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A fragment of a lesson with the art technology: the game “Crocodile”

The goal: to develop skills of reading, speaking, working in groups, to develop imagination.

Equipment: cards with the words:

Woodpecker –дятел

Ram – баран

Heron – цапля

Swallow – ласточка

Peacock – павлин

Penguin – пингвин

Raccoon a gargle – енот – полоскун

Cobra – кобра

Hamster – хомяк

Elephant – слон

The course of a fragment of a lesson with the art technology

Teacher: Today we will play in one game. I think everyone of you know it. It's called “Crocodile”. The theme of the game is "animals". Here are the cards with the words. One by one you pick the card and try to show to the class the word which is written on the card. Do you have any questions?”

If pupils have no questions, the game begins. One by one pupils pick the card and try to show to the class the word which is written on the card.

When all the words are shown the teacher discuss the game with the class.

Teacher: “Whether you liked the game? Did you learn new words? Would you like to play this game another time?”

Pupils express their opinion.

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