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Артикуляционная гимнастика

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Артикуляционная гимнастика

All the exercises should be done in front of the mirror

    1. Open your mouth wide, close it.

    2. First, half open your mouth. Then open it wider, wider and close it.

    3. Spread your lips without showing your teeth, return the lips to the neutral position.

    4. Protrude your lips and then spread them, showing your teeth.

    5. Protrude your lips. Draw the letter ‘o’ with an imaginary pencil in your mouth ten times clockwise and ten times counterclockwise.

    6. Press your lower lip against your upper teeth with force. Do not move your lower jaw.

    7. Keep your mouth closed. With the tip of your tongue draw the letter ‘o’ in your mouth clockwise and counterclockwise.

    8. Push your cheeks with your tongue.

    9. Push your alveolar ridge with the tip of your tongue.

    10. Keep your mouth half opened. Put the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth, between the teeth, to the upper teeth, to the alveolar ridge, behind the alveolar.

    11. With your mouth closed breathe in deeply. Then breathe out three times.

    12. With your mouth closed breathe in deeply. Then breathe out three times saying Russian [п].

    13. With your mouth closed breathe in deeply. Then breathe out three times saying Russian «поп», «пот», «тот», «топот», «ток», «кот», «кок».

    14. Put your organs of speech to the position necessary to pronounce [а-о-у-э-ы-и], [и-ы-э-у-о-а], [Λ-ɒ-υ-æ-ι-i:].