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Міністерство освіти та науки україни



Кафедра іноземних мов

Методичні вказівки

для практичних та самостійних занять

з англійської мови до теми

«Вчений. Науково-технічна діяльність»

(для аспірантів, здобувачів та магістрів ПДАБА)

Дніпропетровськ 2010

Методичні вказівки для практичних та самостійних занять з англійської мови до теми: „Вчений. Науково-технічна діяльність”(для аспірантів, здобувачів та магістрів ПДАБА)/ Укладачі : Дружиніна Л.В., Шашкіна Н.І., Лазуренко Л.А.- Дніпропетровськ: ПДАБА, 2010. - 39 с.

Методичні вказівки призначені для аудиторної та самостійної роботи аспірантів та здобувачів при підготовці до складання кандидатського іспиту з англійської мови. Ця тема є у складі програми підготовки магістрів ПДАБА. Основна мета посібника – утворення словникового запасу з наукової праці та розвинення навичок монологічного та діалогічного висловлювання та читання. Тексти та вправи методичних вказівок сприяють взаємозв’язаному розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності за пропонованою тематикою.

Укладачі: доц. Дружиніна Л.В.,

доц. Шашкіна Н.І.,

доц. Лазуренко Л.А.

Відповідальний за випуск: канд. філол. наук., доц. Шашкіна Н.І.

Рецензенти: Потураєва Л.В., канд. філол. наук., доц. ДНУ;

Гальченко І.А., ст.викл. ПДАБА.

Затверджено на засіданні

кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол №7 від 01.03.10

Зав. каф. Шашкіна Н. І.

Затверджено на засіданні

методичної ради ПДАБА

Протокол №5(65) від 20.04.10.

Conversational topic 1.Postgraduate Course. Scientific work

Part 1. Oral practice. 1. Listen, repeat and remember:

  • post-graduate course - аспирантура

post-graduate student - аспирант

to become a post-graduate student - поступить в аспирантуру

master – магистр

to become a master – поступить в магистратуру

  • qualifying exam - кандидатский экзамен

  • to take qualifying exam - сдавать кандидатский экзамен

  • investigation - исследования

  • to carry out an investigation - проводить исследования

  • a thesis - диссертация

  • to prepare a thesis on - готовить диссертацию по теме…………..

  • higher degree thesis on - кандидатская диссертация

  • to prepare a higher degree thesis on - готовить кандидатскую диссертацию

  • to employ suitable techniques - использовать соответстующие методы

  • original contribution to knowledge – самостоятельные исследования, отличающиеся новизной

  • practical application - практическая значимость

  • to pursue the programme - выполнять программу

  • research publications - научные публикации

  • to prepare research publications - готовить научные публикации

  • to prepare written report on the work carried out - подготовить отчет о проделанной работе

  • theoretical and applied knowledge - теоретическое и прикладное исследование

  • supervisor - научный руководитель

  • promising topic - перспективная тема

  • to select a promising topic - выбрать перспективную тему

  • to produce significant results - дать весомый результат

  • to finish work in the appointed period of time – закончить работу в назначенный срок

  • critical comments - критические замечания

  • to make critical comments - делать критические замечания

  • the completed work is submitted – окончательный вариант диссертации вынесен на рассмотрение

  • supervisor’s assistance - помощь научного руководителя

  • articles and papers - статьи и доклады

  • to award smb. the higher degree - присуждать ученую степень кандидата наук

  • he holds a doctorate - он – кандидат наук

  • he holds a senior doctorate - он - доктор наук

2. Listen to the English sentences, repeat them and learn:

  • You have become a post-graduate student. Вы поступили в аспирантуру.

  • You’ve become a post-graduate student of the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Вы стали аспирантом ПГАСА.

  • As a post-graduate student you’ll undertake a programme of study and research.

Став аспирантом, вы будете выполнять программу научных исследований.

  • A post-graduate course lasts three years.

Срок обучения в аспирантуре – 3 года.

  • You have to prepare a thesis on your investigation.

Вы должны подготовить диссертацию по материалам вашего исследования.

  • Your work should be an original contribution to knowledge.

Ваша работа должна представлять собой самостоятельное исследование, которое отличается научной новизной.

  • The results of your work should be capable of practical application.

Результаты вашего исследования должны иметь практическое применение.

  • While pursuing your programme you will attend seminars.

Выполняя программу научных исследований, вы будете посещать семинары.

  • You will take your qualifying exam in English.

Вы будете сдавать кандидатский экзамен по английскому языку.

  • You must prepare several research publications.

Вы должны подготовить несколько научных публикаций.

  • I have prepared my written report on the work carried out.

Я подготовил письменный отчет о проделанной работе.

  • Your research may be theoretical or applied, often both.

Ваше исследование может быть теоретическим или прикладным, но часто оно включает в себя элементы одного и другого.

  • Your supervisor will assist you in many ways.

Помощь вашего научного руководителя будет разнообразной.

  • You will meet him at regular intervals to discuss the progress of your work.

Вы будете регулярно встречаться со своим научным руководителем, для того, чтобы обсудить ход работы.

  • He will help you to select a promising topic.

Он поможет выбрать перспективную тему.

  • My supervisor made critical comments on each draft of my thesis.

Мой научный руководитель делал критические замечания по каждому разделу диссертации.

  • You badly need your supervisor’s assistance.

Вам очень нужна помощь вашего научного руководителя.

  • It’s with his assistance that you’ll prepare your written report.

Именно с его помощью вы подготовите письменный отчет.

  • With your supervisor’s assistance, you’ll prepare your written report, articles and papers.

С помощью научного руководителя вы подготовите письменный отчет, статьи и научные доклады.

  • Your thesis will meet the necessary requirements.

Ваша диссертация будет отвечать необходимым требованиям.

  • Your thesis has been accepted by the Academic Council.

Ваша работа принята Ученым Советом.

  • The Academic Council takes the decision to award you higher degree.

Ученый Совет принимает решение о присуждении Вам ученой степени кандидата наук.

Part 2. Grammar exercises.

1.Listen, repeat and translate the following words and state what parts of speech are the words in brackets. Translate them too.


undertake select (selection)

hold produce (production)

carry out review

prepare (preparation) appoint

conduct complete (completion)

employ submit

pursue (pursuit) accept

assist (assistance) award (award)

discuss (discussion)


supervision (supervisor, supervise) qualification

staff core

course subject

investigation (investigate) advice (comment)

skill (skilful) draft

technique requirement

procedure paper

contribution (contribute)


suitable (suit) promising (promise)

academic significant

applied (apply, application) major

theoretical (theory) critical

regular technical

2. Transform the following phrases and translate them:

a) V+N - N+prp+N

PATTERN: to prepare – preparation of a thesis;

to employ suitable techniques to prepare research publications

to pursue a programme to attend seminars

to assist students to select a topic

to review the major sections to award a degree

b) N+N - N+prp+N

PATTERN: a research programme – a programme of research

a staff member;

a thesis draft

a study programme

c)Adj+N - N+which/that+Adj

PATTERN: suitable techniques – techniques that are suitable;

theoretical research regular interval necessary requirements

promising topic significant results relevant matters

critical comments

d) Part. II +N - N+ which/that+V (pass)

PATTERN: prepared publications

the publications which are prepared by…..;

written report

appointed period of time

completed thesis

employed techniques

selected topic

3. Give the sentence that corresponds to each of the following phrases:

PATTERN: the student’s preparation of a thesis

The student has prepared a thesis.

  1. the researcher’s employment of up-to-date techniques,

  2. the student’s pursuit of a programme,

  3. the supervisor’s assistance to the student,

  4. the researcher’s selection of a topic,

  5. the supervisor’s review of the thesis draft,

  6. the scientist’s contributions to knowledge,

  7. the researcher’s investigation of the phenomenon,

  8. the student’s preparation of research publications.

4. Give the phrases from the topic according to the model:

  1. results of significance;

  2. comments of criticism;

  3. matters of relevance;

  4. contributions showing originality;

  5. topic which is likely to give good results;

  6. research which can be put to practical use.

5. Transform sentences from Active Voice to Passive according to the model.

MODEL: Who awards the higher degree in this country?

It is awarded by the Academic Council.

  1. Who supervises your work?

  2. Who carried out this investigation?

  3. Who trains the young researchers?

  4. Who takes the decision to award the higher degree?

  5. Who proposed this technique?

  6. Who used these calculations?

6. Transform sentences from Passive Voice to Active according to the model.

MODEL: A variety of methods was proposed (by our scientists).

Our scientists proposed a variety of methods.

  1. The investigation was conducted with a high level of technical skill (by the young researcher).

  2. Research publications are prepared during the postgraduate course ( by the students).

  3. This problem may be solved in future ( by physicists).

  4. This theory was advanced ( by my supervisor ).

  5. This procedure was developed ( by our laboratory team ).

  6. This technique was employed ( by my colleagues ).

7. Make your opinion by using “should” instead of “may”.

MODEL: The results of your work may find application in industry.

I think the results of your work should find application in industry.

  1. Young researchers may carry out an investigation and prepare a thesis on it.

  2. Young supervisor may assist you in many ways.

  3. You may discuss your difficulties with your supervisor.

  4. Your topic may produce significant results.

  5. You may attend seminars and colloquiums.

Part 3. Text Postgraduate Student and his Research work.

Read the text and notes to it.

We congratulate you as a postgraduate student of the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. It is not an easy task to take a postgraduate course which usually lasts three years. During this period of time you will undertake a programme of study and research.

According to the programme of the postgraduate course you will attend lectures and practical hours, seminars and colloquiums in the core subject of your field, in philosophy and English and then, you will take qualifying exams in these subjects, prepare research publications and written reports on the work carried out with your supervisor’s assistance.

Your scientific work will be done under the supervision of a staff member. You will have to carry out an investigation and prepare a thesis on it. Your higher degree thesis should show that the research has been conducted with a high level of technical skill, that you have employed the most suitable techniques and that the procedures are really of a high academic standard. Your work should be an original contribution to knowledge and its results should have practical application.

Your research may be theoretical or applied, often both. Your scientific supervisor will assist you in many ways:

  • you will discuss the progress of your work with him and get his advise in solving problems;

  • he will help you to select a promising topic and to produce significant results in the appointed period of time;

  • he will review the major sections of your scientific thesis and make critical comments on each draft of it before the completed work is submitted.

If your thesis meets the necessary requirements it will be accepted by the Academic Council which takes the decision to award you the higher degree.


Stuff member: one of those working in an establishment, institution, organization;

to hold a senior doctorate: to hold a scientific degree which corresponds to the Ukrainian degree of Doctor of Science; (doctorate corresponds to the Ukrainian degree of Candidate of Science;

technical skill: practical knowledge and ability to conduct an investigation;

the most suitable techniques: methods which are best for some particular investigation;

procedure: scientifically tested order of doing things while carrying out an experiment;

to conduct research: to investigate something systematically in order to discover and interpret new knowledge;

written report: a written account of one’s achievements

to prepare a paper: to prepare a scientific contribution to be read to a learned society or to be published.

Listen to the text and answer the questions. Compare your answer with the key.

1) What is a research student supposed to do during his postgraduate course?

2) What requirements should a higher degree thesis meet?

3) What does the supervision involve?

4) How do postgraduates report the progress of their work?

5) What should the examinations taken by postgraduates prove?

6) What body has the authority to award a candidate’s degree in your country?

Part 4. Lexical exercises.

1.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

Аспирантура; написать диссертацию; делать что-то профессионально; проводить исследования; использовать соответствующие методы и научные методики; свой вклад в науку; сдавать кандидатские экзамены; основные предметы (дисциплины) данной области знания; готовить научные публикации; готовить письменный отчет; постоянно встречаться с кем-то; обсуждать ход работы; делать значительные результаты; просматривать (читать) основные разделы диссертации; делать небольшие замечания; готовить доклады и статьи по теме диссертации; выбрать перспективную тему магистратура, магистр.

2. Fill in the blanks:

A postgraduate student undertakes a programme of .....and research under the supervision of a ….. member who holds a ……. doctorate. The …… course lasts three years during which …… the student has to carry out an …… and prepare a thesis on it. The ……degree thesis should show that the ..…has been conducted with a high ….. of technical skill. The investigation should be an …… contribution to knowledge. The supervisor ……his student in many ways. The student meets him to ……the progress of his work and ……. his advice in solving…… . With his help the student …… a promising topic likely to …… significant results. The supervisor reviews the …...sections of the thesis and makes critical……on each draft of it before the …… thesis is submitted. If the thesis …..the necessary requirements it is ….. by the Academic Council which takes the …... to award the post-graduate student the …… degree.