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Mamma in prison, can you? Well, would you rather get out now and her marry Maltravers, or wait until you do get out and marry her yourself'? She was rather definite about it."

Paul thought of Professor Silenius's "In ten years she will be worn out," but he said:

"I'd rather she waited if you think she possibly can."

"I though you'd say that, Paul. I'm so glad. Mamma said: 'I won't say I don't know how I shall be able to make up to him for all this, because I think he knows I can." Those were her words. I don't suppose you will get more than a year or so, will you?"

"God Lord, I hope not," said Paul.

His sentence of seven years' penal servitude was rather a blow. "In ten years she will be worn out," he thought as he drove in the prison van to Blackstone Goal.

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