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Английский язык. Кр. 1. Вар. 1

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Чтение. Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его в письменной форме

1. Russia, a land of great scholars, has been a leading centre of culture, science and education in Europe for centuries. The country of Pushkin, Tolstoi, Chekhov, Mendeleyev, Pavlov attracts people all over the world for education. Now Russian universities welcome international students and graduates of Russian universities are in demand in western countries.

2. The higher education system in Russia has a distinguished reputation in the world. The standard of the higher education in Russia is considered to be one of the best in the world with advanced and sophisticated teaching methods and scientific approaches. Russian degrees have gained global recognition.

3. Russian universities offer programs that meet the needs of international students. All the programs are targeted to prepare students for university graduation and successful careers in medicines. International graduates from Russian universities are now achieving their ambitions in leading clinics and companies working in the sphere of medicine all over the world.

4. Knowledge and practical skills, received by students, along with the international recognition of these universities, permit their graduates to seek various opportunities .

5. Students going to Russia have to live among people whose manners and customs are likely to be different from theirs. While the primary object of their going abroad is to secure advanced education and training for which they leave their country and stay in a foreign land, travelling and living abroad in themselves are bound to provide valuable education and experience. Personal contacts with other people and understanding their ways of life and culture widen their mental horizon and their outlook on life generally.

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1. Russia, a land of great scholars, has been a leading centre of culture, science and education in Europe for centuries. The country of Pushkin, Tolstoi, Chekhov, Mendeleyev, Pavlov attracts people all over the world for education.

Now Russian universities welcome international students and graduates of Russian universities are in demand in western countries.

1.Россия – страна великих ученых, ведущий центр культуры, науки и образования в Европе на протяжении столетий. Страна Пушкина, Толстого, Чехова, Менделеева, Павлова притягивает людей всего мира для образования.

Теперь российские университеты приглашают иностранных студентов и лиц, окончивших высшую школу западных странах.

2. The higher education system in Russia has a distinguished reputation in the world. The standard of the higher education in Russia is considered to be one of the best in the world with advanced and sophisticated teaching methods and scientific approaches. Russian degrees have gained global recognition.

Система высшего образования в России пользуется репутацией в мире. Стандарт высшего образования России считается одним из лучших в мире, вместе с продвижением и усовершенствованием методов обучения и научных подходов.

Российские звания достигают мирового признания.

3. Russian universities offer programs that meet the needs of international students.

All the programs are targeted to prepare students for university graduation and successful careers in medicines.

International graduates from Russian universities are now achieving

their ambitions in leading clinics and companies working in the sphere of medicine all over the world.

Российские университеты предлагают программы, которые востребованы иностранными студентами.

Все программы целенаправленно подготавливают студентов для окончания университета и успешной карьеры в медицине.

Иностранные выпускники российских университетов теперь достигают своих

амбиций в руководящих клиниках и компаниях, работающих в сфере медицины по всему миру.

4. Knowledge and practical skills, received by students, along with the international recognition of these universities, permit their graduates to seek various opportunities.

Знания и практическое мастерство, полученные студентами, только наряду с международным признанием, позволяют реализовать различные возможности.

5. Students going to Russia have to live among people whose manners and customs are likely to be different from theirs.

While the primary object of their going abroad is to secure advanced education and training for which they leave their country and stay in a foreign land, travelling and living abroad in themselves are bound to provide valuable education and experience.

Personal contacts with other people and understanding their ways of life and culture widen their mental horizon and their outlook on life generally.

Студент будет жить в России среди людей, где традиции и обычая, скорее всего, отличны от его.

Оставив свою страну и отправившись в чужую для получения образования, он обязан обеспечить себе средства к существованию.

Личные контакты с другими людьми и понимание своего пути в жизни и культуре, как правило, расширяют

умственный горизонт и перспективы на жизнь.

Задание 2. Выпишите встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова и переведите их.

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горизонт, кругозор


1.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму (Present, Past, Future Simple , Present Continuous) и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык:

1. He (to pass) his exams successfully last term.

2. She (to work) hard at her English now.

3. My brother usually (to get) only good marks.

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He passed his exams successfully last term. 

Он сдал свои экзамены успешно до конца семестра.

She  is  working hard at her English now.

Сейчас она усердно работает над своим английским.

My brother usually gets only good marks.

Мой брат обычно получает только хорошие отметки.

2.Расположите слова в нужной последовательности, чтобы получилось предложение и переведите эти предложения на русский язык, используя оборот There is/ are:

1. Many students, there are, in our group.

2. In our laboratory, modern equipment, there is.

3. There are, in our country many universities.

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There are many students in our group.

Многие студенты из нашей группы.

There is modern equipment in our laboratory.

В нашей лаборатории современное оборудование.

There are many universities in our country.

В нашей стране много университетов.

3.Выберите нужную форму глаголов to be и to have и переведите предложения на русский язык

1. He (is, was, will be) an engineer in five years.

2. She usually ( has, have, had) a lot of homework.

3. History (is, was, will be) my favorite subject at school.

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He is an engineer in five years.

Он станет инженером через пять лет.

She usually has a lot of homework.

Она обычно имеет много домашних заданий.

History is my favorite subject at school.

История есть мой любимый предмет в школе.

4. Поставьте прилагательное в нужную форму степени сравнения и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. English is (difficult) subject for me.

2. Mathematics is (little) interesting than Physics for him.

3. History is (easy) than Philosophy for me.

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English is more difficult subject for me.

Английский трудный предмет для меня.

Mathematics is less interesting than Physics for him.

Математика для него менее интересна, чем физика.

History is easier than Philosophy for me.

История для меня легче, чем философия.