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Книги фарма 2 / Bertram G. Katzung-Basic & Clinical Pharmacology(9th Edition)

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biologic therapy with combination chemotherapy in what has been labeled biochemotherapy regimens. Thus far, overall response rates as well as complete response rates appear to be much higher with biochemotherapy regimens compared with chemotherapy alone. Unfortunately, treatment toxicity also seems to be increased. This approach remains investigational, and further studies are required to determine whether this approach can lead to improved patient survival.

Brain Cancer

Chemotherapy has only limited efficacy in the treatment of malignant gliomas. In general, the nitrosoureas, because of their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, are the most active agents in this disease. Carmustine (BCNU) can be used a single agent, or lomustine (CCNU) can be used in combination with procarbazine and vincristine. In addition, the nonclassic alkylating agent temozolomide has activity in the setting of recurrent disease, and it is approved for this indication. The histopathologic subtype oligodendroglioma has now been shown to be especially chemosensitive, and the combination of procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV protocol) is the treatment of choice for this disease.


This rare tumor arises from fetal trophoblastic tissue and was the first metastatic cancer cured with chemotherapy. Single-agent methotrexate produced complete regression of metastatic lesions, resulting in a high percentage of cures. At present, treatment with single-agent methotrexate or dactinomycin is recommended for low-risk disease, while intense combination regimens including methotrexate and leucovorin rescue, etoposide, dactinomycin, vincristine, and cyclophosphamide are recommended for intermediate or high-risk disease.

Evaluation of Clinical Response

Since cancer chemotherapy can induce clinical improvement, significant toxicity, or both, it is critically important to carefully assess the effects of treatment. The goal of therapy in most cancers is to palliate symptoms and to improve the overall quality of life.

Shrinkage in tumor size is a useful measure of clinical response, and this effect can be demonstrated by physical examination, chest film or other x-ray, or special scanning procedures such as bone scanning (breast, prostate cancer), CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or ultrasonography.

Another sign of therapeutic response is a significant decrease in the quantity of a tumor product or marker substance that reflects the amount of tumor in the body.

Normalization of organ function is another useful indicator of drug effectiveness. Examples of such improvement include the normalization of liver function (eg, increased serum albumin) in patients known to have liver metastases and improvement in neurologic findings in patients with cerebral metastases.

Finally, a valuable sign of clinical improvement is the general well-being of the patient. Although this finding is a combination of subjective and objective factors and may be subject to placebo effects, it nonetheless serves as an obvious and useful sign of clinical improvement and can be used to reassess some of the objective observations listed above. Factors to be considered in determining general well-being include improved appetite, weight gain, and improved performance status (eg, ambulatory versus bedridden).

Secondary Malignancies & Cancer Chemotherapy

The development of secondary malignancies is a late complication of some types of cancer chemotherapy. The most frequent secondary malignancy is acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). The alkylating agents, procarbazine, etoposide, and ionizing radiation are all considered to be leukemogenic. AML has been observed in up to 15% of patients with Hodgkin's disease who have received radiotherapy plus MOPP chemotherapy and in patients with multiple myeloma, ovarian carcinoma, or breast carcinoma treated with melphalan. The risk of AML is observed as early as 2– 4 years after the initiation of chemotherapy and peaks at 5 and 9 years. With improvements in the clinical efficacy of various combination chemotherapy regimens resulting in prolonged survival and in some cases actual cure of cancer, the issue of how second cancers may affect long-term survival assumes greater importance. There is already evidence that certain alkylating agents (eg, cyclophosphamide) may be less carcinogenic than others (eg, melphalan). Systematic testing of the carcinogenicity of anticancer drugs in several animal models should allow less toxic agents to be identified and substituted for other more carcinogenic ones in chemotherapy regimens.

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Chapter 56. Immunopharmacology

Katzung PHARMACOLOGY, 9e > Section VIII. Chemotherapeutic Drugs > Chapter 56. Immunopharmacology >

Immunopharmacology: Introduction


ADA Adenosine deaminase

ALG Antilymphocyte globulin

APC Antigen-presenting cell

ATG Antithymocyte globulin

CD Cluster of differentiation

CSF Colony-stimulating factor

CTL Cytotoxic T lymphocyte

DC Dendritic cell

DTH Delayed-type hypersensitivity

FKBP FK-binding protein

HAMA Human antimouse antibody

IFN Interferon

IL Interleukin

IGIV Immunoglobulin intravenous

LAK cell Lymphokine-activated killer cell

LFA Lymphocyte functional antigen

MAb Monoclonal antibody

MHC Major histocompatibility complex

MCP-1 Macrophage chemotactic protein-1

MIP-1 Macrophage inflammatory protein-1

NK cell Natural killer cell

PAF Platelet-activating factor

RA Rheumatoid arthritis

SCID Severe combined immunodeficiency disease

SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus

TCR T cell receptor

TGF- Transforming growth factor-

TH1, TH2 T helper cell types 1 and 2

TNF Tumor necrosis factor


Agents that suppress the immune system play an important role in the retention of organ or tissue grafts and in the treatment of certain diseases that arise from dysregulation of the immune response. While the details of the mechanisms of action of a number of these agents are still obscure, a knowledge of the elements of the immune system is useful in understanding their effects. Agents that augment the immune response or selectively alter the balance of various components of the immune system are also becoming important in the management of certain diseases such as cancer, AIDS, and autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. A growing number of other diseases (infections, cardiovascular diseases) may also be candidates for immune manipulation.

Katzung PHARMACOLOGY, 9e > Section VIII. Chemotherapeutic Drugs > Chapter 56. Immunopharmacology >

Elements of the Immune System

Normal Immune Responses

The immune system is designed to protect the host from invading pathogens and to eliminate disease. At its functioning best, the immune system is exquisitely responsive to invading pathogens while retaining the capacity to recognize "self" antigens to which it is tolerant. Protection from infection and disease is provided by the innate and the adaptive immune systems.

The Innate Immune System

The innate immune system is the first line of defense against an antigenic insult and includes physical (eg, skin), biochemical (eg, complement, lysozyme, interferons), and cellular components (neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages). An intact skin or mucosa is the first barrier to infection. When this barrier is breached, bacterial destruction is accomplished by lysozyme, which breaks the peptidoglycan cell wall, and by the split products arising from complement activation. These complement components (Figure 56–1) enhance macrophage and neutrophil phagocytosis by acting as opsonins (C3b), attracting immunocytes to inflammatory sites (C3a, C5a), and causing bacterial lysis via the generation of a membrane attack complex. During the inflammatory response triggered by infection, neutrophils and monocytes enter the tissue sites from the peripheral circulation. This influx is mediated by the release of chemokines (IL-8, MIP-1, MCP-1) from activated endothelial cells and immune cells (mostly macrophages) at the inflammatory site and is triggered by the adhesion of immune cells to ligands on the activated endothelial cell surface. If these mechanisms are successful, the invading pathogen is ingested, degraded, and eliminated, and disease is either prevented or is of short duration.

Figure 56–1.

Role of complement in innate immunity. Complement is made up of nine proteins (C1–C9), which are split into fragments during activation. A: Complement components (C3a, C5a) attract phagocytes (1) to inflammatory sites (2), where they ingest and degrade pathogens (3). B: Complement components C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9 associate to form a membrane attack complex (MAC) that lyses bacteria, causing their destruction. C: Complement component C3b is an opsonin that coats bacteria (1) and facilitates their ingestion (2) and digestion (3) by phagocytes.

The Adaptive Immune System

When the innate immune response is inadequate to cope with infection, the adaptive immune system is mobilized by cues from the innate response. The adaptive immune system has a number of characteristics that contribute to its success in eliminating pathogens. These include the ability

(1) to respond to a variety of antigens, each in a specific manner; (2) to discriminate between

foreign ("nonself") antigens and self antigens of the host; and (3) to respond to a previously encountered antigen in a learned way by initiating a vigorous memory response. This adaptive response culminates in the production of antibodies, which are the effectors of humoral immunity; and the activation of T lymphocytes, which are the effectors of cell-mediated immunity.

The induction of specific immunity requires the participation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which include macrophages, dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, and B lymphocytes. These cells play pivotal roles in the immune response by enzymatically digesting protein antigens and presenting the derived peptides in association with class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins to the T cell receptor (TCR) expressed on CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes, respectively. At least two signals are necessary for the activation of CD4 and CD8 T cells. The first signal is delivered following engagement of the TCR with peptide-bound MHC molecules (see Figure 56–3 inset). In the absence of a second signal, the T cells become unresponsive (anergic) or undergo apoptosis. A second signal that involves ligation of costimulatory molecules (CD40, CD80, CD86) on the antigen-presenting cell to their respective ligands (CD40L for CD40, CD28 for CD80 and CD86) is required for T cell activation (see Figure 56–3 inset). Binding of CD80 or CD86 to CTLA-4 on activated T cells provides a negative feedback loop for regulating the immune response.

T lymphocytes develop and learn to recognize self and nonself in the thymus; those T cells that bind with high affinity to self antigens in the thymus undergo apoptosis (negative selection), while those that are capable of recognizing foreign antigens in the context of self MHC are retained and expanded (positive selection) (Figure 56–2) for export to the periphery (lymph nodes, spleen, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, peripheral blood), where they become activated after encountering MHC-presented peptides (Figure 56–3).

Figure 56–2.

Development of cells involved in cell-mediated and humoral immunity. Pluripotent stem cells

give rise to pre-T and pre-B lymphocytes in the bone marrow. Under the influence of thymic hormones, pre-T cells migrate to the fetal thymus, where they acquire the T cell receptor and undergo selection to become mature helper CD4 or cytotoxic CD8 T cells that are exported to the periphery. B lymphocytes develop in the bone marrow and differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells following encounter with specific antigens.

Figure 56–3.

Scheme of cellular interactions during the generation of cell-mediated and humoral immune responses (see text). The cell-mediated arm of the immune response involves the ingestion and digestion of antigen by APCs such as macrophages. The resulting processed peptides bound to class II MHC surface proteins are presented to T helper cells. TH cell activation is optimally achieved when costimulatory molecules (B7) and adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, LFA-3) and CD40-CD40 ligand on the APC are bound to their appropriate ligands on the T cell (see inset).

Activated TH cells secrete IL-2, which causes proliferation and activation of CTLs, and TH1 and TH2 cell subsets. TH1 cells also produce IFN- and TNF- , which can directly activate macrophages and NK cells. The humoral response is triggered when B lymphocytes bind antigen via their surface immunoglobulin. They are then induced by TH2-derived IL-4 and IL-5 to proliferate and differentiate into memory cells and antibody-secreting plasma cells. Regulatory cytokines such as IFN- and IL-10 down-regulate TH2 and TH1 responses, respectively.

Studies using T cell clones have demonstrated the presence of two subsets of T helper lymphocytes (TH1 and TH2) based on the cytokines they secrete after activation. The TH1 subset characteristically produces interferon- (IFN-), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and induces cell-mediated immunity by activation of macrophages, cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), and natural killer cells (NKs). The TH2 subset produces IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10, which induce B cell proliferation and differentiation into antibody-secreting plasma cells. IL-10 produced by TH2 cells inhibits cytokine production by TH1 via the down-regulation of MHC expression by APCs. Conversely, IFN- produced by TH1 cells inhibits the proliferation of TH2 cells (Figure 56– 3). Although these subsets have been well described in vitro, the nature of the antigenic challenge that elicits a TH1 or TH2 phenotype is less clear. Extracellular bacteria typically cause the elaboration of TH2 cytokines, culminating in the production of neutralizing or opsonic antibodies. In contrast, intracellular organisms (eg, mycobacterium species) elicit the production of TH1 cytokines, which lead to the activation of effector cells such as macrophages. A less well defined T cell subset (TH3) has been described that produces transforming growth factor- (TGF-), whose numerous functions include down-regulation of proliferation and differentiation of T lymphocytes.

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize endogenously processed peptides presented by virusinfected cells or tumor cells. These peptides are usually nonapeptide (nine amino acid) fragments derived from virus or protein tumor antigens in the cytoplasm and are loaded onto MHC class I molecules (Figure 56–3, inset) in the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, MHC class II molecules present peptides (11–22 amino acids) that have been internalized from the extracellular environment and enzymatically digested foreign antigens to CD4 T helper cells. Upon activation, CTLs induce target cell death via lytic granule enzymes ("granzymes"), perforin, and the Fas-Fas ligand (FasFasL) apoptosis pathways. Nitric oxide may also be released, which inhibits cellular enzyme functions.

Natural killer (NK) cells are large granular lymphocyte-like cells that play an important role in innate immunity. Studies with monoclonal antisera originally suggested that NK cells may be of T cell or monocytic origin. More recent studies have shown that they may be derived from CD34 stem cells in the bone marrow that give rise to precursors of the NK cell lineage. NK cells are able to recognize and destroy tumor cells and pathogen-infected normal cells in vitro without prior stimulation. This activity is regulated by so-called "killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors" (KIRs) on the NK cell surface that are specific for MHC class I molecules. When NK cells bind self MHC proteins (expressed on all nucleated cells), these receptors deliver inhibitory signals, preventing them from killing normal host cells. Tumor cells or virus-infected cells that have downregulated MHC expression in order to avoid T cell destruction do not engage these KIRs. This results in activation of NK cells and subsequent destruction of the NK target cell. NK cells are also the main precursors of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. LAK cells are stimulated by high concentrations of IL-2 and are termed "promiscuous killers" because they can kill across MHC barriers and can also kill target cells that do not express MHC. As with CTL-mediated killing, NK cell killing involves the release of cytotoxic granules that induce programmed cell death of the target cell.

Natural killer T (NKT) cells are T cells that express T cell receptors as well as the NK1.1 receptors commonly found on NK cells. NKT cells recognize microbial lipid antigens presented by a unique class of MHC-like molecules known as CD1. They have been implicated in host defense against microbial agents, autoimmune diseases, and tumors.

B lymphocytes undergo selection in the bone marrow, during which self-reactive B lymphocytes are clonally deleted while B cell clones specific for foreign antigens are retained and expanded. The repertoire of antigen specificities by T cells is genetically determined and arises from T cell receptor gene rearrangement while the specificities of B cells arise from immunoglobulin gene rearrangement; for both types of cells, these determinations occur prior to encounters with antigen. Upon an encounter with antigen, a mature B cell binds the antigen, internalizes and processes it, and presents its peptide in the MHC class II to CD4 helper cells, which in turn secrete IL-4 and IL-5. These interleukins stimulate B cell proliferation and differentiation into memory B cells and antibody-secreting plasma cells. The primary antibody response consists mostly of IgM-class immunoglobulins. Subsequent antigenic stimulation results in a vigorous "booster" response accompanied by class (isotype) switching to produce IgG, IgA, and IgE antibodies with diverse effector functions. These antibodies also undergo affinity maturation, which allows the antibody to bind more efficiently to the antigen. With the passage of time, this results in accelerated elimination of microorganisms in subsequent infections. Antibodies mediate their functions by acting as opsonins to enhance phagocytosis and cellular cytotoxicity and by activating complement to elicit an inflammatory response and induce bacterial lysis (Figure 56–4).

Figure 56–4.

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