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Statistical analysis of the data on your pc

Medical statistics. Basic terms and concepts

"There are three types of fraud: Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

  (English. There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics)

Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister)

Information (from Lat. Informatio - «clarification, presentation, awareness") - information about anything, regardless of its format.

Statistics - a branch of knowledge, which sets out the general issues of collection, measurement and analysis of massive statistical (quantitative or qualitative) data; study of the quantitative aspect of mass social phenomena in numerical form

Statistical methods - methods of statistical data analysis. Allocate methods of applied statistics, which can be used in all areas of research and all sectors of the economy, and other statistical methods, which limited the applicability of a particular area.

Applied Statistics - the science of how to handle the data of an arbitrary nature.

Biomedical information - is information about the properties of biological objects and phenomena that are the subject of medical research, as well as ideas and judgments about these properties and phenomena.

Biomedical information can be of the following types:

1) The primary data used for imaging in medical diagnosis. Information obtained using the complex of diagnostic methods such as X-ray computerized tomography (AT), the automated ultrasonic imaging and other techniques. In the course of the survey receiver radiation (X-ray or ultrasound) diagnostic systems accumulates the necessary data about the object, but to produce an image with the desired angle, it is necessary to produce a reorganization of the data. This requires a larger number of calculations, the amount of which depends on the desired spatial resolution and brightness. Currently, for a typical X-ray tomography is required to perform several hundreds of millions of individual computational operations. Thus processing of raw data must occur in real time, i.e. with a minimum duration of the procedure from exposure to the patient until the results of the analysis.

2) The results of individual surveys of individual patients in hospitals (health center, clinic, etc.). This laboratory blood and urine et al., X-rays general, ECG, etc. This information is necessary in a complex for the correct and timely diagnosis and choice of treatment. Efficient delivery of such information requires the creation of specialized databases.

3) statistical information on biological objects obtained from the medical and statistical research. For example, studies the number of leukocytes in the blood of the conditions for determining the level of any harmful substances in the blood for a variety of physiological conditions and so on. E. Processing of such information requires the use of mathematical techniques, in particular mathematical statistics. The application of these methods to medicine called medical statistics, and application to biology in general - biological statistics.

4) The information in the field of biochemical research materials, for example, in the synthesis of new drugs. With the help of specialized hardware and software to become possible to study in detail the structure of complex macromolecules and their reactive binding sites and explore the spatial interaction of receptors with chemically active sites of potentially useful drugs, as well as the dynamics of these molecular interactions.