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Стилистика St divices

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The verbal image – the tenor – the direct thought; the vehicle – the figurative thought

The old woman is sly like a fox.

Metaphor – explaining the unknown in terms of the known

Personification – abstract ideas or inanimate objects are identified with persons

Metonymy – the name of a thing is replaced by the name of associated thing.

(the abstract stands for the concrete; container-contents; material-thing made of it; the maker for the things made; the instrument for the agent; a part is put for the whole – synecdoche=we need new faces in out company)

Irony – one is said and the opposite is intend: nice weather, isn’t it?

Zeugma – blending together two or more semantically incompatible word groups: She took her breakfast and her bath.

Pun – 1) one word different meanings 2) alike in sound but different in writing and in meaning: the importance of being Earnest, I beg your pardon? I’m not offended.

Epithet – interplay of emotive and logical meanings: cold wind, blue sea, green pen

(simple/word-epithets; compound epithets (apple-faced woman); two-step epithets (a marvelously radiant smile); phrase epithets (I-am-not-that-kind-of-girl look); reversed epithets: compound of two nouns linked of an of-phrase (the shadow of a smile)

Oxymoron – the tenor and the vehicle are diametrically opposite: cold fire;

paradoxa contradictory or absurd: war is peace

Antonomasia – the proper name of a person, who is famous for some of his features, is for a person having the same picture: her husband is an Othello, Mr. Know-All, Mr. Dolittle

Simile – the intensification of some single feature of a thing (as, like) his face remained as immobile as stone

Hyperbole – overstatement or exaggeration of a feature to the object.

understatement – smallness is exaggerated

Periphrases – a roundabout way (перефразирование) used to name some object or phenomenon (logical: the object of his admiration (lady), figurative (imagery – to tight the knot), euphemistic – to pass away)

Cliché – word expression which has become familiar: rosy dreams, rising expectations

Proverbs – short, well-known sayings, usually wise

Epigrams – a short clever amusing or a poem: Everything I like is either illegal, immortal or flattening

Quotation – a phrase taken from a work of literature: To be or not to be?

Allusion – a historical, literary, mythological or biblical act which is known to the reader ( the source is given): When Noah build the ark (Bible)

Phraseological units – a set of phrases – one meaning (prolongation – добавляется слово – flew into a drunken rage = to fly into a rage; interaction – два выражения соединяются – to be fed up with smth +to be fed to the teeth; substitutionthere is no place like Rome=like home

Stylistic inversion – displacement of some components

Detachment – to give greater significance (commas, dashes, full stops)

parenthesis - explanatory or qualifying remark (2 commas, brackets, dashes) I know (if only I could forget it) that you killed her

Parallel constructions – two or more sentences in close succession with identical or similar syntactical structure: …no birds, no dogs barked, no frogs croaked. it was shabby, faded and…

Chiasmus – repetition of syntactical patterns, but it has reversed order in one of the parts: She was a good sport about all this, but so was he.

Lexico-Syntactical repetition – repeating words, sentence for stylistic purpose, to draw attention

Simple repetition – repeated use of the same word or sentence one after another

Anaphora – repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses or paragraphs

Epiphora - repetition of a word or phrase at the end of several successive clauses

Framing – the initial elements are repeated at the end of an utterance or a paragraph

Anadiplosis – repetition of the word or a group of words that end on eclause at the beginning of the next one

Chain repetition – the succession of several anadiplosis

Enumeration: she was not sure of anything any more, of him, herself, their friends…

Suspense – putting less important info and delaying the main

Climax – an ascending series of words and utterances (logical, emotional, quantitative)

Antithesis – one word is set against another one to stress certain qualities: For many are called but few are chosen

Asyndeton – avoidance of conjunctions

Polysyndeton – repetition of conjunctions, connectives or prepositions in close succession

The Gap-sentence link – separation of two parts of a sentence by a full stop

Ellipsis – the omission of a word/s necessary for the complete syntactical structure: You feel ok?

Aposiopesis – sudden breaking off of a thought (…, - are used)

Question-in-the-narrative – a question is asked and the answer is immediately given or evident

Represented Speech

Uttered Represented Speech - lacks inverted commas, show speech peculiarities

Unuttered Represented Speech – reflects the feelings and thoughts of the character

Rhetorical Question – expects no answer

Litotes – double negation is used (no, not+negative meaning) величественно, громко

Transposition –use of forms l in unusual grammatical meanings (ex.of phrase with 2 nouns denoting animate/living beings)Thomas Cook it!

Alliteration – repetition of the same sounds (initial consonants, stressed syllables) Forget and forgive, you shop, we drop

Onomatopoeia – imitation of sounds (crackle, hiss) bow-bow, гав-гав

Rhyme – the identity of sounds between syllables

Rhythm – the pattern of sounds perceived as the recurrences od equivalent “beats” at equal intervals

Punctuation marks, exclamation, interrogation, dash, full-stop, comms

Italics – курсив, capital letters, spacing out – в разрядку, bold type – жирный

Multiplication of letters, consonants/vowels – the absu – u – rudest creature

Hyphenation – L-e m-m-a-l-a

GraphonShe is so sorful… but that’sh what hish, lemmi – let me, readin’ - reading

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