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1.Everyone interesting in approach to the study of a foreign language. The first step in learning a foreign language is understanding first (native) language.

It is believed that the first language is acquired unconsciously, from birth. A knowledge of second language is achieved through a conscious study of the structure of language.

First language acquisition is mostly passive. We listen to the people around us, their speech melody, their sounds, their words, and their sentence structures. Before we can even read or write a single word in our first language, we already use an impressive vocabulary and many important grammar structures. Some people never learn how to read or write but still speak their first language fluently.

Babies learn rules while listening to the people around them. They are able to distinguish sentence structures at the early age of seven months as experiments have shown. They also pick up new words from their surrounding people. At the age of six, most children have acquired their native language without any effort.

But this does not mean that the instruction is not required for the study of the first language.

Second language learning, on the other hand, is an active process. We need to learn vocabulary and grammar in order to achieve our goal. Most people will need an instructor, either a teacher at school or the instructions of a course book or audio course. If we ever want to achieve fluency or near fluency in a second language, it requires years of studying and likely a long stay in another country. Many people will never reach anywhere near fluency with any second language.

Most experts see the ages between three to four years as the critical age when first language acquisition ends and second language learning begins.

Of course, learning the first and second languages are different, but it has a lot in common.

At first, in the study of both first and second language, there are certain steps.

Common to both language learning is that the student will make mistakes at certain stages.

Students should imagine the structure of the language.

In the initial stages of learning, learners may use chunks of language without breaking them down or processing them as independent units.

With each new stage of the program, students begin to explore new blocks of language, they may make new errors.

In the study of both languages, a student uses hints, using their prior knowledge, trying to understand what's inside tongue.

In both first and second language acquisition, age is an important variable affecting proficiency. 

In both situation a learner's proficiency can vary across situations.

In the study of both the first and second language grammar plays an important role. While learning a second language grammar influences student through the first language or separately.

Despite the fact that the amount of information that is necessary to remember when you learning a foreign or native language is identical, there are some differences in the assimilation of information

learning a foreign language takes place mainly in the classroom.

In the study of first language - grammar is universal. In the study of a second language, we can based on the grammar of the first language, to find similarities and differences.

As a first language is taught from birth it takes place some time before the child begins to put words into sentences. In the study of a second language, this process is accelerated.

When you learning second languge you can consciously analyze and manipulate grammatical structures, and they can explicitly describe how language works. This can speed the learning process.

In the study of a second language, you can apply your experience of the first language to use well-known circuits and strategies.

In the study of a second language you may have not enough practice.

A comparison of the language acquisition process shows that the main differences between them are in the concepts of "controlled" and "uncontrolled" language acquisition, as well as "artificial" and "natural" language environment.

2. When we learn first language, we still do not understand what is a foreign language, and knowledge of a foreign language is going to have in mind as a puzzle, a long time we learn something before we head develops a picture of language, his system, plus training, automatism. When a person begins to learn a second language, he already has the experience, the presentation of this system. You do not need to explain some things, that is there are many things that a person already knows, because he has already experienced pupil. He knows about himself some things: how it is better to remember the words, how he will be more successful in lerning.

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