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// This is a localization file for 'magyar' language, for the TCBR shell
// Translate the messages below and rename this file to hun-shellmsg.txt

// The line below enables useful localization-related diagnostic messages
// remove it as you finish localization


// if you localize the shell for your language, please consider contributing
// - send it to me and you'll be credited each time the shell runs in your language:

// Localize Form ShellForm 'ShellForm'

ShellForm = Shell for // form caption

ShellForm.TabSheet1 = Kцnyv // TTabSheet
ShellForm.myTBAddTxt = Szцveg hozzбadбsa // TToolButton
ShellForm.myTBRenameTxt = Szцveg бtnevezйse a Jar-fбjlban // TToolButton
ShellForm.myTBEditTxt = Megnyitбs Notepad-dal // TToolButton
ShellForm.myTBRemoveTxt = Szцveg eltбvolнtбsa // TToolButton
ShellForm.TabSheet2 = Beбllнtбsok // TTabSheet
ShellForm.EncodingLabel = Szцveg-kуdolбs // TLabel
ShellForm.MidletTypeLabel = Midlet tнpusa // TLabel
ShellForm.HasDirButtonsCheckBox = A telefon rendelkezik irбny-gombokkal // TCheckBox
ShellForm.ExtendHeightCheckBox = Kijelzх magassбgбnak kiterjesztйse // TCheckBox
ShellForm.DivideChaptersCheckBox = Fejezet-fejlйc hasznбlata // TCheckBox
ShellForm.AltDirButtonsCheckBox = Alternatнv irбny-gombok (Fel/Le lapozбs oldalankйnt) // TCheckBox
ShellForm.UseSeT610SideKeysCheckBox = Sony Ericson T610 hangerх-gombok hasznбlata // TCheckBox
ShellForm.RestrictChapterCheckBox = Fejezet maximбlis mйrete (bбjtban) // TCheckBox
ShellForm.RestrictJarCheckBox = Jar fбjl maximбlis mйrete (bбjtban) // TCheckBox
ShellForm.LocalizeMidletCheckBox = Sajбt nyelvre vбltбs (magyar) // TCheckBox
ShellForm.TabSheet3 = Betыtнpus // TTabSheet
ShellForm.SelFGColorBtn = Betы szнnйnek kivбlasztбsa // TToolButton
ShellForm.SelBGColorBtn = Hбttйrszнn kivбlasztбsa // TToolButton
ShellForm.InvertFontButton = Szнnek megfordнtбsa // TToolButton
ShellForm.SelRotatedFontTButton = Elforgatott betыtнpus kivбlasztбsa // TBitBtn
ShellForm.SelNormalFontTButton = Normбl betыtнpus kivбlasztбsa // TBitBtn
ShellForm.myLogTabSheet = Naplу // TTabSheet
ShellForm.myClearLogButton = Naplу tцrlйse // TButton
ShellForm.myCBShowZipDebug = A Zip ьzeneteinek mutatбsa // TCheckBox
ShellForm.aboutTabSheet = Nйvjegy // TTabSheet
ShellForm.LocalizationAuthorNameLabel = Magyar fordнtбs: Birу Gergely (birogeri@freemail.hu) 2004 // TLabel
ShellForm.BitBtn1 = &Kilйpйs // TBitBtn
ShellForm.buildButton = &Csinбld ! // TBitBtn

// Localize Form SelectFontImageForm 'Select Font Image:'

SelectFontImageForm = Betыtнpus (font) kivбlasztбsa: // form caption

SelectFontImageForm.AddFontBtn = Windows font hozzбadбsa // TSpeedButton
SelectFontImageForm.RemoveFontButton = Betыtнpus eltбvolнtбsa // TSpeedButton
SelectFontImageForm.NoFontButton = A mobilod fontja // TButton
// SelectFontImageForm.SelFontButton = Kivбlasztбs // TButton
Соседние файлы в папке i18n