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I Am a Student

Becoming a doctor is a dream for millions of students around the world. Students can get higher medical education in Ukraine at post-secondary higher educational institutions called medical universities, which are separate from traditional universities. The procedure of admission to medical universities has changed greatly recently. Nowadays, Ukrainian school-leavers do not take any entrance exams. Medical universities admit their students on the basis of the results of the External Independent Testing, which students take after their final school year.

Medical universities teach subjects such as human anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology, internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, psychiatry, genetics, and pathology. Medical students typically engage in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their tenure at a medical university. The course structure is divided into pre-clinical (year 1-3) and clinical part (year 3-6): the pre-clinical part of medical education includes theoretical learning in areas such as anatomy, physiology, ethics, psychology and biochemistry, the clinical one includes learning surgery, obstetrics and paediatrics. At the clinical subjects students learn to diagnose different diseases, to carry out laboratory analyses and treat people for different diseases.

During their course of studies medical students attend lectures and have practical classes in different subjects. They perform different laboratory works and attend the dissecting room to gain deep knowledge of Anatomy. They go to the library to get ready for their classes.

Each academic year is usually divided into two terms. At the end of each term students have to take tests or exams in different subjects.

After their third year of studies medical students have a practical training, during which they work as nurses. After the fourth year they have another practical training. This time they work as doctors’ assistants at therapeutic, surgical and other departments in hospitals. After graduation from medical universities, young doctors work as interns at a large hospital for two years, specializing in one of the fields of medicine.

Studying at a medical university is often hard, but people choosing medicine for their future career should understand that it is necessary to study hard to become good specialists able to save human lives.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. Where can students get higher medical education?

2. How do medical universities admit their students?

3. What do medical universities teach?

4. What does the pre-clinical part of medical education include?

5. What does the clinical part of medical education include?

6. What do medical students do during their course of studies?

7. Why do medical students attend the dissecting room?

8. How many terms is each academic year divided into?

Exercise 8. Find corresponding equivalents in the text:

медицина внутрішніх хвороб, клінічний курс, відвідувати лекції, мати практичні заняття з різних дисциплін, здобувати глибокі знання з анатомії, наприкінці кожного семестру, виконувати лабораторні роботи, відвідувати анатомічний театр; вчитися діагнозувати різні хвороби, приймати студентів на основі результатів зовнішнього незалежного тестування, проводити лабораторні аналізи; лікувати людей від різних хвороб, здобувати досвід, працювати асистентами лікарів, складати вступні іспити, українські випускники

Exercise 9. Form the names of specialists from the names of professional fields

a) with the help of suffix -ist

For example: pharmacology – pharmacologist

Dermatology, physiology, neurology, immunology, gynecology, anesthesiology, pathology, traumatology, neurology, ophthalmology, oncology, urology, endocrinology, venereology, psychiatry.

b) with the help of suffix -ian

For example: paediatrics – paediatrician

Obstetrics, physics, technics, electrics

Exercise 10. Match the specialties with their definitions:

1. psychiatry

2. pharmacology

3. paediatrics

4. neurology

5. obstetrics

6. gynecology

7. anesthesiology

8. surgery

a) the medical science that deals with the nervous system and disorders affecting it;

b) the branch of medicine that deals with the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth;

c) the branch of medicine dealing with health care for women, especially the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive organs;

d) the branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders;

e) the branch of medicine that deals with the study and application of anesthetics;

f) the branch of medicine concerned with treating disease, injuries, etc, by means of manual or operative procedures;

g) the branch of medical science concerned with children and their diseases;

h) the science of drugs, including their characteristics and uses.









Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with the following words or word combinations:

neurology; engage; surgery, obstetrics and paediatrics; academic year; tenure;

higher educational institution; terms; attend lectures; gynecology; to gain deep knowledge

1. Each … is usually divided into two …

2. A medical university is a post –secondary …

3. During their course of studies medical students … and have practical classes in different subjects.

4. Medical students typically … in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their …in medical school.

5. Students perform different laboratory works and attend dissecting room… of Anatomy.

6. The clinical part of the course includes learning … .

7. … is the field of medicine dealing with the diseases of the nervous system.

8. Gynecologists work in the field of … .

Exercise 12. Choose the suitable pronoun or possessive adjective for each gap:

1. (I/me) often see (him/his) at the university.

2. (She/her) doesn’t live with (she/her) parents.

3. (He/Him) looks like (his/him) father.

4. Do (you/your) know (my/me) brother?

5. (They/them) invited (our/us) to the party.

6. (We/us) like the car, (it/its) colour is too bright.

7. Where does (their/them) sister live?

8. (I/my) don’t like (him/his).

Exercise 13. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

1. They are in the classroom.

2. He is a student.

3. I am at home.

4. They were busy two hours ago.

5. He was here in the morning.

6. She will be back soon.

7. The students are in the dissecting room.

8. You were at the university yesterday.

Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. She was in the dissecting room yesterday.

2. They will be happy to see you tomorrow.

3. She is at home now.

4. They were in Odessa last summer.

5. He is at the blackboard.

6. You are right.

7. I will be there soon.

8. He was in the library yesterday morning.

Exercise 15. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb “to be”:

1. Ann …in class 10 minutes ago.

2. We …in class now.

3. They … at home tonight.

4. … he at work now?

5. Who … here tomorrow?

6. When … you busy?

7. How old …her father at that time?

8. Who …in London 5 years ago?

Exercise 16. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions:

1. They will have classes … different subjects during their first year at the university.

2. Becoming a doctor is a dream … millions of students around the world.

3. … the end of each term students take module controls …most subjects.

4. Thousands of young people … the world enter medical schools every year.

5. They didn’t have time to get ready … their exam.

6. Studying medicine can lead … career as a doctor.

7. Traditionally the course structure is divided …the pre-clinical and clinical parts.

8. The course structure and length vary greatly … countries.

Exercise 17. Match two parts of the sentences below to make an explanation of what a meical student is:

1. A medical student is

2. Medical students study

3. They study a lot of subjects,

4. Medical students typically engage

5. After graduation from the university,

а) medical students become doctors;

b) is a student who studies medicine;

c) such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Histology and others;

d) at medical universities;

e) in both basic science and practical clinical coursework during their tenure at a medical school.






Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps with the words from the table below to get an explanation of what is a medical university:

such faculties; teach; post-secondary; future doctors; the course structure

1. A medical university is a … higher educational institution.

2. It teaches … .

3. A medical university has … as medical, dental and pharmaceutical.

4. Medical universities … subjects such as human anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology, internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, psychiatry, genetics, and pathology.

5. Traditionally, … at a medical university is divided into a pre-clinical and a clinical part.

Exercise 19. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “academic year”:

__After each term, students usually have holidays.

__In Ukraine the academic year lasts from September till July.

__At the end of each term students have to take exams in some subjects.

__An academic year is a period of time, when students have classes.

__Usually, each academic year is divided into two terms.

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