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2. Supply "the" or "-":

1. She served ... cold meat and cheese. 2. ... meat we had for lunch last Sunday was very tough. 3. Where did ... life come from? 4. I don't know much about... life of Salvador Dali. 5.1 can't call it... running. It's ... jogging. 6, I ought to be fit with all ... running I do, but I don't feel fit. 7. I think ... red dress will suit you best. ... Red is more your colour. 8. ... watches have become very cheap and very attractive. 9. Most of... watches you see today work on ... quartz. 10. What has been the longest period of... peace in ... history? 11. If you study ... history, you've got to read a lot. 12. ...journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation. 13. ... lives of... poets and ... musicians have often been unbearably difficult. 14. I'm not interested in buying ... silver or ... gold. 15. ... time is ... money. 16.1 can never forget... time I've spent in Paris.

3. Supply "a/an", "the" or "-":

1. We have ... nice apartment in ... centre of St. Petersburg. It is on ... third floor of... new building. It is ... three-room flat with ... kitchen. 2. ... individual has every right to expect personal freedom. ... freedom of ... individual is something worth fighting for. 3. I've got... appointment this afternoon. I've got to go to ... doctor's. 4. We have seen what ... Earth looks like from ... Moon. 5. This is the front room. ... ceiling and ... walls need decorating, but ... floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with ... carpet. 6. Look at this wonderful small computer. ... top lifts up to form ... screen; ... front lifts off to form ... keyboard and ... whole thing weighs only 5 kilos. 7. ... history of ... world is ... history of... war. 8. Is there ... moon round ... planet Venus? 9. ... exercise is good for ... body. 10. Could you pass me ... salt, please?

4. Put in "a/an" or "the":

A Bad Customer

(1) man went into (2) shop and asked for (3) pound of apples which cost one shilling. (4) shopkeeper gave them to him. Then (5) man asked: "Can I exchange (6) apples for (7) pound of plums? (8) price is (9) same." (10) shopkeeper agreed, took back apples and gave him plums. (11) man took them and was going to leave (12) shop. (13) shopkeeper asked him for (14) money. " (15) money for what?" asked (16) man. "(17) for (18) plums," said (19) shopkeeper. "But I gave you (20) apples for (21) plums," answered (22) man. "Well, then, (23) money for (24) apples." "But you still have your apples," said (25) man and walked out of (26) shop. Thank You, I Feel Much Better

(1) doctor whose medical skill was much better than his handwriting, sent (2) invitation to (3) patient who was his friend to spend (4) evening with him. He said that there would be music and other things.

(5) friend did not come, and did not send any explanation. When they met (6) following day, (7) doctor asked whether he had received (8) note.

"Yes, thank you," replied (9) other. "I took it to (10) chemist, he made up medicine and I feel much better already."