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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

І. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення:

оглядати госпіталізованих хворих

заповнювати історію хвороби

приймати прописані ліки

викликати несприятливі реакції

назначати різні процедури

ставити крапельницю

сприяти швидкому одужанню

робити уколи

попередити шлункові проблеми

проводити дослідження шлунку натщесерце

ІІ. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

What are the duties of a nurse?

Where are the drugs usually kept at hospital?

What is usually written in a patient’s case history?

What procedures can a ward doctor administer to a patient?

Why aren’t patients allowed to take the medicines themselves?

ІІІ. Розкрийте поняття:


Emergency Medical Service

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

adhesive plaster, n

[əd'hi:siv 'pla:stə]


ampoule, n



antibiotics, n, pl.



artificial, adj.



antipyretics, n, pl.


жарознижувальні засоби

disposable syringe, n

[disˈpəuzəbl si’rinʤ]

одноразовий шприц

emetics, n, pl.


засоби, які викликають блювоту

enema, n



first-aid kit, n

[ˈfɜ:st ˈeid ˈkit]

медична аптечка

injury, n


пошкодження, травма

iodine, n



non-registered nurse, n

[ˏnɔnˈreʤistəd ˈnɜ:s]

молодша медична сестра

paramedic, n



severe, adj.



suppository, n



team, n


бригада (швидкої допомоги)

tourniquet, n



vial, n



Exercise 2. Read correctly:

qu [kw]: quick, equip, equipment, liquid, frequent, queen, question, request;

qu [k]: cheque, tuque, toque, unique, technique, plaque, physique, picturesque;

qua [kwɔ:]: quantity, quality, quarter, quarrel, quadrant, squad, qualification;

et [kei]: tourniquet, bouquet, sachet, ballet, carnet, cabaret.

Exercise 3. a) Form different parts of speech. Explain the meaning of affixes:

1) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix ion: to dictate, to state, to inject, to protect, to consult, to obstruct, to erupt, to complete;

2) form nouns from the verbs with the suffix –er: to teach, to lecture, to write, to read, to work, to help, to examine, to drive;

3) form nouns from adjectives with the suffix –ness: ill, weak, dark, great, kind, happy, lazy, tough;

4) form adjectives from verbs with the suffix –able: to consider, to change, to eat, to absorb, to drink, to rely, to reason, to question.

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences:

to provide: to provide population with medicines, to provide body with oxygen, to provide the injured people with first aid, to provide hospitals with things for medical care, to provide the patient with pills;

to contain: to contain first-aid things, to contain narcotic drugs, to contain harmful substances, to contain iodine and brilliant green, to contain masks for personal protection;

to relieve: to relieve pain, to relieve toothache, to relieve anxiety, to relieve fear, to relieve seizures;

to receive: to receive the call, to receive the findings of analyses, to receive the doctor’s instructions, to receive symptomatic treatment, to receive antibiotic therapy.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

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