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ManOfProperty - Part XIII-XVII.docx
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1. to experience to the full — to feel a full power of smth

испытать на себе всю силу чего-л.

In the conversation between Bosinney and June in the park. B. feels the growing fear of J. being a drag for him.

2. be a drag on smb — be a burden to smb

быть в тягость кому-л.

In the conversation between Bosinney and June in the park. B. feels the growing fear of J. being a drag for him.

3. to be buried up to the hilt in paper — to work intensively

зарыться с головой в груды бумаг, уйти в дело с головой

When Bustard (Soams attorney) was too busy with inaccessible apartment in order for a greater work but he was just turning over the pleadings in Soams vs Bosinney court case.

4. a breach of promise case — cases concerning violations of promises

дела, касающиеся нарушения обещаний

Attorney Waterbuck knew everything about breach of promise cases. He was sure that the issue would depend to a great extent on evidence given at the trial and advised Soames not to be too careful in giving that evidence.

5. to see smb through — to understand smb’s nature

видеть кого-л. насквозь

George was following Bosinney the night he dead. He saw the jealousy in him and his want to revenge.

6. remain green in one's mind — to capture in memory

навсегда запечатлеться в памяти

When George hunted Bosinney. He noticed Bosinney and began to follow him, B. became nervous and driven forward as though the faithful G. behind wielded a knout. Then G. realises that Soames exercised his rights over an estranged and unwilling wife in the greatest supreme act of property.

Part XIV

1. to run up against smb — to come across

сталкиваться с кем-л.

Court cast. Break before it. James chose a seat on the end of the bench behind the counsel. He considered B. conduct outrageous and didn't want to run up against him.

2. to apply for an adjournment — to get a warrant for the delay

получать полномочия на отсрочку

The case began without B and when there was a time for a defence, Chankery haven't have the right to delay the case and conceived his duty to go on.

3. to repudiate liability — to deny responsibility

отвергать ответственность

Chankery proves that S. limited B. "free hand" and S. never contemplated repudiating responsibility on any work ordered by B.

4. to have one's head screwed on the right way — to have a good savvy

иметь голову на плечах

After a successful end of the case James comes to Timothy and talks about his son as a man that got his head screwed on the right way.

5. to eat one's words — to take back the words

брать свои слова назад

Soames is thinking about divorce and other threats to Irene, but then reconsiders if it’s wise to put himself into a position where he might have to eat his words.

6. to bring home to smb — to explain smth

втолковывать что-л. кому-л., показать что-л.

When Soames came home, Irene left her room with an addressed note to him where she wrote that hadn’t taken any things that he or his relatives had given to her. Now he realized the whole inner significance of her act.

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