2.4 Кб
/*  dir.h

    Defines structures, macros, and functions for dealing with
    directories and pathnames.

    Copyright (c) 1987, 1992 by Borland International
    All Rights Reserved.

#if !defined(__DIR_H)
#define __DIR_H

#if !defined(___DEFS_H)
#include <_defs.h>

#ifndef _FFBLK_DEF
#define _FFBLK_DEF
struct  ffblk   {
    char        ff_reserved[21];
    char        ff_attrib;
    unsigned    ff_ftime;
    unsigned    ff_fdate;
    long        ff_fsize;
    char        ff_name[13];

#define WILDCARDS 0x01
#define EXTENSION 0x02
#define FILENAME  0x04
#define DIRECTORY 0x08
#define DRIVE     0x10

#define MAXPATH   80
#define MAXDRIVE  3
#define MAXDIR    66
#define MAXFILE   9
#define MAXEXT    5

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int         _CType chdir( const char _FAR *__path );
int         _CType _FARFUNC findfirst( const char _FAR *__path,
                              struct ffblk _FAR *__ffblk,
                              int __attrib );
int         _CType _FARFUNC findnext( struct ffblk _FAR *__ffblk );
void        _CType _FARFUNC fnmerge( char _FAR *__path,
                            const char _FAR *__drive,
                            const char _FAR *__dir,
                            const char _FAR *__name,
                            const char _FAR *__ext );
int _CType _FARFUNC _fnsplit(const char _FAR *__path,
                            char _FAR *__drive,
                            char _FAR *__dir,
                            char _FAR *__name,
                            char _FAR *__ext );
int _CType _FARFUNC fnsplit( const char _FAR *__path,
                            char _FAR *__drive,
                            char _FAR *__dir,
                            char _FAR *__name,
                            char _FAR *__ext );
int         _Cdecl getcurdir( int __drive, char _FAR *__directory );
char _FAR * _Cdecl _FARFUNC getcwd( char _FAR *__buf, int __buflen );
int         _Cdecl getdisk( void );
int         _Cdecl mkdir( const char _FAR *__path );
char _FAR * _Cdecl _FARFUNC mktemp( char _FAR *__template );
int         _Cdecl rmdir( const char _FAR *__path );
char _FAR * _CType _FARFUNC searchpath( const char _FAR *__file );
int         _Cdecl setdisk( int __drive );
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* __DIR_H */

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