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Kozhaniyazov D.A. EE-14-1

Task 1. Calculate

Implementation of the task

Use the command: =

Answer: 32

Task 2. Simplify the expression

Implementation of the task

Use the command: simplify


Task 3. Open the brackets and cause similar terms

Implementation of the task

Use the command: expand


Task 4. To factor the expression

Implementation of the task

Use the command : factor


Task 5. This expression is convert into a sum of partial fractions.

Implementation of the task

Use the command: convert to partial fraction


Task 6. Solve the equation

Implementation of the task

Task 1. Given the vectors a, b, c, and the number of k, m, n.

  1. n;

  2. n · ;

  3. scalar product of vectors and ;

  4. vector product of vectors and ;

  5. length of vector and vector, received in previously item;

  6. cross product of vectors , , ;

  7. whether given three vectors are linearly dependent or not?

Implementation of the task

2. Given matrixes A, B, C.

  1. find determinant of matrix A and C;

  2. define matrix ;

  3. find inverse matrix to matrix A and C, if they exist;

  4. find rank of matrix A and C, with operation rank(A);

  5. find product of matrix A on matrix B;

  6. find meaning of operation ;

Implementation of the task

Task 3. Given system of equation DX=F.

  1. calculate this system of equation by the formulas of Cramer;

  2. calculate this system of equation with method of inverse matrix by the formula X=;

  3. calculate this system of equation with operation (built-in function) lsolve(D,F).

Implementation of the task




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