) form a group P then the group F may be factorized in the form F = P Fj. The group P is called the permutation symmetry group of an orbit with a site-symmetry group Fj (or orbital group).

In a molecule, all points of an orbit may be either occupied by atoms of the same chemical element or vacant. Only the groups Cn, Cnv , Cs may be site-symmetry groups in molecules. A molecule with a symmetry group F may have F as a sitesymmetry group only for one point of the space (for the central atom, for example). For any point-symmetry group a list of possible orbits (and corresponding site groups) can be given. In this list some groups may be repeated more than once. This occurs if in F there are several isomorphic site-symmetry subgroups di ering from each other by the principal symmetry axes Cn, two-fold rotation axes U perpendicular to the principal symmetry axis or reflection planes. All the atoms in a molecule may be partitioned into orbits.

2.1 Translation and Point Symmetry of Crystals


Example. The list of orbits in the group F = C4v is

Fq = C4v (1), Cs(4), C1(8)


The number of atoms in an orbit is given in brackets. For example, in a molecule XY4Z (see Fig. 2.1) the atoms are distributed over three orbits: atoms X and Z occupy

]& ]


















Fig. 2.1. Tetrahedral molecule XY4Z

positions on the main axis with site-symmetry F=C4v and four Y atoms occupy one of the orbits with site-symmetry group Cs. The symmetry information about this molecule may be given by the following formula:

C4v [C4v (X,Z), Cs(Y)]


which indicates both the full symmetry of the molecule (in front of the brackets) and the distribution of atoms over the orbits. For molecules IF5 and XeF4O (having the same symmetry C4v ) this formula becomes

C4v [C4v(I,F), Cs(F)] and C4v [C4v (Xe,O), Cs(F)]


As we can see, atoms of the same chemical element may occupy di erent orbits, i.e. may be nonequivalent with regard to symmetry.

In crystals, systems of equivalent points (orbits) are called Wycko positions. As we shall see, the total number of possible splittings of space of a crystal on systems of equivalent points is finite and for the three-dimensional periodicity case equals 230 (number of space groups of crystals).The various ways of filling of equivalent points by atoms generate a huge (hundreds of thousands) number of real crystalline structures.

As well as molecules, crystals possess point symmetry, i.e. equivalent points of space are connected by the point-symmetry transformations. But in a crystal the

10 2 Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

number of the point-symmetry elements (the rotation axis or reflection planes) is formally infinite. Therefore, it is impossible to find such a point of space where all the point-symmetry elements intersect. It is connected by the fact that, unlike molecules, in crystals among operations of symmetry there are translations of a group of rather small number of atoms to space. The presence of translation symmetry means the periodicity of the perfect crystals structure: translations of the primitive unit cell reproduce the whole crystal.

In real crystals of macroscopic sizes translation symmetry, strictly speaking, is absent because of the presence of borders. If, however, we consider the so-called bulk properties of a crystal (for example, distribution of electronic density in the volume of the crystal, determining the nature of a chemical bond) the influence of borders can not be taken into account (number of atoms near to the border is small, in comparison with the total number of atoms in a crystal) and we consider a crystal as a boundless system, [13].

In the theory of electronic structure two symmetric models of a boundless crystal are used: or it is supposed that the crystal fills all the space (model of an infinite crystal), or the fragment of a crystal of finite size (for example, in the form of a parallelepiped) with the identified opposite sides is considered. In the second case we say, that the crystal is modeled by a cyclic cluster which translations as a whole are equivalent to zero translation (Born–von Karman Periodic Boundary Conditions – PBC). Between these two models of a boundless crystal there exists a connection: the infinite crystal can be considered as a limit of the sequence of cyclic clusters with increasing volume. In a molecule, the number of electrons is fixed as the number of atoms is fixed. In the cyclic model of a crystal the number of atoms ( and thus the number of electrons) depends on the cyclic-cluster size and becomes infinite in the model of an infinite crystal. It makes changes, in comparison with molecules, to a oneelectron density matrix of a crystal that now depends on the sizes of the cyclic cluster chosen (see Chap. 4). As a consequence, in calculations of the electronic structure of crystals it is necessary to investigate convergence of results with an increase of the cyclic cluster that models the crystal. For this purpose, the features of the symmetry of the crystal, connected with the presence of translations also are used.

In the theory of electronic structure of crystals, we also use the molecular-cluster model: being based on physical reasons we choose a molecular fragment of a crystal and somehow try to model the influence of the rest of a crystal on the cluster chosen (for example, by means of the potential of point charges or a field of atomic cores). From the point of view of symmetry such a model possesses only the symmetry of point group due to which it becomes impossible to establish a connection of molecular-cluster electronic states with those of a boundless crystal. At the same time, with a reasonable molecular-cluster choice it is possible to describe well enough the local properties of a crystal (for example, the electronic structure of impurity or crystal imperfections). As an advantage of this model it may also be mentioned an opportunity of application to crystals of those methods of the account of electronic correlation that are developed for molecules (see Chap. 5).

The set of operations of symmetry of a crystal forms its group of symmetry G called a space group of symmetry. Group G includes both translations, operations from point groups of symmetry, and also the combined operations. The structure of space groups of symmetry of crystals and their irreducible representations is much

2.1 Translation and Point Symmetry of Crystals


more complex than in the case of point groups of symmetry of molecules. Without knowledge of some basic data from the theory of space groups it is impossible even to prepare inputs for computer codes to calculate the electronic structure of a crystal. These data will be briefly stated in the following sections.

2.1.2 Translation Symmetry of Crystals. Point Symmetry of Bravais Lattices. Crystal Class

Translation symmetry of a perfect crystal can be defined with the aid of three noncoplanar vectors: a1, a2, a3 basic translation vectors. Translation ta through the lattice vector

a = n1a1 + n2a2 + n3a3


where n1, n2, n3 are integers, relates the equivalent points r and r of the crystal:

r = r + a


Translations ta are elements of the translation group T . If we draw all the vectors a from a given point (the origin), then their endpoints will form the Bravais lattice, or “empty” lattice, corresponding to the given crystal. The endpoints of the vectors in this construction are the lattice points (lattice nodes). Three of the basic translation vectors define the elementary parallelepiped called the primitive unit cell (PUC). The PUC contains lattice points only at the eight corners of the parallelepiped. Each corner belongs to eight PUC, so that by fixing the PUC by one lattice point at the corner we refer the remaining of the corners to the nearest seven PUC’s. We note that the basic translation vectors cannot be chosen uniquely. However, whatever the choice of these vectors, the volume of the PUC is always the same. The PUC defines the smallest volume whose translations form the whole Bravais lattice (direct lattice). Usually, the basic vectors are chosen to be the shortest of all those possible. Atoms of a crystal are not necessarily located in the direct lattice points. In the simplest case when all the crystal is obtained by translations of one atom (such crystals are termed monoatomic, many metals belong to this type) all atoms can be placed in direct lattice points.

As a set of points, the direct lattice possesses not only translation but also point symmetry, i.e. lattice points are interchanged when rotations around one of the axes of symmetry, reflections in planes of symmetry and their combinations are applied. All the point-symmetry operations of the Bravais lattice are defined when the origin of the coordinate system is chosen in one of the lattice points. The corresponding PUC can be defined as the reference unit cell (it is obtained by a zeroth translation (n1 = n2 = n3 = 0 in (2.5)). Among point-symmetry operations of a direct lattice it is obligatory to include inversion I in the origin of coordinates since, together with translation on a vector a the group of translations T also includes translation on a vector −a. The identity element of group T is t0 – a zeroth translation. Elements R of point group F 0 transform each lattice vector into a lattice vector: Ra = a . The point group F 0 of symmetry of the direct lattice determines the crystal system (or syngony). There are seven systems (syngonies) of direct lattices. It turns out that not all point groups can be lattice symmetry groups F 0. The requirement that both a and Ra can simultaneously be lattice vectors restricts the number of possible point groups. Let us now establish these limitations [18].

12 2 Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

To establish the rotations of the group F 0, let us take the basic lattice vectors a1, a2, a3 as the basis unit vectors in the space of the lattice vectors a, and write down the matrix D(R) of the transformation R in the new basis, in which all the lattice vectors have integer components. If the matrix of the orthogonal transformation R in this basis is denoted by D (R), then D (R) = U 1D(R)U , where U is a matrix of the transformation from the initial orthonormal basis to the basis a1, a2, a3. If R is a rotation (or mirror rotation) through an angle ϕ the traces of the matrices D(R) and

D (R) are equal:


SpD (R) = SpD(R) = ±1 + 2 cos(ϕ)


Since, however, R should transform the lattice vector a into the lattice vector a = R a it follows that all the elements of D (R) and hence its trace, must be integers. It follows that cos(ϕ) = cos(2π mn ) = ±1, ±2, 0. Consequently, the group F 0 can contain only two-, three-, fourand sixfold axes. Finally, it can be shown that if the group F 0 contains the subgroup Cn, n > 2, it will also contain the subgroup Cnv. The above three limitations ensure that the point group of the lattice can only be one of the seven point groups: S2, C2h, D2h, D3h, D4h, D6h, Oh. This is why there are only seven syngonies: namely, triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, tetragonal, hexagonal and cubic. It is seen that, unlike molecules, in point groups of symmetry of crystals there is no axis of symmetry of the fifth order (rotations around such axes are incompatible with the presence of translations).

Two Bravais lattices with the same group of point symmetry F 0 fall into one type if they can be transferred to each other by the continuous deformation that is not decreasing the point symmetry of a lattice. In three-dimensional space there are 14 types of direct lattices whose distribution on syngonies is shown in Table 2.1. In addition to the translational subgroup T , the space group contains other transformations whose form depends on the symmetry of the Bravais lattice and the symmetry of the components of the crystal, i.e. on the symmetry of the PUC as the periodically repeating set of particles forming the crystal. This last fact frequently ensures that not all the transformations in the point group F 0 are included in the symmetry group of the crystal. Not all transformations that map the sites on each other need result in a corresponding mapping of the crystal components. It is therefore possible that the point group of a crystal F (crystal class) will only be a subgroup of a point group of an empty lattice. So the real crystal structure point-symmetry group F may coincide with the lattice point symmetry group F 0 or be its subgroup. The distribution of crystal classes F and Bravais lattices on syngonies is given in Table 2.1.

The lattice types are labeled by P (simple or primitive), F (face-centered), I (body-centered) and A(B, C) (base-centered). Cartesian coordinates of basic translation vectors written in units of Bravais lattice parameters are given in the third column of Table 2.1. It is seen that the lattice parameters (column 4 in Table 2.1) are defined only by syngony, i.e. are the same for all types of Bravais lattices with the point symmetry F 0 and all the crystal classes F of a given syngony.

The point symmetry group of a triclinic lattice Γt (Fig. 2.2) consists of only inversion in the coordinates origin.

Therefore this lattice is defined by 6 parameters – lengths a, b, c of basic translation vectors and angles α, β, γ between their pairs a2 −a3, a1 −a3 and a1 −a2, respectively.

In simple Γm and base-centered Γmb monoclinic lattices one of the vectors (with length c, for example) is orthogonal to the plane defined by two vectors with length





2.1 Translation and Point Symmetry of Crystals


Table 2.1. Distribution of crystal classes F and Bravais lattices on singonies F 0











Syngony F 0:




Basic translation vectors






crystal classes F:

























Triclinic S2:




Any noncoplanar


a, b, c,








C1, S2(Ci)






α, β, γ











Monoclinic C2h:




(0, −b, 0), (a sin γ, −a cos γ, 0), (0, 0, c)


a, b, c, γ




Cs, C2, C2h


A, B, C


(0, −b, 0), (1/2)(a sin γ, −a cos γ, −c),









(1/2)(a sin γ, −a cos γ, c)





Orthorhombic D2h:




(0, −b, 0), (a, 0, 0), (0, 0, c)


a, b, c








C2v , D2, D2h


A, B, C


(1/2)(a, −b, 0), (1/2)(a, b, 0), (0, 0, c)









(1/2)(a, 0, c), (1/2)(0, −b, c), (1/2)(a, −b, 0)









(1/2)(a, b, c), (1/2)(−a, −b, c), (1/2)(a, −b, −c)





Tetragonal D4h:




(a, 0, 0), (0, a, 0), (0, 0, c)


a, c








S4, D2d, C4, C4v ,




(l/2)(−a, a, c), (1/2)(a, −a, c), (1/2)(a, a, −c)





C4h, D4, D4h









Hexagonal D6h:




(a/2, −a/2, 0), (0, a, 0), (0, 0, c)


a, c








C3, S6, C3v , C3h, D3,









D3d, D3h, C6, C6h,









C6v , D6, D6h


















Rhombohedral D3d:




(a, 0, c), (−a/2, a/2, c), (−a/2, −a/2, c)


a, c








C3, S6, C3v , D3, D3d









Cubic Oh:




(a, 0, 0), (0, a, 0), (0, 0, a)










T, Td, Th, O, Oh




(1/2)(0, a, a), (1/2)(a, 0, a), (1/2)(a, a, 0)









(1/2)(−a, a, a), (1/2)(a, −a, a)(1/2)(a, a, −a)





a and b (γ is the angle between these vectors not equal to 90 or 120 degrees). In lattice Γmb the centered face can be formed by a pair of nonorthogonal lattice vectors. For example, in a C centered monoclinic lattice the lattice point appears on the face formed by a1 and a2 basic translation vectors. In the base-centered lattice one can consider so-called conventional unit cell – the parallelepiped, reflecting the monoclinic symmetry of the lattice. For a simple monoclinic lattice Γm the conventional and primitive unit cells coincide, for a base-centered monoclinic lattice Γmb the conventional unit cell contains 2 primitive unit cells (see Fig. 2.2).

All the three translation vectors of a simple orthorhombic lattice Γo are orthogonal to each other, so that the conventional cell coincides with the primitive cell and is defined by three parameters – lengths of the basic translation vectors. For basecentered Γob, face-centered Γof and body-centered Γov lattices the conventional unit cell contains two, four and two primitive cells, respectively (see Fig. 2.2).

14 2 Space Groups and Crystalline Structures

Fig. 2.2. Three-dimensional Bravais lattices

The tetragonal lattices Γq (simple) and Γqv (body-centered) are defined by two parameters, as two of the three orthogonal translation vectors of a conventional unit cell have the same length a.

The hexagonal lattice is defined by two parameters: a – length of two equal basic translation vectors (with the angle 120 degree between them) and c – length of the third basic translation vector orthogonal two the plane of first two vectors.

In a rhombohedral(triclinic) lattice all three translation vectors have the same length a, all three angles α between them are equal (but di er from 90 degree), so this lattice is defined by two parameters. There are two possibilities to define the rhombohedral lattice parameters. In the first case the parameters a and γ are given directly. In the second case the lengths a and c of the hexagonal unit-cell translation vectors are given: this cell consists of three primitive rhombohedral cells (so-called hexagonal setting for rhombohedral Bravais lattice)

Three cubic lattices (simple Γc, face-centered Γcf and body-centered Γcv) are defined by one lattice parameter a – the length of conventional cubic cell edge (see Table 2.1 and Fig. 2.2).

2.1 Translation and Point Symmetry of Crystals


The unit cell of a crystal is defined as that volume of space that its translations allow all the space without intervals and superpositions to be covered. The PUC is the minimal volume Va = a1[a2 × a3] unit cell connected with one Bravais lattice point. Conventional unit cells are defined by two, four and two lattice points, for the base-, faceand body-centered lattices, respectively.

The 32 point groups, enumerated in Table 2.2, are known as crystallographic point groups and are given in Sch¨onflies (Sch) notation. The Sch notation is used for molecules. In describing crystal symmetry the international notation (or Hermann– Mauguin notation) is also of use. In the latter, the point-group notation is determined from the principal symmetry elements: an n fold axis is denoted by the symbol n, a reflection mirror plane by symbol m. The symbols n/m and nm are used for the combinations of an n fold axis with the reflection plane perpendicular to the axis or containing the axis, respectively. Instead of mirror rotation axes, the international system uses inversion axes n when a rotation through an angle 2π/n is followed by the inversion operation. The full international notation of a point group consists of the symbols of group generators. Abbreviated international notations are also used. The Schoenflies and international full and abbreviated notations of crystallographic point groups are given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Crystallographic point groups: Schoenflies and International notations










































































2/m 2/m 2/m


















4/m 2/m 2/m









6/m 2/m 2/m































































4/m 3 2/m


Let us make a linear transformation of PUC translation vectors:


Aj = ljiai, | det l| = L




where the integer coe cients lji form the matrix l. Vectors Aj and their integer linear combinations


2 Space Groups and Crystalline Structures







An =




nj Aj





define for L > 1 new, “rare” Bravais lattice for which it is possible to consider various unit cells also. The primitive cell of a new lattice with volume VA = L×Va will be the so-called large unit cell (supercell), in relation to an initial primitive unit cell. At L = 1 transformation (2.8) means transferring to other vectors of the basic translations, to another under the form, but not on the volume primitive cell (see Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3. Di erent primitive unit cell choices

The crystallographic(conventional) unit cell is defined as the minimal volume unit cell in the form of a parallelepiped constructed on vectors of translations and possessing the point symmetry of the lattice. For simple lattices P of all syngonies, except for hexagonal (H), the vectors of the basic translations can be chosen in such a manner that the primitive cell constructed on them is crystallographic. For the centered lattices the crystallographic unit cells consist of 2,4 and 2 primitive cells for base-, faceand body-centered lattices, respectively (Fig. 2.2). In the description of symmetry of a trigonal crystal both rhombohedral and hexagonal cells are used. The latter is defined by transformation (2.8) with a matrix





l = 1

1 0


11 1

and L = 3. As L = 3 for this matrix the hexagonal unit cell contains 3 rhombohedral unit cells.

2.2 Space Groups

2.2.1 Space Groups of Bravais Lattices. Symmorphic and Nonsymmorphic Space Groups

As considered in the previous section Bravais lattices define the group T of lattice translations. The general symmetry transformation of a Bravais lattice “empty” lat-