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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення:

завдяки зусиллям видатного вченого

інтернатура та магістратура

оборудувати лікарні та клініки

науково-дослідна лабораторія

оволодіти сучасними медичними технологіями

бути створеним на основі медичного факультету

відділення судово-медичної патології

наказ Кабінету Міністрів України

проводити підготовку студентів

бути заснованим в Одесі

II. Дайте відповіді на питання:

When was Odesa Medical University founded?

How many faculties are there at Odesa National Medical University now?

When was status of the University given to Odessa Medical Institute?

Where is the post-diploma specialization carried out?

What are the clinical bases and bases of practical training of ONMedU?

III. Розкрийте поняття:





Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

administer, v


назначати; давати (ліки)

call in, prep v

[ˈkɔ:l ˈin]

викликати (лікаря)

chart, n


таблиця, графік, карта

complain (of), v


скаржитися на

complaint (of), n



consult, v


звертатися (до лікаря)

diagnosis, n



ENT-doctor, n


[ˈi:ˈenˈti: ˈdɔktə]


fill in, v

[ˈfil ˈin]

заповнювати, вписувати

physician, n


лікар, терапевт

reception, n


прийом, отримання

regimen, n



sick-leave, n

[ˈsik ˈli:v]

лікарняний листок

urinalysis, n


аналіз сечі

Exercise 2. Read correctly. Translate the words without dictionary:

-ea- [i:]: disease, reason, sick-leave, treatment, weak, speak, heat, seasonal;

-ea- [e]: head, bread, dead, already, death, health, measure, pleasure;

-cian [ʃ(ə)n]: physician, obstetrician, pediatrician, phthisiatrician, musician;

-tion [ʃ(ə)n]: examination, administration, medication, combination, injection, condition, instruction;

-sis (sing.) [sis] ––˃ -ses (pl.) [siz]: analysis – analyses, diagnosis – diagnoses, crisis – crises, synthesis – syntheses, thesis – theses.

Exercise 3. Form different parts of speech. Translate the pairs of words. Make up your own sentences with them:

a) form adjectives from nouns with the help of the suffix –y: word, sleep, health, air, ease, heart, blood;

b) form adverbs from adjectives with the help of the suffix –ly: wide, high, clear, deep, serious, intensive, necessary, direct, surgical, usual;

c) form the names of specialists (nouns) with the help of the suffix –ist: neurology, gynaecology, physiology, anatomy, dermatology, endocrinology, traumatology, therapy, urology, oncology, ophthalmology.

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them. Make up sentences of your own:

to consult: to consult a neurologist, to consult an ENT-doctor, to consult the patients, a consulting doctor, consulting hours;

to make: to make a correct diagnosis, to make a procedure, to make a blood test, to make an experiment, to make an exception;

to complain: to complain of poor health, to complain of headache, to complain of problems, to complain of heart discomfort, to complain of bad care;

to administer: to administer treatment, to administer certain drugs, to administer pain-killers, to administer intramuscular injections, to administer some procedures;

analysis: blood analysis, urinalysis, feces analysis, laboratory analyses, biochemical analyses.

Exercise 5. Join the words from two columns so as to make up word-combinations. Translate them:



1. consulting

a) chart

2. to be on

b) institution

3. temperature

c) patients

4. medical

d) diagnosis

5. a definite number of

e) card

6. a patient’s

f) room

7. correct

g) a sick-leave

8. proper

h) regimen

9. bed

i) an injection

10. to give

j) treatment

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

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