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What is success?

Nowadays the words “success” and “successful” are on everyone’s lips. What is success and what does it mean to be successful? Millions of people from all over the world are trying to find the answers on these questions. So what's the meaning of these concepts? The more I think about it, the more I understand that there is no a single answer.

All the people on our planet are different. Each of us is a unique personality, so it’s impossible to find two people with the same thoughts and feelings, as well as to give an unambiguous definition of success.

Everyone has a dream, which usually turns into a life purpose. And achieving this purpose we regard as a success. Someone sees success in a career, someone wants to be rich or dedicate the life to the travelling, someone wants to become a musician or an actor or to build a strong, happy family and so on. As for me, success isn’t a specific thing. A successful career or family will not make me happy separately. Firstly, I want to have a good job, a loving family, loyal friends and to be able to do what I love. Only if I am realized in all spheres of life, I will be happy and successful person.

Success is the realization of human soul, his talents; it’s something special for every person. So we should not imitate each other, we should choose our own path, our purpose in life and to pursue it. Because there is no obstacle is ever insurmountable, our success is in our hands.