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Ecology and Safety Lecture Course.doc
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Ковтун І.І.


Конспект лекцій



Хмельницький 2008

Основи екології та безпека життєдіяльності: конспект лекцій /І.І. Ковтун. – Хмельницький: ХНУ. – 2008.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри БЖД

Протокол № 1 від 11 вересня 2008 р.

В конспекті лекцій розглянуто основні питання стосовно аспектів безпека і екологічність в системі “людина - навколишнє середовище“ з метою забезпечити відповідні сучасним вимогам знання студентів про загальні закономірності виникнення і розвитку небезпек, надзвичайних ситуацій, в першу чергу техногенного характеру, їх властивості, можливий вплив на життя і здоров’я людини та сформувати необхідні в майбутній практичній діяльності спеціаліста уміння і навички для їх запобігання і ліквідації, захисту людей та навколишнього середовища. Конспект лекцій підготовлений на англійській мові і призначений для студентів напряму підготовки 0304 “Міжнародні відносини”.


Ecology and safety is scientific and practical course that studies aspects of safety and ecology in interactions between organisms and their natural environment.

Purpose of the course: providing students with appropriate to modern life knowledge of hazards, emergencies, their characteristics and possible biological effects, practical risk management and protection of environment.

Objectives of the course: studying sources of environment contamination and its health effect; learning practical environmental protection and safety in emergency situations.

Subject: safety and ecology in interactions between people and their natural environment.

At completion of the reading students will have knowledge of:

  • ecology and safety terms;

  • characteristics of environment and its contamination;

  • procedure of risk management;

  • emergency management;

  • provision of a first aid service;

  • properties of protective equipment.

At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • assess contamination of environment;

  • identify potential hazards, their type, intensity, source and location;

  • assess the risk of an accident, its likelihood, consequences and rating;

  • apply the risk controls to improve level of industrial safety and ecology;

  • use personal protective equipment and equipment to protect personnel and people from technical accidents and natural disasters .

Chapter 1 - theory of ecology

1. Ecology terms

Ecosystem (biogeocenosis): a system involving the interactions between a community and its non-living environment.

Biogeocenosis includes biotope and biocenosis.

Biotope: a small area that supports its own distinctive community.

Biocenosis: a diverse community inhabiting a single biotope.

Ecological factors: any environmental condition able to produce direct or indirect effect on community and its interaction.

They are:

  • abiotic – influence of non-living environment;

  • biotic – action of living organisms;

  • anthropogenic – man’s impact;

  • technogenic – industrial impact.

2. Ecology laws

Ecology axioms of Commoner:

  • everything is interconnected;

  • everything should get somewhere;

  • nothing comes for free;

  • nature knows better.

Multitude law: many occasional factors produce result, which is not assumed occasional.

Correlation law: all parts of one organism are interconnected, that’s why changes in one part cause changes in the others.

Le-Shatelie – Braun principle: if system is exposed to external factor, that takes it to imbalance, balance tends to condition reducing effect of external factor.

Law of minimum (the first law in history of ecology): living potential is limited by that environmental factor which is in minimum.

Tolerance law: adds law of minimum and asserts that both minimum and maximum of environmental factors could be limiting.

Diapason between minimum and maximum defines zone of optimum.

3. Natural environment

Environment: totality that includes four components: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.

Atmosphere: the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth and reaches about 3000 km from the earth surface. Modern atmosphere consists of: 78.1% nitrogen, 20.93 % oxygen, 0.08% argon, 0.027% carbon dioxide, and additionally it contains helium, neon, xenon, krypton, hydrogen, ozone, ammonia etc.

Hydrosphere: the watery part of the earth's surface, including oceans, lakes, water vapor in the atmosphere, etc (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Earth waters chart

Lithosphere: the rigid outer layer of the earth, having an average thickness of about 75 km and comprising the earth's crust and the solid part of the mantle. 99.5 % of earth's crust are made from 8 components: oxygen, silicium¸ hydrogen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium. Amount of oxygen and silicium makes 75 % of the total.

The top layer of the land surface of the earth that is composed of disintegrated rock particles, humus, water, and air is soil.

Biosphere: the part of the earth's surface and atmosphere inhabited by living things. The upper limit of biosphere reaches 20-25 km height to the lower boundary of ozone layer. And its lower limit lays at 23 km depth from dry land (bacteria in oil layer) and 1-2 km lower ocean bottom.

The highest achievement of biosphere development advanced by mankind became forming the sphere of mind, civilization – noosphere.

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