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Seminar 7

12. 1) exhausting work - exhaustive answer; 2) historic victory - historical film; 3) honourary citizen - honourable duty; 4) respectful silence - respectable person; 5) skilled worker - skilful surgeon; 6) cultural life - cultured person; 7) touching words - touchy person; 8) delighted audience - delightful holidays; 9) economic crisis - economical spending; 10) contemptible traitor - contemptuous smile. 13. 1) dis-: disability, dishonour, disagreement, disobedience; 2) il-: illegal, illogical, illiterate; 3) non-: non-payment, non-smoker, non-verbal, non-academic; 4) ir-: irrelevant, irresponsible, irrational, irresistable; 5) un-: unhappy, unlearn, unlock, untie, unclean; 6) im-: immature, impatient, impossible, impractical; 7) in-: informally, independently, inadequately; 8) de-: deregulate, destabilize, declassify, demystify; 9) a-: amoral, atypical, asensual, aseptic.

Deverbial and verb-forming prefixes (un-, de-), denominal and noun-forming prefixes (dis-, non-); deadjectival and adjective-forming prefixes (ir/l/m-, un-, non-, a-); deadverbial and adverb-forming prefixes (in-).

Exercise 1.

1. unfold

2. illegal

3. disappear

4. uncommon

5. abnormal

6. non-profit

7. irregular

Exercise 2.

1. incredible

2. incredulous

3. incredible

4. nauseating

5. nauseous

6. nauseous

7. nauseous

8. classy

9. neoclassical

10. classic

11. systematic

12. system

13. systemic

14. systematic

15. economic

16. economic

17. economical

18. economical

19. historical

20. historical

21. historic

22. historical

23. historical

24. historical

25. continued

26. continuous

27. healthy

28. healthy

29. healthier

30. healthy

31. confidant

32. confident

33. confident

34. confident

35. enormity

36. enormousness

37. noisome

38. noisome

39. noisy

40. noisome

41. sensitive

42. sensitive, sensitive

43. sensible

44. sensibility

Exercise 3. Heroine, widow, sultana, ancestress, actress, sorceress, empress, duchess, governess, poetess, prencess, steewardess, countess, baroness, mayoress, missis, shepherdess, executrix, masseuse.

Nun, wife, girl, queen, lady, niece, aunt, bride, spinster.

Cow, mare, ewe, duck, hen, tigress, vixen, hind, lioness, cat.

Exercise 4.

-aroo: buckaroo, jackaroo

-ole: areole, casserole

-eroo: flopperoo, smackeroo, switcheroo

-ie: cookie, Stevie

-ey: whitey, Jersey

-ock: hillock, mattock

-rel: mongrel, scoundrel


-ling: darling, duckling, gosling

-let: booklet, omelet

-ette: cigarette, kitchenette

Exercise 5. Examinee, employee, draftee (inductee), addressee, appointee, retiree, nominee, referee.

Exercise 6. (N → V)

1. canoeing - G

2. tailor - A

3. peel - D

4. linked - C

5. cashed - C

6. prejudice - H

7. scrap - B

8. mates - H

9. shop - E

10. foaled – F


1. cuts - C

2. fight - A

3. rise - C

4. trouble - B

5. ride - E

6. dive - C

7. whip - D

(Adj → N)

1. high - B

2. greats - A

3. cool - B

4. professional - A

Seminar 8

4. Like ordinary words: NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, UNO - United Nations Organization, BUPA - British United Provident Association, UCAS - Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, NASA - National Aeronautic and Space Administration, SALT - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, UEFA - Union of European Football Associations, NAAFI - Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes, TEFL - teaching of English as a foreign language, UNRRA - United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration; FIFA - Federal International Football Association. Alphabetically: WHO - The World Health Organization, IRA - Irish Republican Army, AGM - annual general meeting, WI - Women's Institute, CID - Criminal Investigation Department, IQ - intelligence quotient, MRBM - medium-range ballistic missile, FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, UFO - unidentified flying object, VIP - very important person, GI - government (or general) issue. 5. a) Vowel-interchange or ablaut (& suffixation): long - length, strike - stroke, full - fill, knot - knit, sing - song, bite - bit, abide - abode, deep - depth, ride – road. b) Consonant-interchange: speak - speech, wreathe - wreath, house - house, believe - belief, prove - proof, shelve - shelf, loathe - loath, use - use, halve - half, serve – serf. c) Both means: bake - batch, breathe - breath, lose - loss, glaze - glass, wake - watch, clothe - cloth, bathe – bath.

6. писк - cheep бах, бац; сильный удар - bang хихикать - giggle мычать - moo квакать - croak ворчать - grumble свист - whiz тук-тук, наносит тяжелый удар - thump-thump баю-бай, убаюкивать - hushaby/hush куковать - cuckoo мяукать - mew шикать - boo жужжать - buzz лепет - babble хлоп, хлопнуть - pop кряканье - quacking шамкать - mumble шипение - fizz кудахтать - cackle ржание - neigh

7. 1) enthuse < enthusiasm 2) frivole < frivolous 3) greed < greedy 4) edit < editor 5) burgle < burglar 6) televise < television 7) butling < butler 8) obsolesce < obsolescent 9) orate < orator 10) peeve < peevish 11) intuite < intuition 12) classify < classification

8. 'compound (n, adj) - com'pound (v) 'perfect (adj) - per'fect (v) 'permit (n) - per'mit (v) 'progress (n) - pro'gress (v) 'frequent (adj) - fre'quent (v) 'affix (n) - affix (v) 'contact (n) - con'tact (v) 'insult (n) - in'sult 'abstract (adj) - ab'stract (v) 'decrease (n) - de'crease (v) 'protest (n) - pre'test (v) 'produce (n) - pro'duce (v) 'survey (n) - sur'vey (v) 'conflict (n) - con'flict (v) ' subject (n, adj) - sub'ject (v)

Exercise 1. jumpmasters - B

2. cyberspace - A

3. boy-next-door -

4. OKBomb - C

5. sweetie-pie -

6. nose-blow

7. highwaywoman -






Exercise 2. 1. M - sham+amateur

2. N - slum+landlord

3. H - smack+mash

4. P - anecdote+dotard

5. J - Democrat+republican

6. Q - fraternity+sorority

7. L - glossary+commentary

8. S - slump+flaction

9. F - bitsy+bikini

10. O - aviation+electronics

11. D - balloon+parachute

12. I - probability+unit

13. R - radar+beacon

14. T - camp+jamboree

15. E - citrus+orange

16. A - slick+slippery

17. K - stuffy+suffocation

18. B - starve+privation

19. G - flame+glare

20. C - gleam+shimmer

Exercise 3. 1. infallibly - A

2. recap - D/C

3. defenestrate - E

4. undismantled - A

5. volunteers - F

6. volunteered - A

7. disemboweled - A

8. disappeared - A

9. mistake - C

10. demolish - F

11. incompatible - B/A

12. impervious - A

13. unheard-of - B

14. unknownable – A

Exercise 4. 1. prof - A (professor)

2. fancy - C (fantasy)

3. mart - C (market)

4. croc - A (crocodile)

5. bus - B (autobus)

6. Ed - A (Edward)

7. phone - B (telephone)

8. pram - D (perambulator)

Seminar 9

5. a) historical Americanisms: fall, quess, sick; b) proper Americanisms: elevator, telephone booth, subway, faucets; c) specifically American borrowings: pirogue, hammock, tomahawk. 6. a) AmE: candy, grade, subway/metro, the movies, mailbox, sneakers, sidewalk; b) BE: sweets, form, underground, the cinema, postbox, trainers, pavement; c) Australian: lollies, year, railway station, the pictures, letterbox, runners, footpath. 25. Grammatical peculiarities: short simple sentences, ellipsis ("100% sport"), imperative sentences ("Be late"). Lexical peculiarities: rhythm, a lot of adjectives (sensual, provocative, passionate, witty, outspoken), figurative expressions, slogans ("Classics. Style. Reliability"), repetitions ("Be a gentleman. Be in stories"). Stereotypes: women are often late, women wear feminine and sexy clothes, women are fond of jewelty, men are more about classics, coolness.

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