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Seminars No 6, 7 Lexico-semantic Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices: Figures Of Substitution

  • Figures of speech

Pick out and name the figures of speech used in these statements.

  • Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

This is a rhetorical question

That is, it doesn't expect an answer.

[It's a line from one of Shakespeare's sonnets.]

  • She was thrilled to bits when she heard the news. довольный как слон.

'Thrilled to bits' is a cliche.

And it is also a metaphor.

  • The sky looked like black velvet.

This is a simile.

  • 'Sit still!' she hissed. прошипел

This is a alliteration because of the repetition of /s/.

It is also assonance with the repetition of the medial vowel sound /I/.

And it's onomatopoeia as well.

The word 'hiss' imitates what it refers to.

  • The chancellor will steer the economy through these choppy waters. Канцлер будет направлять экономику через эти изменчивые воды.

This is a metaphor.

The economy is being compared to a ship at sea.

  • He was over the moon when the team scored. Он был на седьмом небе, когда команда набрала.

This is a cliche.

'Over the moon' is a much over-used expression.

This is especially true in the context of football.

  • Metaphors

Which key word creates the metaphor in these statements? [See if you can also identify its grammatical function].

  • Don't think you can come waltzing in here. Вальсируя

The key word is waltzing.

It is the present participle of a verb.

  • He was a wizard with figures. Он был мастером цифр ..

The key word is wizard.

It is a noun.

  • Wipe that smile off your face right now.

The key word is wipe.

It is a verb.

  • You are my sunshine.

The key word is sunshine.

It is a noun.

  • That junction's always a bottleneck. Место связывания всегда узкое

The key word is bottleneck.

It is a noun.

  • The road was a ribbon of moonlight. Дорога была лента лунного света.

The key word is ribbon.

It is a noun.

  • Metonymy

Identify any metonymy in the following statements.

  • The pound has risen in strength today against the dollar.

The pound and the dollar are both used metonymically here.

They represent entire monetary systems.

  • It's about time you put your foot down.настоять на своём

There is no metonymy here.

The image refers to a gesture, not a system or an institution.

[Even though 'foot' is a part of the whole anatomy.]

'Put one's foot down' is an idiomatic expression.

  • The bench has decreed that the case be dismissed. Парламент постановил, что дело будет прекращено.

The term bench refers metonymically to the whole judicial system.

  • Japan is sometimes referred to as the land of the rising sun.

There is no metonymy here.

The reference is to a visual metaphor.

  • The whole city will welcome this grant from the government.

The term city refers metonymically to its inhabitants here.

  • 'In all of Homer, there is no finer view of Greece than this.'

The term Homer here refers metonymically to 'the works of Homer'.

  • Synecdoche

Pick out any examples of synecdoche in the following statements.

  • England lost the Ashes in 1997.

England lost the Ashes in 1997.

The term England here stands for 'The English Cricket Team' [or 'English XI'].

Bonus point if you spotted that 'the Ashes' is a sort of synecdoche.

It stands for 'the annual cricket competition between England and Australia'.

This is symbolised in the ashes of a cricket stump which was burned following a match in 1883.

  • In the estuary there appeared a fleet of fifty sail. В устье реки появляется флот пятидесяти парусами.

The term sail stands for 'ships' here.

  • The Church has declared that abortion is a sin. аборт является грехом.

The term Church stands for 'Catholic Church' here.

That is, the name of a building stands for a whole organisation.

  • Fifty head of cattle were sold at auction yesterday.

The term head stands for the animal itself.

  • "You won't find any jokers in this pack."

Sorry! There is no synecdoche here.

The expression is either literal or metaphoric.

  • Everton scored in extra time to win the Cup. Эвертон забил в дополнительное время, чтобы выиграть Кубок.

The term Everton stands for Everton Football Club here.

However, the 'Cup' they win is literal, not synecdochic.

  • Irony

Decide if these statements are ironic or not.

"So you've lost the books I lent you? Well, that's wonderful!"

Yes - this is ironic.

The statement is surely the opposite of what is meant.

"She gave us a two-hour lecture on how to make a cup of tea. It was really fascinating."

Yes - this is very likely to be ironic.

Such a trivial issue is not likely to be 'fascinating'.

"We can't select you for the play. It doesn't feature simpletons." Это не для простаков

No - this is not ironic.

It is not saying the opposite of what it means.

The remark is offensive, and is meant to wound.

This is sarcasm.

"Yes, put the baby next to the fire. That will be the safest place."

Yes - this is very likely to be ironic.

"Don't look at me in that way - unless you want a thick ear!" давать в ухо

No - this is not ironic.

It is not saying the opposite of what it means.

The remark is an aggressive threat, and is meant to warn.

['A thick ear' is an idiomatic expression.]

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a for­tune must be in want of a wife.

Yes - this is very subtle тонкая irony.

The statement is not really 'universally acknowledged'. The author is imputing this view to others in order to make fun of the idea.

Assignment 1. Match each figure of quantity with its main stylistic feature:

  1. Hyperbole. 2. Meiosis. 3. Litotes.

  1. positive sense of a structure with double negation; 3

  2. a deliberate exaggeration; 1

  3. a deliberate diminution.2

Assignment 2. Indicate separately the cases of: a) hyperbole; b) meiosis; c) litotes:

1. English and American hands were as scarce as hen's teeth in this unhealthy place.как кот наплакал meiosis (W. Foster). 2. He would give the world for her fair eyes. hyperbole 3. Dear aunt, you frightened me out of my senses. hyperbole (H. Fielding). 4. A smile crossed Natt's face from ear to ear. hyperbol (H. Caine). 5. An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup. Несчастный человек был бы утонул в стакане воды. meosis 6. A watched pot never boils. hyperbol 7. He said: "I thought I'd come up and have a word with you, father. ?" (A. Cronin). 8. I have not seen you for ages. hyperbol 9. To write a novel is as simple for him as falling off a chair, I suppose. meosis 10. You make noise enough to wake the dead. Hyperbole 11. We'll be back in three shakes of a dead lamb's tail.очень быстро Hyperbole (J. Conroy). 12. He seemed to me to be frightened all to pieces. Hyperbole (A. Doyle). 13. I don't speak empty words. Я не говорю пустых слов. Litotes14. It hadn't been for nothing after all. Это было не зря в конце концов. Litotes 14. No man is indispensable. Ни один человек не является необходимым условием. Litotes 15. These cabins aren't half bad. Эти каюты не половина плохо. Litotes(H. Wells). 16. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Litotes 17. I've had such a lot of worry lately that I don't know whether I'm on my head or heels. hyperbol (H. Lawson). 18. And the floors! They haven't seen water for ages. Hyperbole (J. Steele). 19. An old dog barks not in vain. Лает не зря Litotes 20. "Well, that's not a bad idea," he said finally. Litotes (M. Wilson). 21. He proceeded very slowly and cau­tiously, an inch at a time. Meiosis (J. London). 22. He was a good-for-nothing fellow. хорошим бездельник litotes 23.1 wouldn't say it is beyond your purse to buy that book. это за пределами вашего кошелька, чтобы купить эту книгу. litotes

Assignment 3. Match each metonymic figure of quality with its main stylistic feature:

  1. Metonymy. 2. Synecdoche. 3. Periphrasis. 4. Euphemism.

  1. 3. replacement of a direct name of a thing/phenomenon by the description of some of its quality;

  2. 2. naming the whole object by mentioning part of it, or naming a constitu­ent part by mentioning the whole object;

  3. 4. replacement of an unpleasant, impolite word or expression with a mild­er and decent one;

  4. 1. transference of a name of one object to another based upon contiguity.

Assignment 4. Match each metaphoric figure of quality with its main stylistic feature:

1. Metaphor. 2. Epithet. 3. Antonomasia. 4. Personification. 5. Allegory.

a) 2. an attribute describing an object expressively, pointing out an implied figurative connotation;

  1. 5. an abstract notion in a concrete image, embodied throughout a whole text, often possessing the features of a human being and having its proper name;

  2. 1. transference of a name of one object to another based on similarity;

  3. 3. usage of common nouns as proper names based on similarity of quali­ties, or usage of proper names as common nouns;

  4. 4. ascribing human behaviour, feelings, thoughts and actions to inanimate objects.

Assignment 5. Match the periphrases with the notions they rep­resent:

I. 1) b. a gentleman in brown клоп a) Satan

  1. A. a gentleman in black b) a bug, bed-bug, clinch

  2. d. a gentleman/ knight of industry c) God

  3. e. a gentleman of the (long) robe d) a swindler мошенник

  4. c. the Father of Lights e) a lawyer, judge (the king of glory/ heaven)

II. 1) c. the Father of Rivers/ Waters a) a soldier military man

  1. D. a daughter of the soil b) a woman

  2. B. a daughter of Eve c) the Nile

  3. E. a daughter of Jezebel d) a peasant woman крестьянка

  4. a. a son of Mars e) a an impudent woman наглая

III. 1) A. a son of the Nile a) an eagle

  1. E. a son of Vulcan b) a tavern-keeper таверна-хранитель

  2. b. a son/ knight of the Spigot c) death

  3. a. the king of birds d) a crocodile

  4. C. the king of terrors e) a (black)smith, farrier кузнец

IV. 1) D. the king of the sea a) the sun

  1. E.the king of beasts b) an adventurer, gambler

  2. A the king of day c) a tramp, vagrant, hobo

  3. B. a knight of fortune d) herring

  4. C. a knight of the field e) a lion

V. 1) B. a knight of the pen/ pencil/ quill a) a cowardice трусость

  1. D. fires of heaven b) a writer, journalist, clerk

  2. E. old moustache c) stock exchange фондовая биржа

  3. C. the arena of the bears and bulls арена медведей и быков d) stars

  4. A. cold feet e) a veteran

Assignment 6. State the kind of the periphrasis: a) logical; b) metonymic; c) metaphoric. Explain what is implied:

1. He was a mere adventurer, a man, who out of office must live by his pen. metonymic (Th. Macanlay). 2. He is now under fifteen, and an old limb of the law. старый страж закона metaforic(Ch. Dickens). 3. Learning is the eye of the mind. в воображении metaphoric 4.1 am desperately fond of her: she is the light of my eyes.metaphoric (Ch. BrontJ. 5. Soldiers are citizens of death's gray land, drawing no dividend from time's tomorrows. logical (S. Sassoon). 6. Sui­cide note: The calm, cool face of the river asked me for a kiss. metaphoric (L. Hughes). 7. Red cock петух will crow кукарекать in his house. Logical 8. "Of what profession is Mr. Archer?" "Of the Corporation of the Goosequil - of the Press, my boy," said War­rington. metonymic (W. Thackeray). 9. Neither of them had a word to throw to a dog.metonymic 10. You are scarcely out of the shell yet.скорлупы metonymic 11. The woman was a walking corpse. Metaphoric12. Bacchus has drowned утопил more men than Neptune. metonymic 13. He is an open book. metaphoric. 14. She's the skeleton in the family cupboard. metaphoric. 15. She distrusted old heads on young shoulders. Она не доверяла мудрый не по летам metaphoric (H. Walpole). 16. I know she has a sweet tooth still in her head.сладкоежка metonymic (M. Edgeworth). 17. He had a warm place in his heart for dogs.metaphoric (M. Twain). 18. Jack was afraid they were going to ease him of his purse. Обобрать metonymic 19. John was too much of an afternoon farmer Лодырь. to carry the business successfully.Logic (J. Dixon). 20.1 thought it wise to keep that sum for a rainy day. "чёрный день" Metonymic 21. He is not going to depart this life. пoкинуть этoт бpeнный миp I suppose. Logical 22. Geargel had been nearly six years upon the throne. logical (W. Ainsworth). 23. Keep a civil tongue держаться в рамках приличия, or I'll throw you to the crowd. Metonymic (J. Galsworthy). 24. Here in Montreal she was a fish out of water. Metaphorical(Th. Dreiser). 25. A forgetful head makes a weary утомленную pair of heels. Metonymic 26. He is disadvantaged, underprivileged - he still doesn't have a dime. ни в грош не ставить; Logical 27. In the real world of political compromise, few hats are all white.Metonymic (W. Safire "Safire's Political Dictionary"). 28. It is nothing to say that he hadn't a word to throw at a dog. Metaphoric (Ch. Dickens). 29. "I'm running a nut house. психушка " He rubbed his hand over his bald dome купол. metaphoric 30. Soon he will pay his debt to nature. умереть Metaphoric 31.1 wish I were under the turf. под дерниной Logical 32. "Go and take a nice big jump in the lake and forget to come out." says the truck driver. Logical (J. Steele). 33. I was pretty much of a green-horn. I guess. Новичок Metaphoric 34. She suddenly took to her heels. бежать без оглядки Metaphoric (Th. Hardy). 35. Charles Bates expressed his opinion that it was the time to pad the hoof. Идти пешком. metapphoric(Ch. Di­ckens). 36. Snawley himself can tell that this is not his son, and that his son is food for worms. metonnymic (Ch. Dickens). 37. In your chair days старость you will understand all your vanity самолюбие.Metonymic 38. The grocery store on the corner, half a block from where mother lived, changed hands. перешел из рук в руки Metonymic (J. London). 39. You know the Blakes next door but one. Only last week they flitted between the moon and the milkman. (J. Lindsay). Metaphorical

Assignment 7. Supply the missing words from the list below. De­fine the types of metaphor: 1) dead/original; 2) nominative/cognitive/ imaginative; 3) simple/sustained:

1. B. Then we'll ..... an hour in the lounge. (A. Cronin). 2. E. Hunger ..... stone walls. 3. A. When ..... enters the door, love will fly out of the window. 4. D. His heart was ..... with sympathetic tenderness. (J. London). 5 C. In a little district west of Washington Square the streets ..... and broken themselves into small strips called "places." (O'Henry)

a) poverty; b) kill; c) have run crazy; d) melting; e) breaks

Assignment 8. Define types (associated I unassociated; simple I com­pound I phrasal I clausal) and paraphrase the epithets in the context:

1. Well, haven't you always advocated выступали a kid-glove policy? (Delicate, careful) Compaund (D. Carter). 2. Never such a cat-and-dog life as they've been leading ever since! (eternal quarrel) Phrasal (Th. Hardy). 3. She gave him a penny-in-the-slot smile. автоматически действующий механизм (emotionless) Phrasal (D. Bullett). 4. Does he really think that I will follow his hole-in-the-head advice? (useless) Phrasal 5. As I've often told you, I'm a dyed-in-the-grain Liberal with no confidence in the Liberal Party. Либерал до мозга костей (ingrained) Phrasal (J. Lindsay). 6. My Lady Dedlock fell not into the melting, готова расплакаться but rather into a freezing mood. Unassosiated (nearly crying/) (Ch. Dickens). 7. Europe's new dead-end generation has lost faith in the future. поколение без будущего Compaund (a generation without a future) (Newsweek). 8. Mine has been comparatively but a lotus-eating existence hitherto; to-morrow I begin the battle of life. праздные мечты Существование (the idle dreams) Compound  (E. Yates). 9. My rascals are not milk-and-water rascals, I promise you. (Безликий бесхарактерный) Мошенники (spineless) Phrasal (W. Thackeray). 10. She didn't like his gin-and-water voice. хриплый (hoarse voice) Phrasal 11. A green wound is soon healed. свежая, незажившая рана Simple unhealed wound 12. The baculine method was a quite common mode of argument in those days.  Палочный метод был общепринятым методом убеждения в те времена (beating with a stick) Unassociated, Simple (W. Thackeray).

Assignment 9. Point out metaphor among metonymy. Define its stylistic function in each case:

1. How to earn daily bread by my pen was then the problem. Metonymy (B. Shaw). 2. A loose tongue wagged spitefully outside the hospital. болтливый язык вилял злобно вне больницы Metonymy (A. Cronin). 3. He bears no malice for you or your relatives. Он не несет никакой злобы на вас или ваших родственников. Metaphor 4. The pen is mightier than the sword. metonymy 5. Proverbs are the wisdom of the streets. Пословицы-это мудрость улиц Metonymy 6. As things were he had to put his pride in his pocket - he couldn't quarrel with his bread and butter. Metaphor (A. Cronin). 7. Fortune gives her hand to a bold man. Metonymy 8. It's well known, isn't it, that her circle is very free and easy легко. Всем известно, не правда ли, что люди ее круга свободны от всяких предрассудков и не признают условностей? metonymy (J. Galsworthy). 9. We're badly in need of new blood. Нам нужны свежие силы в искусстве. Metaphor (A. Cronin). 10. His tongue failed him. Metonymy 11. How is the world treating you? А тебе как живётся? Metonymy12. Hungry bellies have no ears. соловья баснями не кормят

2) Пословица: у голодного брюха нет уха Metaphor 13. Idleness is the moth­er of all evil. праздность - мать всех пороков Metaphor 14. Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. легко попасть в беду, да трудно с ней разделаться Metonymy 15. The captain was ashore, where he had been engaging some new hands to make up his full crew. Metaphor

Assignment 10. Point out metonymy among metaphor. Define its stylistic function in each case:

1. Father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. Metaphor 2. Pat's got somebody in her mind's eye. Воображение Metonymy (K. S. Prichard). 3. The heart that once truly loves never forgets. Metonymy 4. The heads of the church and State reaped only that which they had sown. Главы церкви и государства пожинают лишь то, что они посеяли. Metonymy (Th. Macaulay). 5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Разлука укрепляет чувства. Metaphor 6. He was tolerably stricken in years by this time. Metaphor Он был пристарелым к тому времени (Ch. Dickens). 7. The servant answered the bell. Metonymy 8. An enemy's mouth seldom speaks well. Metonymy 9. He's hand in glove with you against me. Metaphor Друзья (A. Cronin). 10. We're ruled by the inven­tors and human nature, and we live in Queer Street, Mr. Desert. Metonymy (J. Galswor­thy). 11. Young man, you're ready with your tongue. За словом в карман не полезешь, Metonymy (D. Cusack). 12. The company found their tongues at last. Metaphor снова заговорить (H. Caine). 13. Flesh and blood could not stand the strain. человеческая природа не может сдерживатся, metonymy(A. Doyle). 14.1 saw him down at the hotel shouting the drinks for Sam. I think he's pretty fond of the bottle now. Пристрастился к алкоголю. Metonymy (J. Aldridge). 15. Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings. Meyaphor

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